Author Topic: Gland removal revision surgery under local anesthesia  (Read 17621 times)

Offline alexithein

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My puffy nipples are fairly minor.  I got a lipo only surgery back in June, and I didn't see much difference at all.  At a follow-up visit today, after expressing my dissatisfaction with the results, he offered to do a revision surgery free of charge, this time for gland removal only under local anesthesia.

My questions are:

Has anyone here ever had gyno surgery under local anesthesia? How much pain can I expect?

My doctor says gland removal surgeries are fairly simple and will require no down-time at all, and I won't need a compression vest afterward. Is this common?

Is there anything else I need to consider?


Offline joeblow

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I had gland removal with local anesthesia on two days ago. No pain whatsoever after the surgery. BUT.....I got swelling pretty bad on both my sides. My right sides is worse maybe due to the fact he spent lots of time on it. But it was no pain whatsoever just discomfort I believe because of the swelling. I'm thinking I may have a hematoma on my right side so I'm going to call and ask but it was a breeze. Only took 40 mins to do the procedure and I was out. Let me know if you have any other questions

Offline alexithein

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I had gland removal with local anesthesia on two days ago. No pain whatsoever after the surgery. BUT.....I got swelling pretty bad on both my sides. My right sides is worse maybe due to the fact he spent lots of time on it. But it was no pain whatsoever just discomfort I believe because of the swelling. I'm thinking I may have a hematoma on my right side so I'm going to call and ask but it was a breeze. Only took 40 mins to do the procedure and I was out. Let me know if you have any other questions

Thanks for your reply.  Was yours excision only or lipo too?  My doctor says lipo is far more traumatic to the body than a glandular excision, and lipo will cause swelling, but excision alone will not.

Offline jarman65

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I went under local only as well. It wasn't too bad though, the nurse kept a wet paper towl over my head which kept me from getting nauseous. I would say the worst part was when they injected the anesthesia with the needle, that was a little painful and made me nervous.


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My puffy nipples are fairly minor.  I got a lipo only surgery back in June, and I didn't see much difference at all.  At a follow-up visit today, after expressing my dissatisfaction with the results, he offered to do a revision surgery free of charge, this time for gland removal only under local anesthesia.

My questions are:

Has anyone here ever had gyno surgery under local anesthesia? How much pain can I expect?

My doctor says gland removal surgeries are fairly simple and will require no down-time at all, and I won't need a compression vest afterward. Is this common?

Is there anything else I need to consider?


Revision Gynecomastia Surgery is an art form and can vary from an extensive undertaking to something minor. You should carefully investigate your own surgeon's results for issues such as Comfort After Gynecomastia Surgery, Swelling and Bruising after Surgery, Recovery After Surgery.  Cutting corners such as anesthetic technique, compression garments, will alter such factors.

I rarely will offer local anesthesia alone for such undertakings, Tumescent Local Anesthesia with Sedation is usually much better.

Here are some examples

Revision Puffy Nipples after Another Doctor's Liposuction Alone.

Revision Gynecomastia for too much gland left behind by other surgeon.

Revision Gynecomastia Surgery after Liposuction Alone by other surgeon.

There are other examples on my site.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline joeblow

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Only exicision.

My swelling seems to be still the same but my bruising is coming on. But everything seems to be improving. The swelling is not as hard anymore, most likely the blood may be being absored but that may take some time!

Offline Dr. Cruise

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  • Dr. Cruise
If one chest is significantly larger and bruised after surgery it is most likely you have a blood collection (Hematoma). It is true that small hematomas resorb on their own. My recommendation is to have it removed (sucked out) ASAP. This can easily and quickly be done under local anesthesia. If it is not removed the hematoma will take a very long time to go away. In fact, some of the hematoma may turn to fibrous scar tissue leaving a fullness that can last forever.
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia

Offline joeblow

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How long before fiborous scar tissue develops I'm almost 2 weeks post op


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How long before fiborous scar tissue develops I'm almost 2 weeks post op

Scars are the natural healing process of the body. Healing starts at the end of the injury process.  Rate for healing and scarring depend on many factors. Scarring varies on the amount of trauma which can vary from surgeon to surgeon and by the problem treated.   You have been cut before. Use that experience to relate progression of healing / scarring.

 Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Revision Gynecomastia and Chest Surgery

Offline jimmy1234

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I am in the same boat man. Had revsion on Thursday and was told that no compression vest was neccessary. I wondered about that too. how does your chest look now.

Offline joeblow

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its better because I just went to dr. fielding and he drained out the blood...took less than 30 minutes. i think he drained like more than 10 ml for sure but it looks much nipples are still puffy like before but i believe that scare tissue that may heel in time

Offline alexithein

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jimmy1234 and joeblow,

How are you guys doing now?  Any improvements?  I still haven't gone back yet for my revision...

Offline joeblow

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I'm 90 percent better....going for my 3 month checup now....I still see scare tissue but it's somewhat improved....I'm feeling better about it month by month so I can wait till 6 month to be critical
of the results.....I feel I"ll be satisfied by then....I've ht the gym
ever since so my body is feeling good and looking better...almost close to my goal for going to the gym...half way almost now!

Offline theprodikalson

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Hey Guys I had my procedure yesterday with local only.  There really was not any pain before or after for me. I was awake for the whole thing and felt like a stand up comedian telling jokes during the whole thing(only i was on my back).  It was experience... The gland removal was actually the easier than the lipo.  The tissue is tough though and not easy to come out of ya so it might take some prying...

They might tie your glands to the door knob and slam it if it was like my case lol

Peace and Love
Peace and Love

Offline april24th2007

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I'm considering getting revision gland excision only under local.  I'm quite encouraged by those who posted local wasn't painful.

However, these posts are about 2 years old.  I am wondering if any of you have update about your final results..  If so, kindly share the same.

Furthermore, the surgeons who have commented on this thread, could you also give input regarding whether you have done more gland removals under local only and if this indeed is much less painful and swelling as compared to liposuction like the patients above have mentioned.  Thank you.


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