Author Topic: Gynecomastia surgery...piece of cake  (Read 2479 times)

Offline backspace

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I developed a small amount of gland tissue in my late teen years that never went away.  As I got older I also packed on some pounds.  The result was moderate gynecomastia and abdominal fat.  I made a conscious decision to lose 20 lbs before making my decision to have surgery and went from 196lbs (picture on the left) to 173lbs (picture on the right) I’m 5’9” by the way.   Losing the weight was not as hard as I anticipated, simply cutting 500 calories per day and adding a small amount of cardio exercise brought me down to my target weight and although a fair amount of fat from my abdomen and chest went away I felt like, at 48, my odds of removing those problem areas by weight loss alone were slim.  I opted for surgery only after discussion with my doctor about another issue that has been troublesome for me and that has been hypersensitive nipples.  So sensitive that it is uncomfortable most of the time and has really affected my quality of life.  So even though I was a good candidate for lipo only on my chest I convinced my surgeon to surgically extract gland material too.  I emphasized that an optimal outcome for me would be zero sensation in the nipples and although he couldn’t assure me of that he claimed that surgical extraction of gland material would likely result in some nerves being severed and he felt we would have a good outcome.   So yesterday I had my surgery under general anesthesia and it took about 2.5 hours to perform lipo on my abdomen and flanks, then the gynecomastia surgery.  I have no idea about the success of this surgery yet as I’m wearing the compression garment with thick foam for the next 5 days.  I will say this for anyone worried about the pain. Even without pain meds i am experiencing virtually no pain.  The thick foam under the Garment is the most uncomfortable aspect of the entire process.  I have very little pain in my abdomen, a little on the flanks but the doc said that was very fiberous material.  Only minor pain in my chest when I press the foam.  I will post after pics as I heal and am keeping my fingers crossed that one, my sensitivity is greatly reduced and two I’m no longer embarrassed to take my shirt off at the beach.  Dr Reedy of Wyomissing pa did a great job IMHO.  Again the pics attached in this first post are me pre surgery, the left is before the weight loss, the right is at target weight.  I’ll add some pics of the results at a later date.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 10:33:56 PM by backspace »

Offline backspace

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Day 5 post op and most of the swelling is down, there was very little discomfort in the abdominal lipo areas.  My chest is sore but I did have surgical excision as well as lipo So I expect some soreness.  My nipple have little feeling which is good an a desired result but there are some odd stinging and electric like impulses in my nipple area that I suspect are a normal part of the healing process.  Definitely more discomfort 5 days post op than I was a couple days ago but all in all not a terrible experience.  The thick foam compression garment is uncomfortable and sleep is tough while wearing it.  My physical results are already really amazing.

Offline backspace

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15 days post op and only some minor swelling in spots.  The only issue I have is some nerve regeneration pain in my chest mostly from the lipo I think, I believe the term is dysesthesia and it is fairly uncomfortable, feels like there is a painful abrasion on the skin surface but there is nothing there, it's just sensory nerves misfiring I suppose.  It's been a pretty easy process and highly recommend for anyone that has been on the fence about gynecomastia surgery.

Offline longdrives

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Looks good, show us some more pic angles

Offline backspace

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My gyno wasn’t terrible but bad enough.  The fat around my waistline had really become noticeable too.  At 48 I don’t expect to look like I was in my 20’s and don’t really want to, I’m 48 and fine with that so these results are well within my level of expectations.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 09:42:59 PM by backspace »


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