Author Topic: How to avoid crater  (Read 3013 times)

Offline Revisionguy

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Hi guys,
I was looking at some gyno revision videos and noticed this poor guy who had a revision from a dr in new york and he developed massive, irrepairable craters in his chest. What sort of things should I do to avoid this? Here is the the article with pics and a video. Im terrifed guys. Im going to a dr in nyc for my revision in 1 week!

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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This is a scare tactic.

Dr Bermant, now deceased, deliberately had many links on to drive patients directly to him and his website.  His website is still up -- surprising.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
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561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline Revisionguy

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Thanks for the reply Dr. I postponed my revision until July since my post. I was assured my revision would be an improvement, however is a 2nd gyno operation going to likely damage my remaining fat and end up looking like that? I understand it was a tactic, but the results looked real. 
There are not a lot of posts here in the revision section. Has anyone had success or did anyone get much worse? I really hate this now. 

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Revision surgery is always difficult.  Realize that aside from a crater, there is always scar tissue under the skin -- not just on the surface.  In my hands, most crater revisions do best with fat flaps gathered from surrounding areas.  If the crater is very wide, those flaps may not be possible.  If the craters are deep but limited in width, then fat flaps provide the best choice for revision.  

Scar tissue does not disappear.  Therefore, every operation leaves its own amount of scar tissue.  Therefore, the best chance for improvement is the first revision (ie second operation).  Every subsequent operation is more difficult and less predictable.

You should first return to your original surgeon to discuss your problems and ask him/her point blank if he feels comfortable and confident in doing the revision.  Would also seek a second opinion from a gyne expert.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

Offline DannyH

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Revision surgery is always difficult.  Realize that aside from a crater, there is always scar tissue under the skin -- not just on the surface.  In my hands, most crater revisions do best with fat flaps gathered from surrounding areas.  If the crater is very wide, those flaps may not be possible.  If the craters are deep but limited in width, then fat flaps provide the best choice for revision. 

Scar tissue does not disappear.  Therefore, every operation leaves its own amount of scar tissue.  Therefore, the best chance for improvement is the first revision (ie second operation).  Every subsequent operation is more difficult and less predictable.

You should first return to your original surgeon to discuss your problems and ask him/her point blank if he feels comfortable and confident in doing the revision.  Would also seek a second opinion from a gyne expert.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

If the crater is too wide for fat flap surgery, then is there no hope for the subject? Nothing else to be tried?

Fat transfer (as opposed to fat flaps) is, as l've made people aware on this subforum, an absolute waste of money, and a ridiculous concept in hindsight.


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