Author Topic: Dave's Gyne Diary- Post Surgery With Dr. Jacobs  (Read 7630 times)

Offline DR87

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Hi everyone. I'm 5'10" and weight slightly under 150. I've had gynecomastia since I was pretty young. I'm 22 years old and I just had surgery with Dr. Jacobs only hours ago. I posted about my surgery experience here.

Unfortunately I won't be able to see my new chest until Saturday since I was all bandaged up when I woke up. I cannot wait! I've been so insecure about my chest since I can remember. I never go to the beach or the local pool. In high school and my first couple of years in college I thought that if I lifted weights and got jacked people would just think that my chest was all muscle and I would look more proportional.  Boy was I wrong. As senior in high school I weighted about 155-160 pounds. I then bulked up to about 173 pounds. I gained some fat and a good amount of muscle. I looked proportional since the extra weight around my stomach helped mask my big chest.  Then I purchased a George Foreman grill and started eating every couple of hours and I somehow got down to 148-154 pounds.  Right now I'm about 148 (I stopped taking creatine about a month and a half ago, so I think I lost a good 6 pounds of water weight).  Losing all that weight and gaining some muscle made my chest stick out and it made it much harder for me to cover up. Throughout high school and college I somehow managed to keep my gynecomastia hidden. I was a starter on my high school's varsity basketball team and I miraculously kept my gyne hidden. Despite losing 24 pounds I am now stronger than I was when I weighted 173 pounds. A little less than 2 months ago I bench pressed 240 pretty easily. I think I could've gotten 245. The most I ever did when I weighted 173 was 235 and it took all of my strength to just barely be able to get it up without any help from my spotter. The added muscle to my chest made my man boobs stick out even more.  I have a ton of shirts in my closest and I literally could only wear like 5 or 6 of my shirts without having my chest stand out. So anyways I will be posting pictures regularly.  I can't wait to see my new chest!!! The anticipation is killing me!

Offline DR87

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It's 7 pm. I'm pretty sore now so I'm gonna take tylenol.

Offline freefromG

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Congrats mate. By the time 1 week comes around you will be feeling pretty good. 10 days for me now and feel great, just the vest and staying away from heavy stuff. really weird but scars are minor already, quite a contrast to a week ago.

Offline trojan213

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Thanks for posting! I'm probably going to schedule an appointment with Jacobs soon. Great to hear your experience went well.

Will be on the look out for updates on your recovery and some after pics!

P.S. your pre-op pics look like not that much gland, so should turn out very well

Offline DR87

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yeah its funny. I always thought that my chest was like enormous, but looking at the pics they don't look that bad. When I would look down at my chest shirtless it just looked so big and womanly. After the surgery the doctor's assistant said that he removed a good amount of tissue. I asked him if my chest had a lot of fat, and he said no it was mostly tissue. I think Dr. Jacobs said that to me too, but I was kind of out of it when he talked to me right after the surgery. And I think I forgot to add that he did have make incisions under my nipples.

Last night around 8 pm Dr. Jacobs called my house to make sure that I was doing okay and that I was following his post surgery instructions.

It still hasn't hit me yet that my man boobs are gone. I have an appointment on Monday with Dr. Jacobs. I just took 1 tylenol this morning. I'm not really very sore at all. I think I'm gonna go see Zombieland today.

Offline DR87

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2 days post up. Yesterday I received chicken soup and a card in the mail from Dr. Jacobs which was really thoughtful of him. Here are some pics two days post op. I finally got to see glimpses of my new chest. At first I was disappointed because I'm a paranoid perfection when it comes to things like this. I didnt think there was a big difference. But looking at the pics made me feel better. My chest is flatter and hopefully it'll keep flattening and tightening as I heal. What do you all think? I dont know what I should be expecting thus far but I think my chest will end up looking really good.

Offline DR87

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my chest seems to be shrinking. This morning it looked flatter than it did yesterday, and right now it looks flatter than it did yesterday morning. I have an appointment with dr. jacobs tomorrow. cant wait.

Offline steelhead

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What type of procedure did Dr. Jacob's use ? Lipo only with his special canula to remove the gland ?
Or did he have to make an incision underneath the aerola to remove the gland ?

Offline DR87

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yeah he had to make the incisions too.

Offline DR87

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« Last Edit: November 27, 2009, 04:58:05 PM by DR87 »


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