Author Topic: Reconstructive surgery for areola?  (Read 2306 times)

Offline kbob

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Does anybody have a recommendation or experience with areola deformity reconstruction?
I had a minor gyenecomastia (just slightly puffy nipples) surgery and then revision. Unfortunately the surgeries made my areolas deformed (look worse than before the surgeries, by the way I heal well with minimal scaring, so it was not the healing process that caused the deformity). I believe it would be possible to surgically fix this deformity, but would require a very skilled and detail oriented surgeon (perhaps microsurgery, but experienced also in gynecomastia).
Any recommendations or experience with this type of procedure? I would very much appreciate your advice.
  Thank you,

Offline Enterprise19

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Without pictures of the "deformity" you won't get many responses on whether it can be fixed or not.

Offline clevelandguy1980

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How bad is the deformity, and is it a crater? Like said before without pictures nobody can even speculate. But I will tell you this the more surgeries you have the tougher it is on the Dr. because there may not be enough tissue left to work with to fix the deformity.


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