Gynecomastia Support Forum

General => Gynecomastia Talk => Topic started by: desi on January 25, 2007, 03:16:39 PM

Title: appeal on
Post by: desi on January 25, 2007, 03:16:39 PM
guys, i visited  and Hilary Clinton wants all to give suggestion to improve health care in the United states. here's what i wrote to them. Please do go there and give out your suggestions, hopefully, someday this will benifit the sufferer.

" Get gynecomastia surgery covered by insurance as part of health care. I am not American, this will probably not benifit me, but will benifit lots of men suffering from this condition.

I have been a victim and it is very expensive surgery. According to CIGNA health care, it is a condition and not a disease. In my opinion, for the afflicted individual this condition is equivalent to a disease that harms the individual mentally, therefore, creating an inferiority complex and hampering daily life activities. Doesn't a disease do the same to a person physically?

Thank you!"

Title: Re: appeal on
Post by: headheldhigh01 on January 27, 2007, 02:37:18 AM
agree philosophically, though even though i think statistics are overstated, i bet the cost would still be above what they could handle.  it would be nice to be taken seriously though. 
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