Author Topic: Here is my gyno, I think I need surgery (pics also)  (Read 6171 times)

Offline Crea

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Hey all! So, I have had gynecomastia since I was 14. It has always been minor, and I have always been pretty skinny so I just shrugged it off as nothing. Now that I am older (AGE 23)and started to actually consistently lift and workout, it has bothered me beyond belief.I even put muscle on over it, which ended up making my gyno look worse, discouraging me even more. As some of you know, even minor gyno can mentally and physically effect you.

So, I finally decided to post on this website. I am looking for some advice on what I should do next. I scheduled an appointment with my regular family doctor, to see what he says and where to go for surgery options. I am 99% sure that this is not fixable by any supplements/foods/exercises, but if anyone has any suggestions about that I am all ears.

Also, I am looking for the best surgery option possible. No scars, chest looking natural as possible, etc. (You know what I mean)FYI, I am from the Chicago area and I have Blue Cross Blue Shield so money isn't an issue for this procedure.

So...TLDR version. I am looking for suggestions/comments/concerns on my condition. What I need to do first/before getting surgery going? How to get this process underway. Any surgeons that anybody can recommend from Chicago. (All that stuff, Thanks everybody)

Offline Crea

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Dr. Pensler  is in your area, but don't hold your breath about the insurance covering the cost unless you already have approval, as most do not cover it!

Offline Crea

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I read that Dr. Pensler was top notch. This is true. What I meant was that money isn't a problem here, regardless if my insurance covers it or not. I am willing to spend the money to get the best surgery possible. (Now that I have saved up money)

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Yes, mild gyne and it would require surgery.

Dr. Pensler in Chicago is an excellent choice.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c


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Well there you have it from another great doctor!  Now you know what to do!

Offline Crea

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I appreciate it Dr. Jacobs. I have an appointment scheduled with my family doctor just to see what he says. I plan on talking to Dr. Pensler asap though. Is there any appointment I need to set up prior to meeting with him for any bloodwork or anything? Not sure how to start the process I guess...

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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My guess is that your family doctor will trivialize the condition and tell you to forget about it.  Or to wait a few more years for it to disappear.

It is highly doubtful that insurance will cover it.

Recommend visit Dr. Pensler -- you do not have to go about having blood tests, etc, until after you have seen him.

Best of luck!

Dr Jacobs

Offline N8712

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The average doctor will tell you that you don't have an issue, don't even bother wasting your time visiting.

Your gyno looks similar to how mine looked, being a fairly moderate case.

My views are my own and any advice I give is from my personal experience with gynecomastia and the surgery I had.

Offline Crea

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Hey n8712, did you end up getting surgery? Or did you try any natural supplements to beat it?

Offline N8712

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Hey n8712, did you end up getting surgery? Or did you try any natural supplements to beat it?

I had the surgery. I tried so many approaches to get rid of my puffy nipples but nothing worked.

I tried dieting, cardio, chest exercises and was even considering some gyno medication that starts with a G and ends in exol, but I am glad I didn't as it's nothing but caffeine pills.

Seriously, the only way you're going to get rid of your puffy nipples is surgery. I know this might not be the answer you want to hear as I was in the same boat you were. I really didn't want the surgery but I realized there's no other way I'm going to beat this and live my life without embarrassment.

Take a look at my before and after photos here:

Offline Crea

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Thanks Man, and the after photos you posted look awesome! Glad to hear surgery went well for you and yeah I am pretty much at the point where I know surgery is the only way. How is your chest doing now, look as flat as you thought it would be?

Offline N8712

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It's very flat now. I am so happy with the change. Just trying to lower my bodyfat down to 10% now. I'll post some pics in a few hours.


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