Gynecomastia Support Forum

General => User Photos => Topic started by: SmokeyNYY on July 12, 2016, 10:05:10 PM

Title: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 12, 2016, 10:05:10 PM
Hello everyone. I had the surgery on Friday.  I had gland removal and lipo performed.  It is now Tuesday 4 days after and I just had my compression bandages removed for good. 
Except for some major bruising and swelling, and the obvious stitches, which will dissolve I think it looks pretty good.  What is everyone else's thoughts?  Would like to hear from doctors as well.  Thanks.
Any questions about my surgery please ask!  And I will be updating this thread with more pictures as time goes on.

Before surgery pictures
4 days after surgery pictures
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: TrailRunner on July 13, 2016, 01:32:26 AM
Great results, bro!  I would be very happy with results like yours. All the best with the healing process and when you're healed up I'd recommend you hit the gym and harden up that body with some muscle. 

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 13, 2016, 09:37:53 PM
I plan on hitting the gym once I heal up.  This surgery was merely the first step in a full body transformation!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: TrailRunner on July 15, 2016, 08:48:19 AM
I plan on hitting the gym once I heal up.  This surgery was merely the first step in a full body transformation!

Awesome! Well, I'm happy for you bro. Thanks so much for sharing and please stay in touch with us here and keep us updated on the overall progress. 

I'm still in the 'before' stage, will be posting pics here soon. I've just started to work on losing some weight first through a change of diet and doing some running. I'm planning to start hitting the gym myself as well after I've built up some half decent stamina. I know it won't really help my gyno as I'm pretty sure I've got mostly breast tissue/glands and only a small part is fat, but oh well, it is what it is. 

Meanwhile I'm saving up to eventually have the surgery. May I ask who performed the procedure on you? 

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: CJC85 on July 15, 2016, 05:57:07 PM
Far too early to tell but it's looks ok so far. Definitely hit the gym and watch your diet and try build some muscle then lose some fat to get even better result.

Make sure you wear your compression and massage when your told toz

Make sure
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 16, 2016, 11:16:40 PM
@ Trailrunner-  Awesome!  Make sure to post those pictures!  I didn't really see the point in getting really ripped before I had the surgery since I would have to sideline myself for 4-6 weeks to heal and lose most of the muscle I gained.  The surgeon that performed my surgery is actually banned from this site for getting too many good reviews and I am guessing taking business away from the other guys on here.  The owners of the site thought it was suspect and fake; however this surgeon performs over 300 surgeries a year and many consider him the best in the country.  The day I went in I was the first one at 930am.  By the time I was out of the recovery room around 1230-1pm he had already performed two more surgeries.  Private message me if you want to know the name.  I don't want to break any rules here.  He is super expensive though and cost me around 12k. 
@CJ  It actually looks amazing now considering its only been 8 days.  I plan on posting more pics at 2 weeks.  I only had to wear the compression garmet for 4 days and am in no pain whatsoever now.  I plan on hitting up the gym once I feel normal, I am assuming in 4-6 weeks.
More pics will be coming at the 2 week mark (It looks friggin amazing though already)
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Dr. Elliot Jacobs on July 18, 2016, 10:07:16 AM
For four days, the results look good -- a bit of swelling and bruising are to be expected.

Give it ample time to heal -- and then hit the gym and try to lose some weight from your abdomen.  Your chest will also get even better in the process.

Dr Jacobs
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 18, 2016, 10:43:27 AM
Thanks for the response Dr. Jacobs! I am thinking at least 4-6 weeks before I start hitting the gym.  I am kind of bummed out because I don't know if i'll be healed enough to hit the beach this summer.  Maybe late August early September. I have been dreaming of the time I can just go to the beach and take off my shirt without any worries in the world.  I usually go once a year anyway but feel awkward.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: George Pope, M.D. on July 20, 2016, 09:22:58 AM
Just be patient - don't hit the gym too soon in order to look great at the beach.  You could develop problems if you get too aggressive with working out too soon.
Great result, BTW.  Allow plenty of time for swelling to go down before you see your final result.  
Dr. Pope, MD
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 22, 2016, 10:38:47 PM
OK guys here are my 2 week pictures.  Thoughts are of course greatly welcomed.

Front 2 weeks


Right side 2 weeks


Left side 2 weeks


If you look closely you can see a "crease" on the left side


Right side no crease


If you look at my before pictures you can see my left side is a bit more saggy and misshapen than my right side, and my nipple isn't as centered. I am guessing this is why there is a bit of a crease.  It really isn't that noticeable and I am still extremely pleased with my results.  I wasn't expecting it to be perfect.  I really think my right side looks amazing though.  I am also experiencing a bit of a dull pain in my left side sometimes.  Nothing major though.  I am going in for a checkup on Monday and i'll voice my concerns with my doctor. Thoughts are of course welcomed!!!!!!!

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: moving_on on July 28, 2016, 02:27:40 AM
Congrats, man! It does look a lot better, a fair amount of mass they removed (the bruising). I have a similar situation as you with my right side being awesome and my left side, while still looking much better, wasn't like my right side and the nipple seemed to be a bit lower (my left side was a bit saggier before the surgery). Just know you'll experience some changes in contour in the first couple months. I'd say after the 3 month mark, it'll pretty much be what it is with more of the changes being the scars and sensation after that point.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 29, 2016, 03:02:37 AM
Congrats, man! It does look a lot better, a fair amount of mass they removed (the bruising). I have a similar situation as you with my right side being awesome and my left side, while still looking much better, wasn't like my right side and the nipple seemed to be a bit lower (my left side was a bit saggier before the surgery). Just know you'll experience some changes in contour in the first couple months. I'd say after the 3 month mark, it'll pretty much be what it is with more of the changes being the scars and sensation after that point.

Thanks!  3 weeks post op and almost all the bruising is gone and the incisions are healing very nicely.  I am actually going to put small band aids over the aeriola incisions and hop on over to the beach tomorrow for a short amount of time.  I read your story and your results look very good.  I find it odd though how I had a very severe case and I didn't need any pumps and the compression bandages were off in 4 days and I didn't need any compression vest at all afterwards.  I guess it depends on how the surgeon does the surgery.  Anyway I will be updating pics in another week or so.  Then after that probably wait another month.  Good luck to you!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on August 08, 2016, 10:39:17 PM
OK guys here are some updated pics after 30 days.



Right side


Left side


When flexing


So far I am pleased with the results.  Of course it isn't perfect.  I understand perfection was impossible with my severe case.  There is a little crease on my left side.  Not very noticeable though unless I point it out.  I also feel a lump on my right side near the side of my breast about 3-4 inches down from my armpit.  It isn't noticeable unless I raise my arm up high.  It may be scar tissue.  Maybe the crease and the lump will go away in time.  But even if they don't I am still very happy and feel a renewed sense of life within me.  I won't be updating this thread until another month has passed.  I will of course reply to responses.

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Dr. Elliot Jacobs on August 09, 2016, 07:50:39 AM
Looking good.

Your belly looks a bit smaller as well -- losing weight, even after surgery, will only improve your results.

Dr Jacobs
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Paa_Paw on August 10, 2016, 07:00:34 PM
Congratulations.  Keep in mind that the skin heals quickly.  It should be completely healed in only a couple of weeks.  Unfortunately, the deeper tissue takes longer.  There could be problems with post operative swelling and other things  for much longer.  If that happens, stay in touch with the Surgeon and continue to follow the Surgeons directions. 
The most important part of the healing process is all up to you. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on August 24, 2016, 02:13:57 PM
Thanks Dr. Elliot and Paws.  I have lost about 10 pounds since the surgery and I am going to start hitting the gym up daily starting today.  I feel great.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: George Pope, M.D. on August 29, 2016, 10:30:12 AM
Your results will only get better with time.  The small lump on the right side that you feel will most likely go away; if not, be sure to mention that to your plastic surgeon.
Hitting the gym will firm up your chest appearance and help your belly even more.  Congrats on the weight loss!  Keep it up!
Dr. Pope, MD
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on September 05, 2016, 08:37:38 PM
OK guys here are the two month pics.  I have been working out for 2 hours each day since 11 days ago with 2 days of rest.  45 minutes cardio-45 minutes weights and 30 min swimming laps.  I plan to continue this workout regimen until I get very defined.  The scars on my nipples are still  noticeable.  Other than that you can't tell I had surgery.  Anyone know how long it will take for the scars to start to fade? Thanks. Thoughts of course are appreciated.

Front 2 months


Right side 2 months


Left side 2 months


Front when flexing Chest


And just  a pic where I look really good for some reason. Must be the lighting hah.


Comparison before/after 2 months.


Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Dr. Elliot Jacobs on September 06, 2016, 05:44:38 AM
Looking good -- glad you have lost weight and are exercising -- it will onbly enhance the results.

The scars usually fade -- but it takes many months, don't be impatient.  Only precaution is to apply sunblock if you expose the scars to direct sunlight.

Dr Jacobs
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on October 16, 2016, 01:25:49 AM
Hey guys.  Its been awhile since I last posted.  Here are some updated pictures about 14 weeks from surgery.  I still have been going to the gym 6 days a week for around 2 hours.  My chest is starting to develop a bit, but still have a long way to go.

Front 14 weeks


Right side 14 weeks


Left side 14 weeks


When flexing


Before Surgery


After 14 weeks


Overall I am very pleased with the results.  The scars are still there however they are slowly fading away.  Responses appreciated of course.

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on October 16, 2016, 08:46:57 AM
Looks awesome bro ! The hard work in the gym is starting to pay off  =)
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on October 16, 2016, 08:48:59 AM
Have you started doing any chest exercises ?
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on October 16, 2016, 07:54:01 PM
Have you started doing any chest exercises ?


Yes I have been doing chest exercises.  I do chest/shoulders/tri's, then next day biceps/back, and then next day core/legs.  And then back to chest/shoulder tri's and so forth.  I have already gone from like 60 bench press (I know pathetic but hard after surgery) to 105 in around 7 weeks. All natural no testosterone.  I am scared to death to do anything with testosterone in it.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on October 16, 2016, 10:49:45 PM
Have you started doing any chest exercises ?


Yes I have been doing chest exercises.  I do chest/shoulders/tri's, then next day biceps/back, and then next day core/legs.  And then back to chest/shoulder tri's and so forth.  I have already gone from like 60 bench press (I know pathetic but hard after surgery) to 105 in around 7 weeks. All natural no testosterone.  I am scared to death to do anything with testosterone in it.

My man!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: thisischris on October 21, 2016, 09:49:01 AM
Hey.  What's your age and weight at time of surgery? 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on October 22, 2016, 12:31:26 AM
age 28
weight before surgery 182
weight most recently 172-most of the fat has converted into muscle
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: chiguy10 on October 24, 2016, 02:57:52 PM
Looks terrific!
Congrats---takes a lot of courage to follow through.
You're an inspiration.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: polpolski on October 31, 2016, 11:01:38 AM
congrats friend, looking forward to updates in the future
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 18, 2016, 11:52:46 PM
So it has been two months since my last update and 23 weeks overall since my surgery. Time for an update!!!!  I have continued to workout around 5-6 days a week for 2-3 hours.  My abs are finally coming in!  My chest still needs a lot more work though.  I am down to around 165 lbs. My goal is to get to 160. Maybe 155 if I really am going to go for the 6 pack.  I hope I can be motivation and inspiration for some people.  If I can do it anyone can. Trust me!

Front 23 weeks


left side 23 weeks


right side 23 weeks


Before surgery picture (23 weeks ago or a little over 5 months)


Present day

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Cthruit on December 19, 2016, 12:53:20 AM
Just went through this entire thread. Incredible. You have completely kicked ass and inspired many, many people. I hope you will stay on here from time to time and help people find the drive they need to make a difference in their lives.

By the way I am 5 weeks post op. Healing nicely but have noticed a crease on right side. Yours looks to be completely gone. Besides your weight loss and muscle gain is there anything else you did to mitigate the appearance of the crease?
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on December 19, 2016, 08:37:50 AM
Sick transformation bro, truly an inspiration. Good job!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 19, 2016, 11:47:52 AM
Just went through this entire thread. Incredible. You have completely kicked ass and inspired many, many people. I hope you will stay on here from time to time and help people find the drive they need to make a difference in their lives.

By the way I am 5 weeks post op. Healing nicely but have noticed a crease on right side. Yours looks to be completely gone. Besides your weight loss and muscle gain is there anything else you did to mitigate the appearance of the crease?

Thank you for your kind words!  Yes I will be here for awhile.  Hopefully I can inspire people.

Wow! I almost completely forgot about that crease I had haha! It basically went away completely.  I have no idea if it was from the weight loss, the muscle gain or just plain father time or all three things.  I am thinking it just needed some time to settle down.  I think you will be fine after a few months but maybe try to hit the gym and do some chest exercises if you have the free time.  It can't hurt.  I am going for a full body transformation which is why I am in the gym for hours at a time.  But if you are just going to do chest exercised all you need is like 20 minutes. Easy peasy.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 19, 2016, 11:51:58 AM
Sick transformation bro, truly an inspiration. Good job!

Thanks dude!

I see you are going for surgery in February. Good luck!!!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on December 19, 2016, 12:40:01 PM
Sick transformation bro, truly an inspiration. Good job!

Thanks dude!

I see you are going for surgery in February. Good luck!!!

Tnx bro!

Yeah, cant wait
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 19, 2016, 01:46:22 PM
Sick transformation bro, truly an inspiration. Good job!

Thanks dude!

I see you are going for surgery in February. Good luck!!!

Tnx bro!

Yeah, cant wait

You should heal up nicely just in time for summer! Good stuff.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on December 19, 2016, 03:40:53 PM
Yeah, that's the plan, then take a trip over to Thailand and chill =)

You know how much gland/fat was taken out?

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 20, 2016, 12:19:49 PM
Yeah, that's the plan, then take a trip over to Thailand and chill =)

You know how much gland/fat was taken out?


I have no idea.  I will ask during my next follow up visit.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: **Gynefor** on December 20, 2016, 03:12:36 PM
What an amazing change between before and now ! You look so great, even more since you've done some workout. Congratulations for this change mate ! Well done ! 

So it has been two months since my last update and 23 weeks overall since my surgery. Time for an update!!!!  I have continued to workout around 5-6 days a week for 2-3 hours.  My abs are finally coming in!  My chest still needs a lot more work though.  I am down to around 165 lbs. My goal is to get to 160. Maybe 155 if I really am going to go for the 6 pack.  I hope I can be motivation and inspiration for some people.  If I can do it anyone can. Trust me!

Front 23 weeks


left side 23 weeks


right side 23 weeks


Before surgery picture (23 weeks ago or a little over 5 months)


Present day

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on January 31, 2017, 11:41:57 PM
Well I went for a checkup today after about 4 months and my doctor was astonished at my transformation.  My last checkup maybe lasted 5 minutes. This one was like 45 minutes of him just staring at my before and after pictures amazed saying that no one would even believe him if he posted these online hahaha. He sent me the whole lot of pictures. Here they are. He told me to come back in another 3-4 months and I told him I should definitely have a 6 pack by then hehe!

Anyway I really upped my chest workout day.  Added a few new workouts and really push myself. Also added another ab day to my rest day hehe. I really want that 6 pack by the summer. So 7x a week. It really does get addicting.

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on January 31, 2017, 11:47:23 PM
Also in certain lighting I have a 4 pack sort of. Sorry for the abundance of pictures and I was going to wait a few more weeks until 2 months until i released new pics but I just don't have many people to share my transformation with and I enjoy the positive vibes. Helps me maintain my motivation. I promise my next batch will be at least 2 months hehe. Maybe i'll wait until summer (4 months).

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on February 02, 2017, 12:37:40 PM
bro. you look amazing. Super job!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on February 02, 2017, 10:52:17 PM
bro. you look amazing. Super job!

Thanks! So when is your surgery scheduled?
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: George Pope, M.D. on February 07, 2017, 12:58:29 PM
That is a great result!  Congratulations on the success obtained through hard work in the gym.  In addition to flattening your belly, your chest has continued to improve over time as residual chest wall fat has melted away and muscle has built up.  Nice job!
Dr. Pope, MD
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on February 09, 2017, 10:59:58 PM
Quote from: Dr. Pope, M.D. link=topic=31902.msg206391#msg206391 date=1486490309
That is a great result!  Congratulations on the success obtained through hard work in the gym.  In addition to flattening your belly, your chest has continued to improve over time as residual chest wall fat has melted away and muscle has built up.  Nice job!
Dr. Pope, MD

Thank you for the kind words!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: chiguy10 on February 10, 2017, 09:37:50 AM
Amazing transformation! What an inspiration for all.
Congrats. :)
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: giggsy on February 11, 2017, 08:32:15 AM
bro. you look amazing. Super job!

Thanks! So when is your surgery scheduled?

Feb 20
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on February 18, 2017, 11:56:07 PM
bro. you look amazing. Super job!

Thanks! So when is your surgery scheduled?

Feb 20

Good luck!!! Let me know how it goes!
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Cristalis on February 25, 2017, 04:04:09 AM
Congrats, you are looking good man! There is a slight deformity in the chest when you flex the pecs hard? Can you post a picture with flexed pecs? 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: TheDiffculitiesofLife on March 02, 2017, 11:51:58 AM
Your body looks amazing now. Who was your doctor?
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on March 04, 2017, 01:26:40 AM
Your body looks amazing now. Who was your doctor?

Thank you!

Private message me for the doctor.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on March 04, 2017, 01:29:13 AM
Congrats, you are looking good man! There is a slight deformity in the chest when you flex the pecs hard? Can you post a picture with flexed pecs?

Here are a few pictures of me flexing chest. No deformities at all. Looks perfect! Really amazing job.

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: TrailRunner on March 31, 2017, 02:54:45 AM
Dude! You've accomplished absolutely extraordinary results! Congratulations! 
I haven't been to this forum for like 4 months or so and thought I'd check back in, and to see your transformation is getting me inspired to get started again myself. I was planning to go back to the gym and eat better before, but I let emotional stress take the upper hand and I didn't follow through. Now however I know I got to start over and follow through this time. My gynecomastia has gotten more profound and the additional fat I'm carrying has not helped the look either. It is embarrassing to walk around in t-shirts. I usually have to wear dark/black colors to help camouflage my moobs although they're still very clearly visible.  
Anyway, what I wanted to ask you is: would you be willing to share your gym routine? What kind of exercises do you do? 
Also, I was curious what you do for food. Do you follow a certain diet regiment?
Thanks man and keep up the great work, I know you're going to improve even more in the time to come. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on April 05, 2017, 10:44:23 PM
Dude! You've accomplished absolutely extraordinary results! Congratulations!
I haven't been to this forum for like 4 months or so and thought I'd check back in, and to see your transformation is getting me inspired to get started again myself. I was planning to go back to the gym and eat better before, but I let emotional stress take the upper hand and I didn't follow through. Now however I know I got to start over and follow through this time. My gynecomastia has gotten more profound and the additional fat I'm carrying has not helped the look either. It is embarrassing to walk around in t-shirts. I usually have to wear dark/black colors to help camouflage my moobs although they're still very clearly visible.  
Anyway, what I wanted to ask you is: would you be willing to share your gym routine? What kind of exercises do you do?
Also, I was curious what you do for food. Do you follow a certain diet regiment?
Thanks man and keep up the great work, I know you're going to improve even more in the time to come.

Hey Trail. I am so glad I am inspiring you! This is my mission now. To inspire people to grasp what they want and achieve it.  If I can do it anyone can do it.  I also can relate to you about being embarrassed. I use to only wear baggy black t-shirts to help hide my moobs.  It is so relieving to be able to wear whatever I want now and actually feel confident in taking my shirt off in public.  I am actually looking forward to going to the beach and flaunting myself! My confidence is sky high and it has translated into improvement in every aspect of my life.

I am sorry if you told me this already but have you had the surgery? I can also share my diet and gym routine.  My diet routine is very simply yet may be boring for most people.  i eat the same three meals almost everyday with 1-2 cheat meals per week. 90% water 10% fruit drinks/protein shakes.  Here it is

Breakfast- 2 jumbo eggs- 2 egg whites (buy it seperatly and measure it out to equal whites from 2 eggs) and one protein shake (160 calories)

Lunch- 2 pieces of thin sliced chicken breast. 2 pieces of chicken tenderloins. Vegetables and one sweet potatoe

Pre workout snack- Rice cake with peanut butter spread on top and sliced almonds on top.

Dinner- 2 pieces of fish (either cod, salmon, or flounder) one instant bag of brown rice or mixed rice and lots of vegetables.  Also post workout protein shake.

Rinse repeat everyday.  You can have 1-2 cheat meals per week without it doing any real harm. Try to avoid suger, dairy (use almond milk), cheese, and bread. Bread is OK if you can't avoid it.

Gym workout (this is really intense you don't have to do it 6x a week). Everything is 3 sets 12 reps. I am going for definition not bulkness. Also cardio after every weight workout for 45 min. I also do swimming for 20 minutes but you can skip that. I just enjoy it.

Monday- Back/Biceps
1. Cable Curls
2. Single arm dumbbell rows
3. hammer curls
4. bent over rows
5. preacher curls
6. wide grip pull down(switch from wide to short grip every few months)
7. regular standing curls with ez bar
8. wide grip row (can do short grip as well, switch it up every few months)
9. Life Fitness curls (sitting machine curls)
10. Hyper extensions for lower back
11. Chin ups

Tuesday- Ab/Legs
1. Ab Ripper X (google video it, quick 15-20 min ab workout)
2. Squats
3. ab cable crunch
4. Leg Press

Wednesday- Chest/Tris/Shoulders (major focus is on CHEST!!!)
1. Bench press
2. tricep cable pulldown
3. Pushups (3 sets of as many reps as you can do)
4. Over head press
5. Kinesis Fly (this is awesome for chest, make sure you really squeeze boobs together)
6. skull crush
7. incline dumbbell press
8. Chest press machine (make sure you do one arm at a time to isolate each chest muscle. make sure to tilt body to side as well)

Rinse repeat. Each workout is 2x a week with sunday being offday. You can just do 1x a week and still get amazing results for sure if you don't have the time.

My chest looks friggin awesome right now.  I am going to wait until beginning of June to post more pics but it looks like I bench like 200 pounds and am just very muscular. I really only bench like 145 though haha

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: PleaseHelpMeLordJesus on April 09, 2017, 04:46:19 PM
what a transformation man. congratz to your results. can you give me some advice man ? weight loss before surgery or after surgery ? tnx man and goodluck to your future life 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: res.Cogitans on April 10, 2017, 05:23:49 PM
Very nice results and especially for the hard work afterwards that gave you a really big difference.. 
I do have a question, regardless the first weeks, months.. 
did you had any hard tissue? In which place? After how much period did it left? 
I did my surgery before 13 days. I do have swallows still, bruises but mostly hard lumps under my nipples both sides and to some other places.. I'm worrying if they will minimize and will be more flat to those areas.. I know that it's too early that's why I'm asking the same for your case..
Generally I'm satisfied but I expect better results with time passing..
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on April 15, 2017, 03:16:56 AM
Very nice results and especially for the hard work afterwards that gave you a really big difference..
I do have a question, regardless the first weeks, months..
did you had any hard tissue? In which place? After how much period did it left?
I did my surgery before 13 days. I do have swallows still, bruises but mostly hard lumps under my nipples both sides and to some other places.. I'm worrying if they will minimize and will be more flat to those areas.. I know that it's too early that's why I'm asking the same for your case..
Generally I'm satisfied but I expect better results with time passing..

I didn't really have any hard tissue. I had one lump to the left of one of my breasts but it went away.  I am sure they will go away with time.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on April 19, 2017, 09:59:40 PM
what a transformation man. congratz to your results. can you give me some advice man ? weight loss before surgery or after surgery ? tnx man and goodluck to your future life

If you know for sure you have gyne I would wait until after surgery because you need to relax and rest for 6-8 weeks after surgery so you would most likely gain that weight back.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: TrailRunner on April 21, 2017, 08:01:10 AM
Dude! You've accomplished absolutely extraordinary results! Congratulations!
I haven't been to this forum for like 4 months or so and thought I'd check back in, and to see your transformation is getting me inspired to get started again myself. I was planning to go back to the gym and eat better before, but I let emotional stress take the upper hand and I didn't follow through. Now however I know I got to start over and follow through this time. My gynecomastia has gotten more profound and the additional fat I'm carrying has not helped the look either. It is embarrassing to walk around in t-shirts. I usually have to wear dark/black colors to help camouflage my moobs although they're still very clearly visible.  
Anyway, what I wanted to ask you is: would you be willing to share your gym routine? What kind of exercises do you do?
Also, I was curious what you do for food. Do you follow a certain diet regiment?
Thanks man and keep up the great work, I know you're going to improve even more in the time to come.

Hey Trail. I am so glad I am inspiring you! This is my mission now. To inspire people to grasp what they want and achieve it.  If I can do it anyone can do it.  I also can relate to you about being embarrassed. I use to only wear baggy black t-shirts to help hide my moobs.  It is so relieving to be able to wear whatever I want now and actually feel confident in taking my shirt off in public.  I am actually looking forward to going to the beach and flaunting myself! My confidence is sky high and it has translated into improvement in every aspect of my life.

I am sorry if you told me this already but have you had the surgery? I can also share my diet and gym routine.  My diet routine is very simply yet may be boring for most people.  i eat the same three meals almost everyday with 1-2 cheat meals per week. 90% water 10% fruit drinks/protein shakes.  Here it is

Breakfast- 2 jumbo eggs- 2 egg whites (buy it seperatly and measure it out to equal whites from 2 eggs) and one protein shake (160 calories)

Lunch- 2 pieces of thin sliced chicken breast. 2 pieces of chicken tenderloins. Vegetables and one sweet potatoe

Pre workout snack- Rice cake with peanut butter spread on top and sliced almonds on top.

Dinner- 2 pieces of fish (either cod, salmon, or flounder) one instant bag of brown rice or mixed rice and lots of vegetables.  Also post workout protein shake.

Rinse repeat everyday.  You can have 1-2 cheat meals per week without it doing any real harm. Try to avoid suger, dairy (use almond milk), cheese, and bread. Bread is OK if you can't avoid it.

Gym workout (this is really intense you don't have to do it 6x a week). Everything is 3 sets 12 reps. I am going for definition not bulkness. Also cardio after every weight workout for 45 min. I also do swimming for 20 minutes but you can skip that. I just enjoy it.

Monday- Back/Biceps
1. Cable Curls
2. Single arm dumbbell rows
3. hammer curls
4. bent over rows
5. preacher curls
6. wide grip pull down(switch from wide to short grip every few months)
7. regular standing curls with ez bar
8. wide grip row (can do short grip as well, switch it up every few months)
9. Life Fitness curls (sitting machine curls)
10. Hyper extensions for lower back
11. Chin ups

Tuesday- Ab/Legs
1. Ab Ripper X (google video it, quick 15-20 min ab workout)
2. Squats
3. ab cable crunch
4. Leg Press

Wednesday- Chest/Tris/Shoulders (major focus is on CHEST!!!)
1. Bench press
2. tricep cable pulldown
3. Pushups (3 sets of as many reps as you can do)
4. Over head press
5. Kinesis Fly (this is awesome for chest, make sure you really squeeze boobs together)
6. skull crush
7. incline dumbbell press
8. Chest press machine (make sure you do one arm at a time to isolate each chest muscle. make sure to tilt body to side as well)

Rinse repeat. Each workout is 2x a week with sunday being offday. You can just do 1x a week and still get amazing results for sure if you don't have the time.

My chest looks friggin awesome right now.  I am going to wait until beginning of June to post more pics but it looks like I bench like 200 pounds and am just very muscular. I really only bench like 145 though haha

Thank you SO MUCH for sharing your diet and exercise routine. This is gold for me, and I'm sure many others who will read your post will benefit greatly from it.

To answer your question, no I have not had surgery yet. I would like to work on losing fat first as much as is possible and build up some muscle. 

I can't wait to see your next series of photos and see even more progression taken place. 

Thank you again for taking out the time to type out your routine, I am going to apply it to the letter, with the exception of the swimming because I do not feel comfortable being out there with my moobs at the swimming pool as you can understand. 

I'll let you know how things are going from my end every now and then. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Dr. Elliot Jacobs on April 21, 2017, 09:13:07 AM
Congratulations on your results.  As I said at the beginning, your immediate post op results looked good.  They were consistent with your body at that time -- and that was the appropriate goal of the operation.

Since then, you have obviously dropped a ton of weight and added considerable muscle bulk.  This result should serve as an inspiration to all guys with gyne who despair and allow their bodies to gain weight and deteriorate.  Properly done surgery is only the beginning. Once the bane of gynecomastia is removed, then a determined regimen of diet and exercise can result in a terrific body of which you should be justifiably proud.

Once again, congrats!

Dr Jacobs
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: PleaseHelpMeLordJesus on April 22, 2017, 08:53:23 PM
thanks man i appreciate your reply . i think i have a gyne but i dont really know because im an obese 1 person , and here in our country , philippines , not have a knowledge in our case 😢
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on April 25, 2017, 10:40:43 PM
Congratulations on your results.  As I said at the beginning, your immediate post op results looked good.  They were consistent with your body at that time -- and that was the appropriate goal of the operation.

Since then, you have obviously dropped a ton of weight and added considerable muscle bulk.  This result should serve as an inspiration to all guys with gyne who despair and allow their bodies to gain weight and deteriorate.  Properly done surgery is only the beginning. Once the bane of gynecomastia is removed, then a determined regimen of diet and exercise can result in a terrific body of which you should be justifiably proud.

Once again, congrats!

Dr Jacobs

Thank you Dr Jacobs. Yes my results wouldn't be anywhere close to this without the diet and exercise.

I would STRONGLY recommend for anyone getting the surgery to dedicate time for at least 3x a week chest workouts. It really does make an amazing difference. 45 min easy peasy. Instead of watching your nightly television show get a gym membership for 10$ a month.

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Line6 on June 14, 2017, 12:49:33 PM
I found your wonderful thread yesterday afternoon and have read through its entirety probably 4 times now. I'm amazed and inspired by your procedure results and your hard work finishing the job. I am even more impressed by everything you've done for the gyne community by taking all this time to help us. I cannot thank you enough. I have been looking for a thread half this detailed for months and I'm not sure how I overlooked yours so many times.
Of all the posts I've read through, I have never found someone with more similar gyne features as yours. Minus a few differences, our moobs could have been twins. Because of how large my breasts are regardless of BF%, I was very worried that I could not expect results anywhere near as spectacular as yours. Hopefully, you're living proof that I am wrong.
I have my consultation with Dr. Bivik Shah next Monday and my procedure has already been scheduled for Aug 9. I'm certain this will be the longest 55 days of my life. 
I'm going to start documenting my process similar to the way you have, so I can also give back to the community.
I want to ask you a few questions. During your pre-op appointments, did your surgeon predict your final result would be anywhere near as flawless as they have become? I swear, you look like you've never had gyne, I see no indication that you ever had the procedure done either.
I would also like to know if I could DM you the next couple of months for advice and assistance documenting my journey.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on June 15, 2017, 10:50:56 PM
I found your wonderful thread yesterday afternoon and have read through its entirety probably 4 times now. I'm amazed and inspired by your procedure results and your hard work finishing the job. I am even more impressed by everything you've done for the gyne community by taking all this time to help us. I cannot thank you enough. I have been looking for a thread half this detailed for months and I'm not sure how I overlooked yours so many times.
Of all the posts I've read through, I have never found someone with more similar gyne features as yours. Minus a few differences, our moobs could have been twins. Because of how large my breasts are regardless of BF%, I was very worried that I could not expect results anywhere near as spectacular as yours. Hopefully, you're living proof that I am wrong.
I have my consultation with Dr. Bivik Shah next Monday and my procedure has already been scheduled for Aug 9. I'm certain this will be the longest 55 days of my life.
I'm going to start documenting my process similar to the way you have, so I can also give back to the community.
I want to ask you a few questions. During your pre-op appointments, did your surgeon predict your final result would be anywhere near as flawless as they have become? I swear, you look like you've never had gyne, I see no indication that you ever had the procedure done either.
I would also like to know if I could DM you the next couple of months for advice and assistance documenting my journey.

Thank you for the kind words Line! No my doctor did not predict these results. He is just as amazed as me at the results. I would like to stress these are not normal results. These results have been accomplished by not only an amazing surgeon, which was only a part of it, but by an insane amount of dedication to changing my entire lifestyle.  Believe it or not I look even better now.  I was holding off on posting update pictures until my one year anniversary in around 3 weeks to sync everything up. Sometimes I just stare at myself in the mirror and can't believe it's me. Or that I am in a dream or something haha. My confidence is so much higher its crazy. I actually went to the beach on Sunday with a female that I am now currently dating.  Something I would have dread doing just one year ago, and would have avoided at all costs.  I kind of even forgot I even had gynecomastia walking on the beach and swimming and how it even felt being so scared of showing my moobs, but every now and then I would remember and just feel liberated.  It is a feeling that is so hard to describe.  And yes you can DM me anytime. I check this forum every few days or so. 

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Line6 on June 17, 2017, 01:11:49 PM
I couldn't agree more, your surgeon was only marginally responsible for your results. I did not mean to suggest that your hard work was unrelated to your transformation.
I think anyone considering surgery needs to take the time to understand how much of the end result is dependent on our actions. The surgeons do for us the one task that we cannot do on our own, everything else in in our hands. Your story outlines this perfectly.
So glad to hear your old chest is leaving your memories. It's also great to hear that when you remember how things were a year ago, you get a fresh sense of confidence and relief. I'm looking forward most to those feelings.
I hope things are going good with the new lady and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Again, thanks for the work you put into sharing your story, it is priceless information.
I will PM you soon.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: George Pope, M.D. on June 28, 2017, 09:15:10 AM
Well, I think the term "marginally" is a bit strong - lol - but I do agree with you Line6 and Smokey, that the patient's participation in this process is really key for an optimal result. You need to be commended Smokey on your hard work after your surgery.  Your case is a perfect one to showcase on this forum - I know it has inspired a lot of guys here who have struggled with this for years. 
One of my best success stories is similar to yours.  This 30 year old young man worked hard in the gym After his surgery and ended up with a result I would have never expected.  I posted his photos in the Patient Galleries section - dated August 20, 2012.  He lives in the panhandle of FL so I seldom see him (I'm in Orlando). But he popped into my office a few months ago and is now married (didn't even date when he had gynecomastia) and is happier than ever.
So once again, a motivated patient who will work hard before and/or after his surgery can really play a major role in his success.
Dr. Pope, MD
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on July 02, 2017, 09:00:31 PM
Hey Smokey,
Incredible man!
As you know, I had mine done by the same surgeon. I noticed in your pics that even by 2 months you had some swelling, especially noticeable in the lower halves of the breasts. That is reassuring to me, as I have similar swelling on my right side. My left has flattened down perfectly. But I had a worse case on the right. I wonder though if that was fat that you lost in your transformation process?
I am looking forward to your first anniversary pics to see if it is true that the chest keeps improving up to a year or more.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 02, 2017, 11:33:57 PM
Hey Smokey,
Incredible man!
As you know, I had mine done by the same surgeon. I noticed in your pics that even by 2 months you had some swelling, especially noticeable in the lower halves of the breasts. That is reassuring to me, as I have similar swelling on my right side. My left has flattened down perfectly. But I had a worse case on the right. I wonder though if that was fat that you lost in your transformation process?
I am looking forward to your first anniversary pics to see if it is true that the chest keeps improving up to a year or more.

Yes the swelling lasted many months as you can see by the photos. I would say around 5-6 months it was mostly gone, however I also lost some fat and gained a ton of muscle, which most likely helped the swelling dissipate faster, as well as helped shape my breasts better.

Well I might as well give you guys a little preview since I took a nice picture with my mom on the beach today during July 4th Weekend. Basically one year from surgery here minus a week :).

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: joe7 on July 04, 2017, 03:26:27 AM
You look awesome, I can't even tell you've had the op from that beach photo. This is one of the most inspiring transformations I've seen in general, not just for gyno.

I'm also amazed by how many months the healing process takes, you really can't judge the results a couple weeks, or even couple of months after surgery.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: res.Cogitans on July 09, 2017, 04:10:48 AM
Well, smokey,
You look totally great,except the gyno,
You look healthier, great generally shape..
Where are the six packs though? Lol
I think the surgeon did a very good job, though your persistance of a totally change made the final results we see today..
Now, after a year, you enjoy your efforts..
Keep up the hard work, at next photo waiting the six packs lol..
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 09, 2017, 10:53:44 PM
Well here are the official one year anniversary pictures. So I dropped all the way down to 152 lbs 3 months ago and decided that was enough, and wasn't gaining any more muscle or weight at the gym, so I decided to eat a lot more, and change up my workout routine a bit to utilize higher weights and lower reps, and I broke through recently, and am now lifting much more. I now weigh around 165 lbs and may stop around 170 depending on muscle development. Yes no six pack yet but I was pretty naive in thinking I would get it in a year. Will take much more work, dedication, and time. Also res no offense but "you look great except for the gyno"?? Not sure I understand. I don't even look like I have gyno anymore. It seems you may not be English native speaker so you may not know that was somewhat insulting. But its OK. Still working on that six pack buddy! I swear I will have it by next summer (another year). Well without any further delay here are the pictures. The scars are still pretty visible but blend in fairly well with the nipple, so I don't think they are very noticable. My surgeon said he could "cut them out" if they bother me a lot. I am not sure I understand how that procedure works and may ask him during my next follow up visit soon.

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 09, 2017, 10:56:44 PM
Before/After comparison picture after one year.

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: longdrives on July 10, 2017, 02:01:17 AM
You look awesome.  Truly an inspiration.  
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: res.Cogitans on July 10, 2017, 08:33:37 AM
i had to write it better so you can understand what i mean..
I meant, your total image is very good, not only the chest (that you removed the gyno and did workout to improve)..
You look generally healthy, body and face, your body has very good shape...
So, if the chest wasnt so good, but with your general good image, you would even look aswell very good..

I was teasing you about the six pack.. The thing that you dont even have body fat, looks very natural and good.. To make the six packs to come out very noticeable you need to do very hard work, like you did with your chest.. 
Keep up the good work.. 
PS i dont even understand how they will make the nipple scar to disappear, without making another scar (maybe with laser? you can ask him, and inform us back).. But for me, i would say dont even bother.. its not noticeable, looks very natural scar.

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on July 13, 2017, 03:29:09 PM
As you know we had the same surgeon, so I am hoping my results turn out as yours. I am two months out. Right side considerably getting smaller; almost getting to be the same size as the left. I feel some "liquid fullness" behind the nipple and below it, something that looks similar to yours in the pictures taken at 2 months.  I am hoping it's not a left-over fat, but just some swelling. Nipple also puffier on the right.
Now, the scars. Mine feels firm and raised on the right side, not so on the left. They are light brown. I don't know if this firmness is the underling internal suture or the scar itself. Overall, I am happy with the looks of the scars. They are barely noticeable.
For yours, may be check with him to see if it's ok to use silicone patches. They say they lighten and soften the scars.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on July 13, 2017, 10:49:38 PM
Btw, how old are you and what is your height/weight now?

Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: itsruiningmylife on July 14, 2017, 10:06:52 AM
Congrats man, your results look amazing. You're a true inspiration to all of us, what you've achieved over the past year is simply incredible. Thank you for sharing this with us, this has definitely motivated me and made me more determined than ever to get the surgery and move on with my life.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 15, 2017, 10:23:19 PM
As you know we had the same surgeon, so I am hoping my results turn out as yours. I am two months out. Right side considerably getting smaller; almost getting to be the same size as the left. I feel some "liquid fullness" behind the nipple and below it, something that looks similar to yours in the pictures taken at 2 months.  I am hoping it's not a left-over fat, but just some swelling. Nipple also puffier on the right.
Now, the scars. Mine feels firm and raised on the right side, not so on the left. They are light brown. I don't know if this firmness is the underling internal suture or the scar itself. Overall, I am happy with the looks of the scars. They are barely noticeable.
For yours, may be check with him to see if it's ok to use silicone patches. They say they lighten and soften the scars.

People tell me the scars aren't noticeable but I still notice them which irks me. When I raise up my arms they become more noticeable. I will ask my doctor when I see him. I need to call him and schedule a follow up. I am 5'10 and currently 165 lbs. I was around 180-185 when I had the surgery one year ago.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 15, 2017, 10:25:04 PM
Congrats man, your results look amazing. You're a true inspiration to all of us, what you've achieved over the past year is simply incredible. Thank you for sharing this with us, this has definitely motivated me and made me more determined than ever to get the surgery and move on with my life.

Thank you for the kind words. I am so thankful that I can be an inspiration to other people in similar situations. The surgery was one of the best if not the best decision I have made in my life and would have spent as much money as needed to get it. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 15, 2017, 10:28:11 PM
i had to write it better so you can understand what i mean..
I meant, your total image is very good, not only the chest (that you removed the gyno and did workout to improve)..
You look generally healthy, body and face, your body has very good shape...
So, if the chest wasnt so good, but with your general good image, you would even look aswell very good..

I was teasing you about the six pack.. The thing that you dont even have body fat, looks very natural and good.. To make the six packs to come out very noticeable you need to do very hard work, like you did with your chest..
Keep up the good work..
PS i dont even understand how they will make the nipple scar to disappear, without making another scar (maybe with laser? you can ask him, and inform us back).. But for me, i would say dont even bother.. its not noticeable, looks very natural scar.

Thanks res. I was assuming that was just a misunderstanding. And keep teasing me about the six pack! I need the motivation to keep at it. It is so hard to get it.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on July 15, 2017, 10:31:12 PM
Also my mother in that picture at the beach just passed away from pancreatic cancer on the 13th after 3 years and 4 months. Her condition took a horrible turn for the worse about a 10 days later and she died the next day in the loving company of her family. Rest in peace Mom. I will always love you.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: longdrives on July 16, 2017, 02:16:53 AM
Also my mother in that picture at the beach just passed away from pancreatic cancer on the 13th after 3 years and 4 months. Her condition took a horrible turn for the worse about a 10 days later and she died the next day in the loving company of her family. Rest in peace Mom. I will always love you.

So sorry to hear about your loss.  Take care my man.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: itsruiningmylife on July 19, 2017, 05:23:54 PM
Also my mother in that picture at the beach just passed away from pancreatic cancer on the 13th after 3 years and 4 months. Her condition took a horrible turn for the worse about a 10 days later and she died the next day in the loving company of her family. Rest in peace Mom. I will always love you.

So sorry for your loss man. May she rest in peace.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: res.Cogitans on August 12, 2017, 03:17:06 PM
Damn.. so sorry to hear it.. you looked very healthy and happy to that picture.. sometime life playes unfair rounds.. hope she had all the family with her.. hope you try all to be ok after this.. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on September 24, 2017, 11:51:46 PM
Well I went for a checkup today after about 4 months and my doctor was astonished at my transformation.  My last checkup maybe lasted 5 minutes. This one was like 45 minutes of him just staring at my before and after pictures amazed saying that no one would even believe him if he posted these online hahaha. He sent me the whole lot of pictures. Here they are. He told me to come back in another 3-4 months and I told him I should definitely have a 6 pack by then hehe!

Anyway I really upped my chest workout day.  Added a few new workouts and really push myself. Also added another ab day to my rest day hehe. I really want that 6 pack by the summer. So 7x a week. It really does get addicting.

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Hey bro, wondering if this was a typo? You say these pics are from after 4 months.. although you already posted pictures before this from 23 weeks after surgery! Just checking, because mine at 4 months are no where near this..! These appear at least 6+ months to me, unless I'm wrong.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on September 30, 2017, 10:04:33 PM
Well I went for a checkup today after about 4 months and my doctor was astonished at my transformation.  My last checkup maybe lasted 5 minutes. This one was like 45 minutes of him just staring at my before and after pictures amazed saying that no one would even believe him if he posted these online hahaha. He sent me the whole lot of pictures. Here they are. He told me to come back in another 3-4 months and I told him I should definitely have a 6 pack by then hehe!

Anyway I really upped my chest workout day.  Added a few new workouts and really push myself. Also added another ab day to my rest day hehe. I really want that 6 pack by the summer. So 7x a week. It really does get addicting.

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Hey bro, wondering if this was a typo? You say these pics are from after 4 months.. although you already posted pictures before this from 23 weeks after surgery! Just checking, because mine at 4 months are no where near this..! These appear at least 6+ months to me, unless I'm wrong.

Hey these are from 7 months if I am not mistaken. Got the surgery in July and that was posted February.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on October 01, 2017, 12:13:48 AM
I'll also throw up some progress pictures soon. I have been in full on bulk mode for a few months now and am around 175 pounds. Progressing nicely in the gym. Will bulk up until February then cut until June for summer. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on October 01, 2017, 03:02:37 PM
I'll also throw up some progress pictures soon. I have been in full on bulk mode for a few months now and am around 175 pounds. Progressing nicely in the gym. Will bulk up until February then cut until June for summer.

Great! May I ask how you bulk up? I'm having trouble bulking up. It seems all the weight I gain goes in my belly. I am currently 5'8.5", 140 lbs, with 17% body fat. I look ok, but I'm trying to enlarge my upper torso and arms. 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on January 04, 2018, 10:02:07 PM
Hey guys. I hope everyone had a nice holiday and new years. Sorry for the lack of updates lately. To be honest I think I may have let myself go a bit over the last few months under the guise of "bulking". Also having a serious girlfriend dampened my motivation a bit as well since I don't really have to impress anyone anymore. However I am still in the gym 5-6 days a week, but I am just a lot bulkier. I currently weigh around 175 and went up a ton on my weights, but since its the new years I am now officially in cut season and will drop to probably 165-160 in the next few months. Here are some pictures of what I look like now (honestly I don't like how I look). My goal is by summer to be around 160 and be much more cut and defined. I will inevitable lose some muscle but that is how the cookie crumbles! This time around once I cut I should be much more defined than last time since I have more muscle under the fat. Or at least I hope!! Anyway here are the pictures. How is everyone else doing progress wise since last year?

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Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on January 04, 2018, 10:06:07 PM
I'll also throw up some progress pictures soon. I have been in full on bulk mode for a few months now and am around 175 pounds. Progressing nicely in the gym. Will bulk up until February then cut until June for summer.

Great! May I ask how you bulk up? I'm having trouble bulking up. It seems all the weight I gain goes in my belly. I am currently 5'8.5", 140 lbs, with 17% body fat. I look ok, but I'm trying to enlarge my upper torso and arms.

Well I bulked up by eating more and doing less cardio. It is inevitable that some fat will go to belly. Just look at my recent pictures haha. The point of bulking though is to cycle it with cutting which you will lose some muscle when you cut but you should retain some muscle as well. Constant cycle should provide continuous muscle growth on a year to year basis. If not constant cut mode like I was will hit a wall and won't gain muscle really.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: imtakinemout on February 12, 2018, 12:03:27 AM
I am disappointed man that the right side is still puffy. Now that the swelling is almost gone (I am 9 months postop), I can easily feel firm lumps above and below the areola that feel exactly like the gland I had before, but smaller in size. It also has the donut shape. I think Dr. B did not remove most of the gland unlike the left side where I feel no lumps and is totally flat. Another possibility is that it's scar, but it feels exactly the same like the gland and in the same location! I emailed him today and will see what he says. I'm disappointed that I will probably have to fly back to NY to fix this! uggghh 
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on February 23, 2018, 07:18:45 PM
I am disappointed man that the right side is still puffy. Now that the swelling is almost gone (I am 9 months postop), I can easily feel firm lumps above and below the areola that feel exactly like the gland I had before, but smaller in size. It also has the donut shape. I think Dr. B did not remove most of the gland unlike the left side where I feel no lumps and is totally flat. Another possibility is that it's scar, but it feels exactly the same like the gland and in the same location! I emailed him today and will see what he says. I'm disappointed that I will probably have to fly back to NY to fix this! uggghh

I am sorry to hear this. Everything went great with me. Hopefully it is an easy fix. Update me when you find out more.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: joe7 on March 06, 2018, 02:29:10 AM
I am disappointed man that the right side is still puffy. Now that the swelling is almost gone (I am 9 months postop), I can easily feel firm lumps above and below the areola that feel exactly like the gland I had before, but smaller in size. It also has the donut shape. I think Dr. B did not remove most of the gland unlike the left side where I feel no lumps and is totally flat. Another possibility is that it's scar, but it feels exactly the same like the gland and in the same location! I emailed him today and will see what he says. I'm disappointed that I will probably have to fly back to NY to fix this! uggghh

I'm about 9 months post op and I have a similar problem to you from a different surgeon. Glands were taken out directly from my areolas but not from the surrounding areas, so I still have lumps of gyno above and below the areola.

On the one hand I am upset that I will probably go through surgery again. On the other hand, it's easier to take tissue away than it is to put it back, so hopefully the revision is simply a matter of removing the remaining gland tissue.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Cristalis on March 11, 2018, 09:17:10 PM
I am disappointed man that the right side is still puffy. Now that the swelling is almost gone (I am 9 months postop), I can easily feel firm lumps above and below the areola that feel exactly like the gland I had before, but smaller in size. It also has the donut shape. I think Dr. B did not remove most of the gland unlike the left side where I feel no lumps and is totally flat. Another possibility is that it's scar, but it feels exactly the same like the gland and in the same location! I emailed him today and will see what he says. I'm disappointed that I will probably have to fly back to NY to fix this! uggghh

Its easy to say if its gland leftover that hasnt been removed or if its scar tissue.
Did you had the lumps you talk about right the first days after the surgery? If yes its glandular tissue. Scar tissue is forming a few good weeks after the procedure so if you developed those lumps probably it scar tissue.
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: SmokeyNYY on December 31, 2018, 02:51:30 PM
Hello everyone. I haven't sent an update in awhile. Everything is going well. The scars are still somewhat prevalent and I was planning on getting them removed by the same surgeon before summer last year, but decided against it. I may still have them removed to look better. But other then the scars everything looks fantastic.
It is the holiday season once again and I have been eating lots of yummy treats and have bulked up again. I am preparing to cut again for spring break/summer. I will send new pics soon! I am about 170 now. Last time I bulked I hit 175. Anything new with you guys?
Title: Re: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ
Post by: Cristalis on January 07, 2019, 01:46:24 AM

Good to see you didnt forgot about us and the forum. Post some pics when you have time! Is the doc positive that the scars will look better after the revision? Have him told you why they are prevalent in the first place?

Last year in the summer i was planning to get in shape and loose some weight so that i can have my gynos removed by this year in february but i had a shoulder injury that still hurts and cant go to the gym, i was or i would say im very frustrated and i didnt got in any shape, i didnt lost weight and i didnt go for the surgery. Time is ticking and im getting older(41 now) without being able to enjoy my self at the beach or sunbathing, meeeh.

For me its a must to remove gynos in winter cause i suffer from hyperhidrosis(excessive sweating) and i could not bear to wear a compression vest in the hotter seasons. 
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