Author Topic: 6 weeks post op looks slightly better then pre op  (Read 2606 times)

Offline postopgyno

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so tittle says it all!
I had surgery and everything was nice and flat
now it looks like i have full on gyno again..
i had both excision and lipo.. It looked perfectly fine the first like 8 days.. then after that it all went downhill went from slightly puffy to now just full on gyno looking
my nipple puffs out.. and i can like feel it just like i could gyno..

im confused cuz how did it go from being flat back to this?
its like my doc says its swelling but how the heck did it get this bad.? some parts are hard.. but others are soft and sometimes get hard.. .

whats going on? anyone got any pointers? is this gyno again? or is it really fluid?

i just reallly dont get how it goes from being flat to THIS!! ITS REALLY ABSURD.. I HAVE BOOBS AGAIN.. i saw what they took out.. idk what is going on but im more then upset.. 6 weeks almost 7 and i look slightly better then pre op?

man .. talk about a waste of money!! halp!

Offline puffysucks

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Bro, stop freaking out. You realize you just had your nipples cut open with a surgical knife and you're expecting no swelling? By day 9 post op, my right nipple got super puffy again. I'm about 1 1/2 months post op and the swelling is just starting to go away, albeit slowly. A week or two ago I had a steroid injection to help things progress a little bit quicker and it worked a lot. Not completely flat yet, but there is progress. You know when your surgeon and everyone on this site says wait 6-7 months to assess final results, well they weren't lying. Ontop of the swelling your body is going to start forming scar tissue which will make them puff out a bit as well. If you saw the excised gland after the op, and everything was flat at one point, all you can do now is be patient. Many people thinkthat after the op everything is uphill, but it's not. In fact after the op everything is downhill for a while, your body is recovering from being cut open like I said earlier. Think about when you simply roll your ankle and it swells up massively. Now add a knife into the equation and then hypothesize what is going to happen.

Offline puffysucks

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I should add, the only way you're going to regrow the gland is if you use something to aggravate it or your hormone levels weren't in check when you had the operation. If this was originally pubertal gyno, the latter is less likely to occur. But if you got it from an exogenous source and you rushed into the op without making sure your hormones were back where they should be, there is a chance of regrowth.

Offline postopgyno

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not worried about it being regrowth i just think its absurd this would swell like this
i seriously look the same..

im a month and a half post op too..


Offline Paa_Paw

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After only 6 weeks there is bound to be a good bit of residual post operative swelling and bruising. It will slowly diminish but it could be several months before you see the final result.
Grandpa Dan

Offline postopgyno

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well how should the swelling feel?
cuz right now its swollen bad..
i feel like a hard line where the lip was done..

and then all around my whole nipple area there is gooshy swelling??
i mean it kinda feels like gland but idk.. if i pinch it hard i can feel a little hardness to it
but not all of it is hard.. its like soft.. but where the lip was its very hard.. so basicly there is three different kinds of things happening..

there is very hard swelling from lip..
then there i slightly hard kinda like gyno feeling swelling all around where the gyno use to be
and then there is a soft gooshy layer all over all of it..

what is the swelling suppost to feel like?
what i am explaining does that sound like normal swelling?
its really bad my nipple puffs out now and everything like i didnt even have surgery..

Offline jay adams

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Post some pics at dif angles. Im 2 1/2 months and still have swelling. And scar tissue. And puffy nips. Its all part of healing. Not saying there might not be something wrong with your procedure but idk.

Post some pics and we can give you a better opinion. Swelling feels tingly and numb. If you pat your chest it feels stingy and tingly.

Offline postopgyno

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yeah i feel the tingly mostly around the nipple when i press on it and where the lipo was
i cant post pics i tried it wont let me..

just really looking for someone to confirm what swelling should look and feel like..

thanks guys for replying


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