Author Topic: Crater deformities after surgery (pics)  (Read 2302 times)

Offline burntsmores

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since my surgery one month ago i've had large craters on both sides of my chest that are visible at rest, and more visible when I raise my arm. Unfortunately, they have not improved with time. Is it possible this can resolve with healing? Or will revision be necessary in the future (I understand that I should not undergo revision for at least 6 months). If so, would fat flaps be viable (considering how large the indent is?)

Offline Helpme55

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Hi, I just felt I should come on this forum and make a few posts to let people know that the fat flaps can work for corrective surgery.  I just had it done with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC, and while I am still healing it is amazing how much he was able to fix the crater issue I suffered from for years.  I would not go the route of fat transfer and only work with a doctor who really understands the fat flap technique. Good luck.

Offline mademan

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Just curios what was the cost for the fat flap? can you show post pictures now of the healing process?

Offline DannyH

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Fat Flaps: In the UK, circa £10k-£20k, equivalent to a mortgage downpayment.  Not tried it yet to see if it's effective.

Fat transfer is cheaper, circa £2k-£4k but it only lasts for 36 hours, yes, 36 hours. I dare anybody to try it and prove me wrong. Watch your money disappear down the drain. I'm not joking. Worst most heartless scam ever. It can only work for small confined spaces like an old lady's wrinkle lines? In the giant space of a gyno crater, there's just nothing that will keep the injected fat in situ, and besides, the vast , vast majority of that injected fat is dead on arrival, and so the body WILL get rid of it.

Gone in 36 hours, l promise.

Offline Jgunzz

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I would try fat grafting, they don't always absorb in every case. 

Maybe look into Renuva, which is an option I'm looking into as well. 

It still looks like you are recovering from your surgery, give it at least 6 months before you consider doing additional work.


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