I dont seem to be understanding the concept of someone who has accepted something, getting told by someone else "no man, look, you SHOULD be ashamed".
I dont think I have ever encountered that type of thing before.
so yeah I am with you.
Merle wasn't saying that he needs to be ashamed. That would be counter-productive to the whole point of this part of the board. Merle is saying as someone who has had surgery they should be posting in a different area. This area for people who still have gyne, have acceped it, and have opted not to get surgery. Unless of course "IT'S_Gone" still has gynecomastia after his surgery.
no, I understand that. I might have misworded my statement.
I just see alot of post that follow someones acceptance, that say in a nutshell "ok man, thats ok if you want to (nudge nudge) you know, I mean, I myself would never be able to live with something like that (nudge, nudge) but you know, uh, if you can bare that type of this fo the rest of you life...."
basically trying to convince someone that they shouldnt be happy with themselves how they are.
I might be letting a general impression of some of the posts in other sections bubble over into my thoughts though.
I can say one thing.
For me, I NEVER ONCE had anyone mention it, well one time, when I was 21 from my friend who is stick skinny and thinks anyone weighing more that 120 lbs is fat (hahaha ridiculous) but other than that, I havent had 1 single mention of it. I always knew I had it, I HAVE always wanted to get it taken out ( I talked to a friend about it just the other day and he asked me "and you didn't get it taken out?" I said "you buying? lets go!". and saw certain bodybuilding messageboards talking about it and people laughing (still can understand how, if it is such a common unfortunate consequence of an anabolic cycle gone wrong, how bodybuilders laugh at it like its alien) and I thought "ah, these are people who are into fine tuning thier bodies to the absolute utmost degree of perfection" then I start to research this more, and I see people who look TOTALLY FINE, with the exception of a little puffiness (I have a few friends that are worse) and they are shelling out thousands to correct this problem I dont even really see.
I am looking at all of this extremely non-accepting attitude, and then I am starting to feel worse about myself than I ever have. That is my own problem.
But I think that sometimes acceptance is right. and the support for someone to get surgery for less striking cases can be very un-helpful and can make someone feel terrible.