Gynecomastia Support Forum
Gynecomastia Forum Doctors => Ask a Doctor => Topic started by: jay123 on December 11, 2015, 04:24:43 PM
Hi Doctors,
I was just wondering if anyone knows how successful leeching theraphy is for hematoma due to gyno surgery? I have a medium sized hematoma three days post op and a medical therapist here claims that leeches can aspirate and suck the blood to treat hematoma on the chest. Would you say it would help at all if i were to try it out?
Thanks in advance!
Yes, medicinal leeches do work for small localized hematomas directly under / within the skin (when blood vessels are overworked and not doing the job). This is usually done in conjunction with reconstructive surgery.
Leeches would not have any use whatsoever in the face of a hematoma -- even though those critters might look at it as the ultimate feast.
Dr Jacobs
I would agree with Dr. Jacobs--Leeches can be useful with certain situations where there is venous congestion in a reimplanted finger or body part, for example, or in other reconstructive flap surgery, but they would not be useful with a hematoma of the sort that occurs in gynecomastia surgery.
Not a good idea ! Leeches are not used for hematoma resolution and in fact have some associated anticoagulation effects. For your information leeches are used to establish venous drainage in some situations.