Author Topic: Consultations with both Dr. Delgado and Bermant  (Read 12484 times)

Offline curious

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It was under general anesthesia. I am not aware of any surgeon that is able to do this procedure under anything else. Perhaps it depends on the extent of your gynecomastia.

In terms of the drains, I had a kink on my left drain which is the reason clotted blood products accumulated and I had to have that painful procedure. It's just a random occurrence, no real way to predict it or prevent it effectively other than keeping vigilant about drain maintenance. (For those who haven't come across a drain yet, it is a tiny plastic bulb with a tube that is left in your chest after surgery to drain accumulate blood. This is so that your chest looks as smooth as possible.) I would gladly accept the discomfort of having the drain in for the appearance of my chest now. It would make sense that the less excess "junk" (ie. diluted blood/anesthesia) you have stuck in your chest while healing, the more aesthetic the chest is able to heal.

As a side note seroma (benign collection of fluid) accumulated on my left pec twice after the surgery (one at 3-4 days and one at ~10-11 days) and I had it drained with a tiny needle. This was absolutely painless and I did require even local lidocaine because of the temporary loss of innervation on the outside of my chest following surgery.

Other than that though, I am now 17 days post-op. The bruising is almost entirely gone, there are no more issues with the seroma, and I can see the ripples of my pec when I even mildly flex my chest. It looks amazing. Like I'm seeing an old friend I haven't come across in years.

In terms of healing, the sites where the drains were inserted take a little longer to heal so there are tiny scabs on each side of my chest. These are concealed inside the armpit so they're essentially invisible, but just something to note. I still wear the compression vest out of caution and will continue to do per Dr. Delgado's directions to make sure the healing occurs as aesthetically as possible. The lateral aspects of my chest (between the nipple and the armpit) are numb to the touch, but that's an expected issue with this surgery--there are very tiny nerves that are almost impossible to avoid at least some damage to. The sensation will return eventually, I know, but it may not be the exact same as before. But who gives a crap? It's the outside of my nipple and it's not like I'm breast feeding.

Although my digital camera broke about a week before the surgery, I'll still put pre-op and 6 week post-op pictures (that's how long Best Buy will take to fix the camera). But I've seen a wide range of before and after pictures on this website, and I remember being terrified that I might still have breasts because a surgeon hesitated to take "too much" tissue. However, I could not imagine better results. I look equal to, or perhaps even better than, the sample pictures Dr. Delgado has on his website. Thank god I'm finally at the tail end of all this nonsense.

By the way, my stats were 5'11" and 174 before surgery with mixed glandular and fatty tissue development. I'm relatively skinny with good muscle development. I haven't weighed myself over the last two weeks, but I've been on a diet to do the surgery justice. My guess is that I'm somewhere around 160 lbs right now. I'll give you better numbers later.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2005, 01:57:01 AM by curious »

Offline Ricky1965

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Yesterday I became a bit tense about the amount of edema in my groin from the lipo, but I called Dr. Delgado and he assauged my neurosis.

Today I had my drains out. Sum total I drained about 250 cc from each side. Unfortunately there was a kink in the left side so there was some blood stasis in it when the drains were removed today.

Let me be frank--taking out these drains was the most painful experience of my life, aside from the time that I severed my finger in the weight room a few years ago in college. The drain removal itself was not too difficulty--they were stitched into place, and it tugged a bit at my skin as the stitches broke. However, I thought that this would be the end of it. No such luck. Because there was a kink in the left sided drain, Dr. Delgado had to manually express the coagulated blood from my chest till it looked roughly the same as my left side. When you "express" clotted blood, you basically work your fingers/knuckles over it in a kneading fashion till it squeezes out the opening in the skin, kind of like working the last bits of toothpaste out of an old fashion tube of crest. The feeling as it came out was not 'odd' or 'quirky' as one might think, but rather like that of acid being excreted from your skin. I have never in my life become light headed from pure pain. However, I broke out into a sweat and spots of white were dancing in front of my eyes from the pain. From psychiatry I know this means I was nearing what is known as the "pain threshold" -- that is, the physiologic limit of pain, beyond which you will lose consciousness. I suspect that if Dr. Delgado had pressed any harder I would have passed out.

Looking at my chest, it was a bit startling to see how bruised it was even before he expressed it--I suppose in large part from the stasis of the blood that was unable to leave the kinked drain. However, once this terrible process was complete and I looked at myself in the mirrior, it was like some sort of ethereal dream. My suspicion is that Dr. Delgado's usage of drains allows him to be far more precise and aggressive in terms of the amount of tissue he is able to remove as compared to other surgeons. I went from the sheer horror of having the clots expressed from my wound to an odd sort of disbelief.

Even now looking down at my chest on some level I fear that if I fall asleep and reawaken my old t*ts will be back again. It is so hard for me to finally accept that my old life of embarrassment and shame with my awkwardly folded arms and t-shirts with logos across the front and taping down those stupid pink puffy nipples with paper tape till the skin around my nipples blisters and weeps with inflammation and buying those f*cking Underarmour shirts that pushed my chest down so hard I had difficulty breathing--all of that is gone. This terrible feminizing sickness, that seemed so inescapable before this, staring at me everytime I stepped into the shower, poking out every time I've thought about being intimate with a girl,  mocking me with tiny jiggles everytime I thought about jogging without a shirt or going to the beach with friends. Suddenly it is history and it makes me almost hysterical with disbelief to try and accept that.

Dr. Delgado changed in my mind in that moment of disappearance from a butcher to a saint. I keep thinking of that scene at the end of Shawshank Redemption where Morgan Freeman is narrating what joy he might imagine when he hopes to find Andy Dufrene in Mexico, and as he is narrating it you see him walking on the beach to meet his lifelong friend. That is the kind of happiness I have right now. I guess it sounds kind of stupid to say this on an online forum when I won't admit it to my closest friends, but I'm really on the verge of tears here.

I know you guys understand. It is just so unfathomable to me the amount of bull$hit i put up with for this chest. And I am so so so greatful to the many kind and brave souls on this bored who have shared their struggles and advice and insight so that I could find Dr. Delgado and not choose a physician that would have done an incomplete job. It was worth the money. It was worth far more than what he charged. I guess I'm probably just rambling now, but I really feel liberated. I signed onto this forum a few years ago with the name 'curious' because that's all I was at the time. I didn't realize this problem was going to become such a deep part of my psyche--I didn't realize it was going to make me depressed and anxious and neurotic to a degree that would ultimately show up in nearly every aspect of my life. But it did, I went from curious to anxious to depressed. To all those idiots who say you can 'accept' yourself as you are and that surgery is unnatural, I say stop shoving your crack-a$$ opinions down my throat. Surgery isn't fun, it's not easy and it's not cheap. To add some crap philosophy to it that really is based on nothing but an arbritrary set point based on what that person is used to is really unnecessary. It's like telling a person having a heart attack that having open-bypass surgery is 'cheating'. Or telling someone whose child has cancer that chemotherapy is the devil's work. All because you don't understand it does not mean that it is bad.

Ok, the wood on my soap box is starting to wear a little thin so let me step down for a second. In addition to the forums here, I want to thank Janice, Dr. Gaynor, Elisa, and Dr. Delgado of course for being such essential parts of a practice so commmitted to excellence in the art of medicine. It reminds you that plastic surgery isn't just about the shallow Nip Tuck Hollywood crap, but that there's so much more these artists can do. It's a shame that a few bad seeds have created such a cynicism about what is truly such a noble part of surgical medicine.

I don't know if that really made much sense, and my thanks if you are still reading. Even if no one makes it to this point in the post, that alright--I had to say it to someone, even if it's just an empty blue box on It's been such a long path to this, and I still have so much more healing and exercise to go before I am through, I just needed to get this 'off my chest' -- through all of the ridicule and shame and quiet embarrassment I've finally found a moment of peace, and for that I am truly grateful.

With regard to your drain removal experience, I had almost exactly the same experience.  When he took them out I totally wasn't ready for the pain, I thought they'd just come right out.  I was so disoriented from the pain afterward that I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying.  Then when I got on the elevator (in the san francisco office) I started seeing white, except EVERYTHING turned white and I felt like I was about to pass out.  Literally the buttons on the elevator had a white haze over them or something.  I had to go downstairs and get water.  It was pretty freaky.  Other than THAT though my experience has been perfect.

Offline Houstonian

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is it possible to be put under anesthia to get the drains out?

Offline curious

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Because of the risks of general anesthesia (cardiac arrest, respiratory depression, etc) I don't think many surgeons would be easy to convince on this one. Also you need an anesthesiologist or nurse anesthetist, which can be quite costly. One thing that you could do though is take a strong dose of Valium about half an hour before the drains are removed to take the edge off.

By the way, as a four week update to my surgery--the induration on my left chest has mitigated considerably. My chest is nearly perfect in terms of symmetry currently. I have not started weight lifting and will not do so till 6 weeks. I am still wearing the compression vest to keep the scar tissue to a minimum although I am not as strict about it as I was before. Things are overall going quite well--from being more confident with relationships to not worrying about wearing thin shirts--life is quite a bit kinder now than it used to be. Again, if you can afford it, Dr. Delgado is at the highest eschelon of his craft and really is my top personal recommendation. There's a reason he has the name he has.

Offline curious

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I just wanted to give everyone a 6 month follow up about my surgery. It looks stunning. It went from my worst feature to my best after his surgery. I am able to walk around in public without a shirt on. My girlfriend often comments that my chest is her "favorite part" of my body--she is not aware that it was sculpted by a very gifted surgeon in San Francisco.

Life is different now. I don't have to worry about dressing right or taping things down or avoiding shirtless situations. There is a slight amount of scar tissue on the left side and I will probably have a steroid injection at some point to make sure it heals properly. Aside from that, life is good. Life is great.

The internet is an amazing thing. I don't want to think about the path I would have taken had a forum like this not existed. Big thanks to everyone here. Any questions, feel free to contact me any time.

Offline Lifes2short

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I appreciate your tying alot of informatoin on this site, but you are a little over the top with your sell job of Dr. Delgado.  The fact that you are not providing pictures leads me to believe that you either are Delgado or that you work for him.  Based on your recommendation I looked at his website at his before and afters and was not nearly as impressed as you were.

If you are legit then I apologize for being skeptical, but if you are not, please be honest in this forum. There are some people like me trying to get some honest informatoin and we there is no room for commericals here.

Offline SpydeReFs

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Thanks for your comments curious, I myself had surgery with Dr. D a couple weeks ago My experience is in 'your stories' section (i know, wrong section). I hope to be posting photos soon when I get a digital camera.

As for advertising for Dr. Delgado, I find that a very ridiculous accusation as his initial consultations are usually booked for at least a month or more. Some cases it takes several months to finally schedule your operation. If you don't believe me, look at other user experiences or call his office to try to schedule an initial consultation.

I would also like to say that my drain removal experience was quite the opposite as I did not really feel pain. Actually, I started to itch again when I got to the office as I hadn't taken a shower as required, so it felt more of a relief while it was getting pulled out.

But a couple questions:

Did you use any scar treatment?

When did you get to run comfortably, swim, and play basketball?

Thanks in advance

Offline ddaavviidd

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If i hear one more person say they have no pics because of there digital camera is broke i am going to throw up.   WE LIKE PICS IN HERE !!!!!!

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Offline jc71

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Curious - I'd like to hear your response.

I read your entire thread.  Where's the pics?

Offline SpydeReFs

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I have 2 weeks post op pics in Your Stories section and Im from delgado.

i've been reading the boards and ddaavvidd, you seem to be skeptical of everybody, even delgado and bermant.

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Offline lopher

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Yeah this thread is well dodgy



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