Author Topic: Document Area  (Read 4734 times)


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Could there be an area where longer documents could be stored for reference and posterity.

An obvious use is for members to post a docu-brief of their gyne - how they came by it, their initial reaction, what they did about it.

Useful assembly area for edition 2 of the book, maybe ?
« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 04:38:38 AM by deBra »

Offline merle

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If men will send it to me, I am more than willing to create a section on the website and start posting them. THat would remove it from the venerability of the boards program and make it as available as I can.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

My newest book: Facing the Truth of Your Life is very relevant to members of this forum. It could save you a lot of unnecessary pain and time.

Book books are available on Amazon. FTTOYL is also available through your local bookstore or on Audible or iTunes.


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Thanks Merle - I'll get some potential material together.

Any others wish to add to this? - I think it would be useful

Offline markashleigh1979

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Do u mean like an appendix of peoples accounts etc?

Offline merle

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I think that we are talking about a section with men's stories. More accessible and lasting then the boards. Perhaps with a format.



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Yeh, that's what I had in mind.

I think the site could do with an overhaul. There are always a lot of 'dazed and confused' newcomers who simply ask the same question for the hundredth time on the board, which means they aren't looking at the accumulated wisdom and discussion topics vanish into the morass after a couple of days.

If there were to be an area where newcomers could browse first and soak up the wisdom (which will require a sensibly structured thesaurus of topics) and then ask questions / add to knowledge as appropriate, I think the site would function a lot more efficiently for us all.

Just some thoughts.

Offline merle

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They could buy my book and miss a lot of wrong information.



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Merle - yes indeed !

I was thinking towards the second edition.


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