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Gynecomastia Talk / Re: Frequent Growth Spurts?
« Last post by Justagirl💃 on Today at 09:24:24 AM »
Hmm, the Telltale soreness behind the nipples suggests my breasts are not done growing yet. I have also noticed a much fuller look especially since they were lactating last month. 😊
Consider this:  20 Billion people over 200 years have been drinking coffee... how many men have boobs from that?

From AI:   

Taurine and Creatine in Relation to Gynecomastia:
  • Taurine:
    • No direct link to gynecomastia: Taurine is an amino acid involved in various bodily functions, such as regulating calcium levels, reducing oxidative stress, and supporting cardiovascular health. There is no scientific evidence linking taurine supplementation to gynecomastia.
    • Potential benefits: Interestingly, taurine may have anti-estrogenic and pro-testosterone properties in certain contexts. Some animal studies suggest it can reduce estrogen levels and protect against testosterone decline caused by oxidative stress.
  • Creatine:
    • Potential link (indirect): Creatine itself does not cause gynecomastia, but it can increase dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels. DHT is a more potent androgen than testosterone. Elevated DHT can sometimes lead to a hormonal imbalance, which might, in rare cases, trigger gynecomastia—especially in individuals prone to estrogen sensitivity or with pre-existing glandular tissue (like yourself).
    • Studies: A study on rugby players found that creatine increased DHT by around 56% after 7 days of loading, which remained 40% higher during maintenance phases. While this doesn't directly cause gynecomastia, it could theoretically contribute to a hormonal imbalance in some individuals.

Translation:  I don't think you have much to worry about.  

So unless your super sensitive, (I am in some regards BTW) coffee shouldn't have much of an affect.  

Looking into other supplements and compounds is absolutely wise!  So kudos on the question!!!!    

I'm thinking about taking tourine and maybe creatine as well as a supplement (1 g and 3 g respectivelyper day) for his health benefits specifically fitness

I'm also planning to start a morning cup of coffee every morning for cognitive benefits but again read some information. Caffeine can imbalance hormones

But doing my usual Google search for oestrogen plus the supplement, there is one case studies showing these exacerbated gyno

so I was wondering if anyone here knew or have used tourine And if it made the GYNO worse? Would you expect it to?
Acceptance / Re: First Post
« Last post by Parity on Today at 06:49:40 AM »
  As Sophie stated I too dress according to how I'm feeling.  I have worn panties for 25 years and couldn't go back.  The fabric , styles, comfort and colors are great.  The support is good also.  I have always picked a color to match how I felt that day, and as my breast developed I now try and complement the the look with matching as best I can. 

  I know were all different but this works for me. 

  This is nice to have a place we can share our likes and dislikes without judgement.  I'm happy being me and how I'm shaped.  I wouldn't want it any other way.
Acceptance Garments / Re: Asking for a Bra recommendation
« Last post by Justagirl💃 on Today at 06:35:31 AM »
Starting my morning out by putting on the new bra I picked up on Saturday. An unlined lace underwire bra from Torrid.

Absolutely a great purchase as it's very comfortable, and doesn't retain a lot of heat. I most likely would not wear it during the cold Winters as things could be a bit "nipply."

I'll be going on the bus today and that should take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half to arrive, so I shall be wearing disposable incontinence briefs. But otherwise I would be wearing matching panties.

If you are going to be wearing a bra because of necessity, it might as well be cute as well.
Acceptance Garments / Re: Asking for a Bra recommendation
« Last post by OldSlowAndRound on Today at 05:55:16 AM »
These are comfortable, and I’m happy with my purchases .  I did have them bring me an underwire, but that one didn’t work, and having found 3 that did, coupled with already being about 45 minutes into the appointment, I’ll save the underwire try for another day.😁.  But now I have a good band and cup size to start my exploration from.
Acceptance Garments / Re: Asking for a Bra recommendation
« Last post by Johndoe1 on Today at 05:38:38 AM »
What a comfortable looking bra. Looks like it gives gentle support. I prefer more structured support and containment but there's a lot to be said for a comfortable bra when around the house. If I know I will be just hanging out at home all day I prefer comfortable support over structured appearance. And that bra fills the bill! Good for you!
Acceptance Garments / Re: Asking for a Bra recommendation
« Last post by AlfaQ on Today at 05:24:29 AM »
Hey, that looks like a comfortable bra.  Further along your journey you might want to try an underwire bra with side support as they provide more shaping and stability to the breast tissue.  You may also find yourself wearing smaller bands with larger cups as I have.  Wearing a bra eventually becomes second nature.  
Acceptance / Re: First Post
« Last post by Sophie on Today at 05:18:22 AM »
I think that it really does simply depend upon your preference and mood. I started wearing panties when I was 16. I was also wearing a bra full time at the same time. 

I had to wear a bra. However, I wanted to wear panties. Within a few weeks to a month, all I had in my dresser were panties. 

I typically wear no show, seamless, nylon/spandex panties for every day wear now because I wear mostly sundresses for work now. There are occasions when I wear a panty girdle when I want to look a bit more firm. I don't wear pantyhose every day anymore. I wear them when I feel like wearing them or if I want a certain look or color to compliment my outfit. 

My only hard-fast rule is that I have an underwire bra or swim top on outside of my house.


PS- These are some of the conversations that make this forum so wonderful 😍. We are all different but still have so much in common. I can have the same conversation with my girlfriends and wife about underwear and lingerie and cme here to the forum and discuss it with guys who have the same wants and needs. 
Lounge Area / Re: Morning coffee chat, any topic:
« Last post by Justagirl💃 on Today at 02:44:51 AM »
I have a neighbour that moved in several months back, and since then we have become very good friends. She would say, "hey girlfriend" every time she saw me in the hallway.
I also have a rather intrusive neighbour a few doors down that I saw was talking with the lady next door. I heard my name being mentioned several times, and not my nickname. He makes it a point to tell all the new residents that I am not CIS female.
The next day I saw my lady next door and she just stood there giving me the funniest look without saying a word. I therefore broke the ice, and politely asked how she's doing and if everything was okay. Then our friendly conversation started up right away as normal. She no longer calls me "girlfriend", but we are back to the normal friendly conversation again.
Unfortunately she told me that several residents are creating a petition to give to management to have me ejected from this building because I am not a "good fit for the community." She refused to sign the petition because she says I have been nothing but a good neighbour. 
I definitely can't help the fact that I'm intersex and that I look more female than male. Perhaps the long purple hair has been a bit much, but is that any of anyone's business?
I am however good friends with the manager here, so I don't think the petition will gain much traction since it doesn't involve lease violations.
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