Author Topic: Great experience in Seattle  (Read 6405 times)

Offline Seattle000

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I’ve been living with gynecomastia since I was little. At the beginning it wasn’t that big and I was hoping that it’ll go away. It never went away, and my breasts grew to the point that it was easy to notice them under a t-shirt. They were really embarrassing and I stopped taking my shirt off in the public. Around 6 years ago I started working out three times a week hoping that it’ll make the problem go away. No matter how hard I worked out the breast-situation didn’t seem to be improving. Finally, in January I decided that surgery was my only option. I live in Seattle, and I couldn’t find any recommendations for a good surgeon in the area so I had to interview several surgeons before making my final decision. The first doctor that I spoke with seemed really full of himself, and was rushing through all the answers without really making sure that all my concerns are being addressed. The second doctor’s office was in a shady building and it was full of dated equipment which was worrisome especially after he said that he prefers to operate in his private operating room than in a hospital. I almost gave up until I went to see the third doctor: her name is Jana Cole and she works at the pastic surgery clinic at the University of Washington. After the 20 minutes that I spent interviewing her I had no doubt that I can trust her and that she knows what she’s talking about. She was an extremely warm and friendly person. She also seemed knowledgeable in the area: while the first two surgeons recommended that I go only with liposuction Dr. Cole told me that liposuction itself is not going to work and that if she doesn’t excise some of the glandular tissue I’ll be coming back later for a revision. After looking at some posts on this board her theory seemed to be in line with others’ experiences. I knew that if I go with her I’ll be in good hands.

My surgery was scheduled for the last Wednesday. I had to stop by the plastic surgery clinic at the university the day before the procedure to get my health checked by a physician and talk with somebody from the pre-anesthesia department. I was not supposed to see Dr. Cole until the next day, but she dropped by at the end of the visit to see how things are going. Last Wednesday I checked in for the surgery at 7am. First I talked with a nurse, and then I spoke with an anesthesiologist. The nurse hooked me up to an IV and started monitoring my vital signs. Both the nurse and the anesthesiologist were extremely nice, explained everything that was being done to me, and never lost smiles on their faces. Dr. Cole came around 8:15am. She drew several marks on my chest, chatted with me for a while and told me that I’ll be taken to the surgery room while she changes and prepares for the surgery. The last thing that I remember is the anesthesiologist putting a mask on my face. I woke up at 11am without any pain or nausea although I was warned that these are the typical side effects of the procedure. There was a nurse sitting with me in the post-op room and when I woke up she asked me several questions about whether I am in pain and if everything is ok. I was feeling great. After that a pharmacist stopped by with medicine that I was supposed to be taking after the surgery and I was taken home by a friend around noon. My follow up visit was scheduled for Monday. I wasn’t supposed to take the vest off or shower until after the follow up visit. After coming home I felt a little bit sleepy so I spent the rest of the day sleeping and watching movies. On the next day a nurse from the clinic called to see if I am still feeling ok. I was doing great – I didn’t feel any pain, and the only think that I could complain was boredom. On Friday Dr. Cole called to see how I feel because a weekend was coming and she wanted to make sure that I am ok. It was extremely nice of her to call me personally although she must be swamped with her daily tasks.

Today was the big day: it was the day when Dr. Cole took of my vest and I could see the results for the first time. When she took it off I was speechless. I never expected such great results. My breasts are completely gone, and all I can see are delicately shaped pecks. I’m not too swollen or bruised (Dr. Cole said that I might see some additional bruising over the next several days). I keep peeking under the vest every several hours to see my new chest again because I can’t believe how great it looks.

I can 100% recommend Dr. Cole. She’s the most excellent doctor I’ve ever met and I will never be able to thank her enough for the way she changed my life. The way she handled everything is amazing. She was ready to answer every question that I had, she did a great job giving me the chest of my dreams, and she never made me feel like I’m alone in the whole situation. She’s the best.

Offline vaio

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Congrats! How much did the surgery cost all togather?
Post some pictures.  :)
$2,800 = Freedom! p;store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//

Offline Seattle000

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My insurance ended up covering the procedure (Dr. Cole's office did all the paperwork). I haven't seen a statement from them yet so I can't tell.

I'll post the pics as soon as I locate the USB cable that I need to hook up my camera to my laptop ;)

Offline jc71

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Great story Seattle, i'm very happy for you.  Sounds like the surgery was a huge success and it was paid by ins. Looks like a Win / Win to me.  

Who do you have for ins?

Offline Seattle000

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Premera Blue Cross

Offline STILLgotIT

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It doesn't sound like it could have gone any better. Congratulations!

Offline ModFive

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Seattle000: How did you obtain an appointment with her, and how did you broach the subject of insurance paying for it?  How long did that insurance process take?  Do you have any before, after pics?  Your experience sounds so cool.  I am in the seattle area and am FLYING out to both Bermant in VA and to Hamas in TX without ever thinking it possible to do something here much less here and paid for by insurance! And we have the same insurance carrier! Wow.

Offline Seattle000

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ModFive: here are the answers to your questions

I do have before and after pics that I took myself, but I can't find the USB cable that I need to transfer them to my computer. I'll need to order one for my camera - I am not sure how long it'll take before I get it.

She brought up the subject of insurance herself. She said that the chance of getting my insurance pay is really low, but that we should try anyway. Her assistant took pics and they did all the paperwork. I got a note from UW in mail saying that my insurance approved the procedure around 1.5 weeks later (I think they did everything via fax)

Offline dorian

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Seattle000: How is it going now? Any scar tissue or swelling? Did you have to wear drains after the surgery?

I'm living in Seattle and would like to have a local Dr. that has good references. I was thinking about contacting Bermant in VA because I didn't know of any good doctors here.

Dr. Cole might be an option... I also have blue cross insurance.

ModFive: I found this info on the web about Dr. Cole:

There is a New Patient Scheduling phone number there (206-616-8449). Please let us know if you schedule an appointment and how it goes.


Offline Seattle000

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I didn't have drains, and all swelling is pretty much gone (the right side which was originally bigger is minimally swollen). The scar tissue is hardly visible (although you can see it if you look closely). I just had my check up with her on Monday and she told me to massage my scar tissue twice a day for 5 minutes. I'm still wearing the compression vest and she told me to wear it for another week or two and then two weeks during the day only. My chest is still a little bit sore, but it's getting better.

Offline vishal_chauhan

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Mine too has the right side less swollen whereas there was more fat in the right side. dunno why this happens????

Offline ModFive

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I have scheduled an appointment with Dr Cole.  She appears to be booking a month in advance, very busy.  She is the only female surgeon I had looked at, and her medical experience is only 10 years.  All the other doctors are at about 30 years.  (Dr Hamas, Dr Bermant).  However, I have a lot of faith in the UW centers.  They are generally fairly good.  So, I am going to give her a chance, especially since she appears to be a breast reconstruction specialist.  I will be interested in talking to her, seeing how many of these procedures she has done, some befores and afters, and how good of a candidate I am.  More than anything it would be nice to see Seattle000's pics if he gets a chance! Would be nice to have some real experience from a dude on this board.  I will keep people updated!
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 07:40:15 AM by cleanup »

Offline helpinseattle

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I have an appt with Cole next week.  I saw a Dr. Marosan today but wasn't to impressed - His prics was about $6,000 including anesthesia.

I am glad to hear you has a good experience.  How are you doing now?  I am in Seattle also and would like to discuss more with you.


Offline Tallguy

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Dr. Jana Cole is now in private practice in Anchorage, Alaska according to Terri at the New Patient Scheduling desk (206-616-8449). For gynecomastia Terri recommended either Dr. Isik;

or Dr. muzaffar



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