Author Topic: Anyone else?  (Read 21211 times)

Normal boobs1

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I don't think that anyone needs to apologise for anything written so far in this thread. It is refreshing to have an open and honest exchange.
It has been statements of fact from individuals as to their present body and psychological situation. Privacy has been maintained in areas where folk want it. Inappropriate detail has been left where it belongs  - just facts - some individual some medical and no eroticism.
A real adult consersation

Offline Johndoe1

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I know for some people, male and female, sexual feelings in their breasts do not exist. I think we have seen that here. I have two female friends tell me one can have sexual feelings from breast manipulation and the other has none. And breast size appears to have nothing to do with it, if you catch my drift. I believe the same is true here. And this should not be a surprise since breast tissue is identical no matter the gender. In women they are called breasts. In men it's called gynecomastia. As if by having a penis diminishes the fact that they are breasts.  I wish the term gynecomastia would go away and a breast is called a breast,  no matter the gender. And yes, I enjoy having developed breasts and the fun that comes along with having them. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Normal boobs1

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I too wish that the term gynecomastia was dead and buried. It is a non word for a "condition" that does not exist and does not need treating.
Men with larger breasts are normal.
In the same way women with small breasts also do not have a condition that they need to have corrected.
The insecurities are fanned into flame by society's  prejudices and perceived norms.
Regrettably in both cases it is almost blackmail for both to play fast and loose with their health be it wirh surgery or hormones. It also damages their wealth
« Last Edit: March 10, 2023, 06:26:36 AM by Normal boobs1 »

Offline Evolver

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I too wish that the term gynecomastia was dead and buried. It is a non word for a "condition" that does not exist and does not need treating.
Men with larger breasts are normal.
In the same way women with small breasts also do not have a condition that they need to have corrected.
That's actually a very good point. Men with large breasts, and women with small breasts, may choose to do something about it surgically to make themselves feel good by appeasing people that they don't know, but it is not a need per se.

I am all for unisex everything, including medical terminology. Thank goodness that when men get diagnosed with breast cancer, it is not known as men's breast cancer.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I hope you guys realize that attitudes like that will put plastic surgeons out of business... including the man who pays to keep this website alive... :o

I agree, our unique hormonal stew is not a problem... unless we've accepted society's judgments about what it means to be a man or woman or beautiful or ugly.  We know, of course, that few people have the emotional intelligence and personal integrity to not succumb to group pressure in all its forms.  The reason the advertising business is so phenomenally successful is because we are so vulnerable to the messages they give us about what we should drive, wear, eat... look like.  There is no doubt that the focus on acceptance which is the hallmark of this side of a site devoted to fixing "the problem" is where an answer can be found.  I don't need to buy anything or do anything that isn't in alignment with my values.

Yes, I have breasts though I have no interest in flaunting them.  And yes, I enjoy the breasts that now fill the cups of a 42C brassiere.  I like the brassiere as well!  Fortunately, I found a place where I can say such things without being attacked.  Thanks everyone!

Offline Johndoe1

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Lots of other procedures for doctors to make money from!

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I know there is a place for plastic surgeons in this world in which accidents happen and profound abnormalities make life difficult for some... but the big money is made in cosmetic surgery... boob jobs, nose jobs, tummy tucks.  I wasn't a subscriber but I got the flavor of the FX series Nip and Tuck and it wasn't a pretty picture.  I happen to live in a wealthy community and high end plastic surgeons abound.  In fact, I don't live that far from where THIS plastic surgeon does his work.  I guess driving a Bentley can come with silicone breast implants... ::)

Offline Lbrown

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To answer OP's original question, yes, four breasts are indeed better than two.

Normal boobs1

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 42 C
I suspect that anything said on this side of the forum will not dent the income of the owners of this site to any worrying degree. They probably regard giving us free reign as part of due diligence in getting informed consent for others desire for what is, after is all said and done,  elective cosmetic surgery.
I feel sad that society makes so many men disturbed enough to go through with what I see as unecessary expensive mutilation.
Others opinions will, I accept, vary. 
Peace to all


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I am sooooo thankful that I had not elected to have a breast reduction or a double mastectomy. 

My wife.has ALWAYS enjoyed my boobs. I think that even the struggles that I went through as a teen when I had considered having them removed from my body. I could ever seriously consider it. 

Offline Moobzie

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But it's even worse for women - from infancy on females are looked at (quite literally) differently than males.  With us, generally, the focus is on what we do - hence the emphasis on physical strength / prowess.  With the other half of humanity the primary focus is on appearance.  I get this:  with me how a guy looks is not as important as how he does - I don't choose mechanics or plumbers on the basis of their looks.  Women, even when working, are super focused on how they look.  One of the odd things about us guys with developed breasts, curvier bodies, softer muscles and smoother skin is that we start being concerned about our appearance in similar or even the same way.  I never used to give a second thought about what to wear:to the store, mowing the lawn, swimming, etc., etc.  But now!?  Yup - second (or even third !) thoughts.  As I posted in another thread, I've finally started to become comfortable in my shape.  Time and estrogen can do that.

Offline Busty

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Time and estrogen can do that.

That perfectly describes us and our womanly breasts 

Normal boobs1

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Perhaps we should shout out that all women have gynecomastia, then the only odd ones out would be men without boobs! 
 I would hope I could be generous enough to these poor blokes to treat them better than they deserve for the years they have taunted us.
Allying ourselves with all women would be an unstoppable majority alliance for societal change.
Pie in the sky,?  Probably


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That being said: If 50% of the population, women, have breast and ______% of men have gynecomastia, breast, that would make none breasted people a minority and subject to said ridicule.  ???


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Has any one else found that sex is better once there are four decent sized breasts in play?
Hmm, it has been so long ago I can't remember 🤔
And the estrogen has done it's magic in making the act pretty near impossible. Foreplay on the other hand might be fun 🤔


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