Author Topic: Another victim! Questions  (Read 5334 times)

Offline Knight

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Hey guys, from reading these threads it seem like you guys know your stuff and you all are really good at helping each other out. So I thought Id put a few things on here, any comments or responses would be great.

Im 19 years old, tall, and very lean-muscular build. Ive always been lean so its definitely not pseudo-gyno. About 6 months ago I started taking pro-hormones to help put some weight on for hockey and Ive noticed the puffy nipples coming in. I can feel the ball of fat underneath the nipple so I know its gyno. But Im wondering if they ever will come back down on their own due to a restoration in hormone or testosterone levels (if thats possible?)... Is it possible for them to go back down on their own?

And it seems that most of you say that working out and adding mass to my peck muscles will only bring the fat underneath the nipple to push out more. Does it usually look better when one has a small chest, with small puffy nipples... or a more muscular chest with bigger puffy nipples due to the working out? 

I believe I have somewhat mild gyno, but being someone who worksout and critiques my body everyday, Im very self conscious about it and it bothers me alot. It seems like they are starting to stick out more, but Ive also been working out my chest alot over the past few weeks, so I have a feeling that may be due to my chest getting bigger.

Answers, comments, concerns, responses, wisdom, tips, hints is greatly appreciated :)

Offline Knight

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Oh, and if it matters. I know Im 19, 205 lbs. but Im still going through puberty Im pretty sure. I was very a late bloomer like my father. Im 6'6" and still growing I think haha

I didnt start growing till I was about 16-17.

But Im pretty sure the gyno was caused because I abused pro-hormone use. Or did it incorrectly anyways

Offline cecly

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Hmm, you would be best to see your GP concerning your hormone levels, you shouldn't be messing with pro-hormone drugs without specific instruction from a trusted doctor.

As for it going down, in most people this condition will usually go down after puberty has finished (provided you aren't taking hormone modification medications), but in a select few it doesn't go down, and then surgery is the only option at this point. There are some medications that can reduce the production and even get rid of it if you get to it early. But please speak to your GP about it, don't be embarrassed.

Offline Knight

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Im sorry.. but GP meaning?

Offline tunapuff

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general practitioner

Offline MSJ108

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Hmm, you would be best to see your GP concerning your hormone levels, you shouldn't be messing with pro-hormone drugs without specific instruction from a trusted doctor.

As for it going down, in most people this condition will usually go down after puberty has finished (provided you aren't taking hormone modification medications), but in a select few it doesn't go down, and then surgery is the only option at this point. There are some medications that can reduce the production and even get rid of it if you get to it early. But please speak to your GP about it, don't be embarrassed.

I agree good post.

19 and prohormones do not mix! Tell your friends!  :)


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