Author Topic: Yo. (with pictures noww!)  (Read 5327 times)

Offline Lam3

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Yo, I'm new to this forum site.. So i'll start off with an introduction I guess.

I'm not going to leave my name, I'm sorry. But everyone can know me as my username ;). I turned 19, and I live in Australia - Sydney.

Now, about this gyno stuff..
I've had ti for a while, and it's DEFENITALY come naturally.
I've taken nothing in the past which could have triggered it. No steroids, no nothing. I'm not fat. I am rather fit; I go to the gym often, and workout at home almost everyday. This gyno crap is really pissing me off (lol). I went to my local doctor more than 8 months ago to ask him about it. (i just turned 19 2 weeks ago). He says, i should just give it time as it may dissapear naturally.

I can't remember how long i've had it for, as i used to be very fat before i decided to start gyming.

I weighed 110kg (i'm 6ft2 or something), and well, even if the gyno was there for the past 5 years, i wouldn't know, as i assumed it was there just from the fat. Right before i turned 18, I started gyming and eating well, and after a few months, my weight had gone down to 85 kg. That's when i noticed the gyno.

Now atm i weigh about 80, and am still aruond 6ft2 or so.

Since I am 19, will it go naturally still? Is there any changes in my body that i can notice, which will tell me if it is fading away naturally?

Is tehre anyone in australia (sydney) that has done surgery? I'd like to get your msn to talk about it :)

I hope it goes away soon. I guess I can add pictures later, if requested.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 09:21:28 PM by Lam3 »

Offline Jaxed23

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You have pics?

Offline Lam3

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Sorry for the delay in replying. I'm going to post pics. I talked to my doctor, he took some of my blood, and sent it to the hospital for tests. All my hormone levels are normal. Nothing is out of the ordinary. He then (and im not happy about this) picked a random surgeon that's close to my area. This surgeon doesn't even have a website it seems. Im very hesistant in giving him a call. His name is Dr Adendorff, and he is in Penrith, Sydney, nsw, australia. Anyone know anyone that would guarantee  good results?

Here are the pics. Mind you, they're they expand alittle more if it were alittle more hot.

In one of them, the lighting is very bad, so i  look much more pale than normal.  I am flexxing in some of them. Please tell me how bad my case is, and if i were to have an operation, for me, how would the results turn out?

Offline me2

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Looks mild.  But whatever, your doc seems to be uninformed.  Follow your gut instinct and do not go with any surgeon.  You need at least a proper certified plastic surgeon with lots of experience with gyne.  This is not a lite procedure and you could be very unhappy with a bad result, like visible scars, unevenness etc.  You want the job done once and well. Get the money together for a flight to Richmond VA, USA or at least to Melbourne.  I had a PS in Sydney and finally have a good result but it took 2 goes.  if i had known about this site i would have gone to US.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2010, 04:53:30 PM by me2 »

Offline lugnuts

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Your chest looks fine for now.

What you need to do is clean up your diet, stay away from sweets and large meals due to large insulin spikes, insulin will aggravate the mammory gland which will worsen your condition.

Avoid salt/sugar, tee tree oil and lavender.

if you want to know what eating clean is buy a book off amazon.

Offline Doodle

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your chest looks amazing dude, your in great shape, puffy nipples are barely noticeable in my opinion. But im more then convinced that even if they're not that bad and u look great, they're still a pain in the ass to deal with, mine are similar to yours, and wearing shirts and stuff sucks, always these bloody things sticking out.

Would your parents pay for the surgery or do you have the money saved up or something? I am thinking about getting it done aswell (im 20), but id have to cough it all up myself, 2-4k

Offline xoxoxoxo

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i think you look great and it's not noticeable at all.


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