Author Topic: Self acceptance  (Read 9754 times)


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In some of the other threads, there are stories about how some of you guys and/or your wives/girlfriends play with your boobs and how it's exciting for you.
My question is, when did you come to accept them and enjoy them? Right now, mine feel like they don't belong, or like they belong to some unknown female. There is a disconnect in my brain between playing with boobs and my own body. I spent over 50 years without boobs and am thoroughly conditioned to a) not have boobs myself, and b) if I'm playing with boobs they are attached to a female body.
I realize it may be a bit more natural to someone who has had them since puberty, but how did you guys come to accept them as sexual play toys?

Offline TigerPaws

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Sir, acceptance comes with time and the feeling is not static, there will be days when you ignore your breasts and days when you are very uncomfortable. Like most things life is a roller coaster of moods and feelings.

Accepting yourself is a life long process not something that happens than you are done. Honestly there are days when I am very self conscious and others when I do not even notice and every possible point in-between.

All of this is normal.


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I agree acceptance is fluid, but that is only true after a certain point.
Having had growth for only a little over 2 years with the first year plus being easily ignored, I now have significant boobage and that has yet to become "normal".
At what point in the development of boobs did acceptance first happen? Was it a certain frame or an event/situation that made it happen?


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I have been a bra  since I was 12. (Not all the time at first ). It took many years to accept them as mine. Years of increasing my cup size. And every time I went up a cup.size, praying that this will be the last. Trying weight loss finding no significant changes in my breast size. This past year, I was fitted for a 36G in a couple of new bras and I was ok with it. We are what we are. I guess for me, it's easy. I haven't been outside top less since I was 9 and wearing a bra full-time since 14. That was almost 30 years ago and for me, it is normal.

Offline expedient-traveller

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I have had breast growth for about 10 years but it was so very slow and unnoticed by me until about 3 years ago when I was sitting on the edge of my bed getting my head together before prepping for work. I was slightly bent over and looked down and there they were. They were a good AA/A and I could not believe it. I tried to ignore them as before but they were now in my head. I started to wear a sports bra which I was certain everyone could tell I had on. It was around that time I had to start taking some meds for a dark spot on my prostate and then the growth kicked in. I keep getting the size of the "girls" measured wrong but am a good 46C. This took a long time to accept particularly since they are still growing (I out grew all my 44 bras).
The point of all this is there are days I can completely ignore them and other days I am certain I stick out for all the world to see. But I can positively testify that people just do not notice...except a few women who looked at my boobs with envy which could not be mistaken since the women were very flat. I do not know when acceptance comes but it does. We judge ourselves very harshly when it comes to breasts since we are men and we are not expected by society to grow breasts. However, in our day and age there are so many environmental issues (air, food, water) that promote increased breast growth in men that, according to one source, in a hundred years or so, breasts on men will be common. Right now we are over 30 million strong in the U.S. alone who have noticeable breast growth and over 70 million who have some sort of breast growth...and the numbers are growing.
It seems that we accustom ourselves to having breasts in our head...but it does take time and support. I had one of the ladies here at work who has a brother with very large breasts and she was able to assist me with advice and care. I can ask her questions about my breasts and we can joke about them. She is also good for advice on bras and is willing to go with me to get a fitting. She has already talked to the manager of a local Layne Bryant store who told her there are a lot of men coming in for bras to handle their "high-flotation devices". Once I had notice of my own boobs I started to notice how many men had boobs and was surprised.
I just takes time but know this, it is not some freak thing, weird thing nor any other bizarre effectation. It is something that happens to a lot of guys and there is nothing wrong with it. So, in view of that, grab a good cigar, get some iced-tea and slap on some nice classical music, park yourself and let the worry and pressure fall away. Finally, give thanks to God for loving you and being with you regardless of what you have on your chest because He dwells in our hearts. Zei gezundt! (Be Well!)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 09:42:54 PM by expedient-traveller »


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Once I had notice of my own boobs I started to notice how many men had boobs and was surprised.

I too was surprised - at how many men do NOT have boobs. Sure, I have seen plenty of moobs, but what's the big deal about 2 rolls amongst all the other rolls?
I have seen exactly one guy that wasn't fat that had some boobage, and it could easily just be leftover flab from him being overweight - they aren't very significant and they have no projection whatsoever.
Sure, if I saw every man topless, I may have seen minor cases frequently, but those cases generally cannot be noticed under just a t-shirt.
I'm talking about guys with healthy weight or thin bodies that have female sized boobs - I have not seen one, other than the guy in the mirror.

 Finally, give thanks to God for loving you and being with you regardless of what you have on your chest because He dwells in our hearts.

I think I'll pass on that part...

Offline TigerPaws

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Once I had notice of my own boobs I started to notice how many men had boobs and was surprised.

I too was surprised - at how many men do NOT have boobs. Sure, I have seen plenty of moobs, but what's the big deal about 2 rolls amongst all the other rolls?
I have seen exactly one guy that wasn't fat that had some boobage, and it could easily just be leftover flab from him being overweight - they aren't very significant and they have no projection whatsoever.
Sure, if I saw every man topless, I may have seen minor cases frequently, but those cases generally cannot be noticed under just a t-shirt.
I'm talking about guys with healthy weight or thin bodies that have female sized boobs - I have not seen one, other than the guy in the mirror.

Finally, give thanks to God for loving you and being with you regardless of what you have on your chest because He dwells in our hearts.

I think I'll pass on that part...

Well NOW you have seen one. Me!

Offline Paa_Paw

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They are simply a part of me, so it is not a big deal. 
I cannot bring myself to believe that a condition present in about 1/3 of the male population is abnormal. 
If indeed all cases are tallied including neonatal Gynecomastia that totally resolves, Pubertal Gynecomastia whether it resolves or not, and Gynecomastia due to conditions of aging or medical side effects are tabulated, It might be correct to say that any man who never had any breast enlargement is the one who is abnormal. 
Grandpa Dan

Offline gotgyne

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there are a lot of men with boobs and not all of them are overweight. Some years ago I even noticed a young man wearing a 'crop top' as the one in my left pic in this thread
I'm not overweight either.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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I'm 5'10 and 170 lbs. I wear a 36G. I've accepted them. It took me a while to do that. I couldn't expect others to accept me the way I am until I accepted myself.
I still have people ask me why I don't just go and have them removed. I guess that it's because I don't mind having them or having to wear a bra because of them. Women with smaller builds and larger breasts are able to manage. Don't get me wrong, life would be easier without them, but life would also be easier without taxes. However, they're both facts of my life that will be with me until I die.


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If a man can't accept himself as he is, or love himself, he will not be able to accept someone else,or love someone else either!

It does not matter your body shape or size! Learn to accept you as you are, the things that matter are what is in your heart, mind and what makes you, you! Nothing makes you more or less of a man except by your actions! That is, how you treat women, your fellow man, your parents, your children! It has nothing to do with your looks, if you're fat, have breast, don't have breasts, did have them and had them cut off!

I could go on, but I hope you get the idea I'm getting to here!



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there are a lot of men with boobs and not all of them are overweight. 

Apparently, all 10 or so are in this forum....
I have yet to see another male (in person) with visible gyno that was not overweight. I have been looking at male chests for about 1 1/2 years now and have seen thousands. Not one like some of the members here.
So yeah, I know I'm not the only man on the planet with boobs, but how many of you personally know someone with boobs (other than yourself)?

Offline TigerPaws

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there are a lot of men with boobs and not all of them are overweight.

Apparently, all 10 or so are in this forum....
I have yet to see another male (in person) with visible gyno that was not overweight. I have been looking at male chests for about 1 1/2 years now and have seen thousands. Not one like some of the members here.
So yeah, I know I'm not the only man on the planet with boobs, but how many of you personally know someone with boobs (other than yourself)?
I do not necessarily pay attention to such things, it is none of my business if another man has breasts or not.

I walk the halls of Congress, the Pentagon, the streets of Moscow, Prague and London. No one pays any attention to me and I do not call attention to myself.

Comparing yourself to others is pointless, we are each unique in our own right, so why bother?


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I walk the halls of Congress, the Pentagon, the streets of Moscow, Prague and London. No one pays any attention to me and I do not call attention to myself.

I realize there are many situations we (you particularly) find ourselves where clothing can make us look normal. You exist in a very different world than the vast majority of people, and that has a profound affect on whether you are noticed (for your boobs) or not.

Put yourself in a normal situation in the normal midwest. Hot weather brings t-shirts or toplessness with jeans or shorts. Most people's eyes are drawn to boobs period, so tell me how 38DD would not be noticed in a t-shirt?

Granted, I do not know what the result of being noticed is, so it may be good, bad or indifferent. Again, that depends on the local crowd.

What would the reaction be to an old guy with huge boobs by the following groups?

College kids in the park during the summer.

HS kids - same as above.

Old church ladies on a Sunday afternoon?

A group of rednecks at a country fair?

Police if they see you topless?

For some people, a guy with huge boobs that otherwise looked like a guy, would be "People of Walmart" material.

There are just so many variables in most normal people's lives, and believe it or not, there are plenty of people watching people....


Offline TigerPaws

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I walk the halls of Congress, the Pentagon, the streets of Moscow, Prague and London. No one pays any attention to me and I do not call attention to myself.

I realize there are many situations we (you particularly) find ourselves where clothing can make us look normal. You exist in a very different world than the vast majority of people, and that has a profound affect on whether you are noticed (for your boobs) or not.

Put yourself in a normal situation in the normal midwest. Hot weather brings t-shirts or toplessness with jeans or shorts. Most people's eyes are drawn to boobs period, so tell me how 38DD would not be noticed in a t-shirt?

Granted, I do not know what the result of being noticed is, so it may be good, bad or indifferent. Again, that depends on the local crowd.

What would the reaction be to an old guy with huge boobs by the following groups?

College kids in the park during the summer. Never has been or is an issue because I do not make it one. My breasts developed after I was 50.

HS kids - same as above. I could care less, I was home schooled until I was 17 when I enlisted.

Old church ladies on a Sunday afternoon? Wouldn't know I do not need, want or desire a deity.

A group of rednecks at a country fair? Why would someone want to associate with such low life people who care more about how a person appears than the content of their character?

Police if they see you topless? Never going to happen, so not an issue. I live on the island of Antigua and have 300' of totally private beach. Besides why would a gentlemen want to go around shirtless?  

For some people, a guy with huge boobs that otherwise looked like a guy, would be "People of Walmart" material. Wallie-World? The land of the lower class, of rednecks and welfare recipients. I do not patronize such places.

There are just so many variables in most normal people's lives, and believe it or not, there are plenty of people watching people.... Only in your mind! Life is not fair, no one cares if you live or die except maybe your immediate family so why be concerned about trivial issues?



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