Author Topic: Gyno Caused by Steroids forum  (Read 8687 times)

Offline womanboob

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Well lots of people with gyno have gyno because of steroid use, misuse, or abuse. some people are shy of posting steroid related posts because they fear just getting rejected...maybe it deserves its own section. more people might participate in the steroid discussion.
Lose 18 lbs FAT by October (12 so far)

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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Why would people who developed gyno due to steroid abuse be rejected on this site? If someone got HIV by sharing a needle with someone or by having unprotected sex, what's the difference? They now have HIV! Their life is now changed and they are taking the appropriate steps to help themselves. I hope that this isn't the case here.


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Why would people who developed gyno due to steroid abuse be rejected on this site? If someone got HIV by sharing a needle with someone or by having unprotected sex, what's the difference? They now have HIV! Their life is now changed and they are taking the appropriate steps to help themselves. I hope that this isn't the case here.

I agree! We have all made mistakes of some kind in our lives, and what the forum is for is to support each other on how to deal with gynecomastia, be it through acceptance or surgery. We are not here to judge how or why one got the gyne!


Offline Keep_It_Moving

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I couldn't agree more. Thank you for replying to my post.

Offline jay adams

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Amen! We shouldn't segregate people. That's not a good way to welcome them and it could cause them to feel like a outcast or inferior cause they didn't get it naturally. Its not how you got from point A to point B on here. Its how you get from point B to point C. Woman boob might not have meant no harm in his suggestion though. It might have just come across wrong.

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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I don't think Woman boob was trying to be vicious with his intentions, I just want people to know that, "Hey! I got gyno, let's do this. Help me educate myself and others. Period." Hope that comes across okay.

Offline jay adams

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Totally understand. Knowledge is power. This site has been like a AA meeting for gyne to me for the last eight months. We're all here to help each other understand it better.

Offline Keep_It_Moving

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Thank you man. This uncertainty is scary and it's not something I want to do alone. Luckily, my gf is really supportive in this situation. Thanks for the reply! Best!


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Totally understand. Knowledge is power. This site has been like a AA meeting for gyne to me for the last eight months. We're all here to help each other understand it better.

Thank you man. This uncertainty is scary and it's not something I want to do alone. Luckily, my gf is really supportive in this situation. Thanks for the reply! Best!

These are both very good! AA for gynecomastia! A very good analogy! And support of family. We are so much better off with that! Even in acceptance it makes it so much easier when you decide to wear a bra for support and your daughters, wife and siblings get it, when someone gets so large that the surgery would be very extensive to reposition the nipples, and for those that can't have surgery, or thoses that have surgery everywhere else so forgo the double mastectomy too. I fit all those categories! I have hug breast, surgeries are always a risk as a diabetic so I only have the ones that I need to improve the important quality things in my life, so I try to support both acceptance and surgery.

Offline Paa_Paw

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No matter how we got here, we are in this now together. We should be supportive of each other.

My hope is that the day will come when it is realized that some men just naturally have more developed breasts than others and that both extremes are actually normal. Hopefully the day will come when no one, either male or female, feels stigmatized because of their breasts or their lack.
Grandpa Dan


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