Author Topic: Sh!ttin ... Revision time :(  (Read 4101 times)


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Well I always knew I would need revision considering I had a more serious case ... here's the original story anyway:

I had my operation when I was 20 ( I am 22 now ) and basically my surgeon said he would ideally need to do a chest lift to fully sort it out BUT on the operating day we changed plans, he said because im young and have natural elasticity on my side he would rather see if my chest would tighten up and look good with just your normal gland/lipo removal technique like most guys instead of relocating my nipple and doing a chest lift/removing excess skin.

Well yeah, im not gonna lie its a good result considering what I had, but he has honestly said himself and I believe that their was room for improvement, so ive got my free revision op next week, which he puts as an absolute minor operation compared to the first time round.. Realistically speaking though if I had to pay another £4,000 I wouldn't do it.

Im dreadin it though, but very excited aswell. I just don't want to go through the healing process again ... what a p!ss take.

Can any one jog my memory on what to do and what not do in these few days leading up to the operation ... I know im not allowed to have Garlic & tomatoes and anything that thins your blood. And no alcohol 4 days leading up to the op day ... erm what else though?

Offline KryptoKnight

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Aspirin/Ibuprofen should be avoided.  Basically anything that can thin your blood

and don't sweat it, I was pretty nervous too even though I had already done the procedure before but it was a breeze.


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Had my surgery today, Lipo only this time, surgery was so minor' went in to the operating theatre, got injected & off I went, the Priory Hospital has some hot' nurses now (they all look like ex-uni students who just graduated or something) where as 2 years ago their weren't any lol...

Healing seems alright too. I managed to come home the same day and didn't get no compression bandage so just put on my compression garment now. In regards to improvement, I can't see a dramatic visual difference apart from the fact my chest FEELS VERY soft and swollen now compared to before where I could feel solid scar tissue around the bottom of my chest BUT now this is all flat and virtually not their. With the compression garment on, I look completely flat and ideally how I want to look.

Only time will tell how it looks after the swelling resides. I wish I don't get any serious scar tissue and ill be happy and say im 95% happy and can live with myself without ever thinking about being self-conscious etc.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2009, 12:18:03 AM by GynO_DuDe »


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Day 1 Post Op

Chest & sides are VERY painful, its like an intense chest workout, but times it twice, so its JUST about bearable, Im refusing to take the Cocodamol painkillers though because its got a history of giving me constipation so F that!! just going to finish the antibiotic course. I would rather have pain then not be able to go to the toilet when needed lool!

My compression vest is a b!tch aswell completely forgot how irritating it is wearing one of these because its been so long ...

I also went to Tesco's quickly today morning in my car, I couldn't really do full turns with my arms on the steering wheel, so im actually driving like I only passed yesterday, in other words, feeding the steering through both hands like a girl, instead of driving it comfortably and in my usual driving style.

But yeah, will update in a few more days time.

Offline Raym

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Had my surgery today, Lipo only this time, surgery was so minor' went in to the operating theatre, got injected & off I went, the Priory Hospital has some hot' nurses now (they all look like ex-uni students who just graduated or something) where as 2 years ago their weren't any lol...

Healing seems alright too. I managed to come home the same day and didn't get no compression bandage so just put on my compression garment now. In regards to improvement, I can't see a dramatic visual difference apart from the fact my chest FEELS VERY soft and swollen now compared to before where I could feel solid scar tissue around the bottom of my chest BUT now this is all flat and virtually not their. With the compression garment on, I look completely flat and ideally how I want to look.

Only time will tell how it looks after the swelling resides. I wish I don't get any serious scar tissue and ill be happy and say im 95% happy and can live with myself without ever thinking about being self-conscious etc.

That's very good. Congratulations and good recovery.


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Day 2 Post Op

Thought I was going to update in a few days, but seems like i'd better let everyone know why everything was so easy yesterday and how I managed to even go for a drive & have a shower!! its because the bloody anesthetic was still in my system! Now that it's all flushed out I am in a LOT of pain. Ive had to start having pain killers even though I didn't want to due to the fact it causes me constipation. And my compression garment is a killer (I found out its a Stage 2 one), its hurting my sides (thats were most of the operation was focused on this time). I managed to make it more comfortable by shoving some thin cushions in to the vest so its not soo harsh on the sides and its luckily helping because its not asif I can just order another compression garment and it's going to arrive next day...

But yeah, chest is very swollen and in pain, left side is more exaggerated compared to the right side.

So the moral of the story is, any one else thats post-op by one day and feel asif their pretty much healed just because their able to do things, don't get brave like I did and stop taking your medicine!!!! make sure you take your pain killers and chill out, and avoid doing anything strenuous to the chest because now im sorry!

Offline KryptoKnight

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Definitely was a mistake to go driving one day after.  Doc always says first 3 days are the most important for healing and you really shouldn't be doing anything.  Even something like a walk for an extended period can cause some major swelling.  Take it easy

And the pain thing is crazy.  It's funny I only had major pain when I first got out of surgery and was in recovery, but some tylenol healed that right up.  I didn't use any of the prescription strength painkillers and the only time I needed tylenol was tylenol pm so it can help me sleep (which it really didn't, sleeping on your back is a pain in the ass)

any clue how many cc's they took out?


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Pfff' didn't ask about the CC's, but put it this way everything looks flat and the scar tissue from the first op has all been sucked out, its just a matter of healing up now and actually sorting out the rest of my body and finally getting toned, ive had enough of being paranoid about my chest, realistically speaking if I had to pull out another £4000 for a revision OP, I wouldn't of done it, i'd just live with myself some how.

But yeah, I have come a long way though considering I was a 18 stone whale during my college years, thankfully I saw sense and God made me some good mates that motivated me to lose weight and become a gym addict. Im now 14 n half to 15 stones (weights fluctuating between their) and want to ideally get to 13 stones with low bodyfat, just for my own health and just so I can say I actually achieved something during my university years aswell as working towards a degree!


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