Author Topic: Girlfriend noticing  (Read 6811 times)

Offline benusa

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I just tried a bra for the first time this week. I haven’t told anyone in my life about it because I’m only wearing it at home and see it as personal experimentation. Also this week, my girlfriend was feeling my chest and cupped and squeezed my breasts. I didn’t say anything. I thought she was testing the waters to see if I would let her. Maybe she was just gauging size of recent growth. We live in separate towns and don’t see each other daily. Yesterday I was hoping she would say something or touch them again - it felt nice, but she didn’t. I didn’t really feel like having a conversation yet either so I didn’t bring it up. I might wait a while. I’m wondering if she likes my chest or not. Not really looking for advice. Just sharing my experience since this is new for me. Maybe some of you have had similar situations?

Offline Evolver

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My immediate thought is that if she does it again, let her know that you like it, and take it from there. If nothing else this should create a segue to a proper discussion about your breasts.

If she doesn't touch them again spontaneously next time, are you bold enough to take her hands and put them there to initiate that converstaion?

Offline benusa

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Hi Aussie,

I may do just that. It was a little soon. I’m assuming now that she’s noticed the growth.



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Oh, she was definitely "dipping her toes in the water". This is clearly a case of "silence is acceptance. She was trying to get to second base with you! She most likely has wanted to feel them up but wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with it. You didn't brush her hands away so..... It depends on how bold she is but she will likely ask you next  time how you like it.



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Oh, she was definitely "dipping her toes in the water". This is clearly a case of "silence is acceptance. She was trying to get to second base with you! She most likely has wanted to feel them up but wanted to make sure that you were comfortable with it. You didn't brush her hands away so..... It depends on how bold she is but she will likely ask you next  time how you like it.

That was similar to what my Mrs did but that was more trying to get payback from where her girls where sore during her pregnancy Untill she found out I like it as much as when I do it to her lol

Offline benusa

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Hi Kazmage,
I’m glad that ended up being a positive experience for you guys. It sounds like things went well between you two and I’m glad.

I hope there’s a next time. I’ll probably post an update if there is.



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That's right.  Things may be going through her mind.  Have a response ready.  If your happy with yourself it will go good.  If she wants to play ball, let her take the base. ;)


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Just let things occur organically. Don’t bring attention to growth or things taking place if things continue to develop. 
I’ve asked my wife a few times if things look worse and she says every time nope and it’s in my head. Contrary to going from an a cup to spilling out of some b cups now over the time of asking. I think women don’t mind overall if they are with us long term. They become acclimated to our changes if changes happen and overall I believe become accepting. Perhaps not to wearing some things but I say let things happen organically and not push focus on the concern or bring attention to it and she will find her own pace of enjoying the intimacy of things. 


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"I think women don’t mind overall if they are with us long term. They become acclimated to our changes if changes happen and overall I believe become accepting. Perhaps not to wearing some things but I say let things happen organically and not push focus on the concern or bring attention to it and she will find her own pace of enjoying the intimacy of things."

This is so true!!! Even though I had my boobs and wore a bra and panties since before we met, she was has always been supportive of the changes in me. She complimented the fit when I started wearing ladies slacks and blouses. 

I can't speak for all women but everyone I know, male or female like boobs. I know that I like boobs!


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Yeah my wife would be very suspect of things if I wore women’s jeans and tops. Not even an interest of mine overall. Tried panties and other items in the past but always felt more foolish than comfortable but always good to hear when others have a Vice versa interest or experience than it is taken in with grace not judgment. 

I was curious how my wife would be when my breasts continued to grow. We have a pretty vanilla sex life. Intimate a week or so ago and before then about a year. I went from small a cup to larger b cup in volume and lost weight so not like I got donuts to blame lol. Taking my shirt off I was a bit nervous. Even in the dark cause I have seen how they now move and look leaning over and when she took to them like fish to water as they say lol I was like thank you lol. It was so odd but also erotic seeing my breasts in her hands and mouth knowing all my life the views been the other way around. I definitely think long as you are you and not inducing it or trying to force the idea and reality of having breasts as a man to a woman then it will be at worst a whoa I didn’t know he had boobs and most times I feel they would just be like not what I prefer but hey more to play with lol

Offline taxmapper

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My other half is still not so sure about it. 

Last night I was able to create cleavage!   


In time I think things are going to get more pronounced and though i am going to start the gym again, I know full well that they will probably accelerate growth. 


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Yeah I hit the gym hard again last year myself and am in pretty good shape and my chest has grown softer not harder 😂 figured whatever at 35 I don’t care. 

I remember few months ago when I woke up from a nap facing our bedroom mirror and thought omg I hope my wife didn’t walk in while sleeping cause I never noticed how much cleavage I had laying on my side. 

Offline Busty

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Seems like your GF is comfortable with your boobs.  You are lucky. 

Offline benusa

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Thanks. She’s wonderful. We haven’t talked about it yet but she got a good look and feel this weekend. ;)


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Aye oh! Haha glad y’all had fun. Developing boobs when being intimate can be a stressing thing I feel. Wife and I haven’t been intimate in a year Ive grown almost 2 cup sizes. It’s gonna be interesting like hey babe can you hold these in place for me lol. 


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