Author Topic: I Had Surgery On Friday (July 27th 2007)  (Read 3161 times)

Offline jtkool15

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Some parts may not make sense, im under strong meds, and very tired. ;D

 ;D Well to start off my name is Jon and i am 15 years old, i have been dealing with gynecomastia since the age of 10. It had bothered me so bad and everyone in the family had told me it was going to go away, by exercise, and by watching what i eat. That didnt help at all. I was very concerned, i never was joked or anything, but i knew people saw it, and i always could see people stairing at them when they were talking to me, which is very rude. In p.e. at school, im always the person who arrives there late, and get dressed while everyone else is gone, or sometimes ill go to the bathroom and change, and then when we were finished i just put my clothes over them, because i didnt want anyone to see. During school hours I put a belt around my chest and tightened it as tight as i can, it made it look flat, but when people tried to hug me, they kept asking "is that a bra" and i said its a back brace. Ive used the belt method the whole school year, it sometimes caused cuts and swelling, very painful. Then one day i was on the net and ive found this site, which really helped me and made me feel, that i needed to talk to my parent about my condition, we had a five minute talk, and they were really supportive, they said they wanted me to be happy. So we found a terrific Plastic Surgeon , where i live in (Virginia beach, Virginia)
We had a Consultation on (July 13th 2007) The Plastic Surgeon name was Dr. Hubbard, He was really great , he explained everything to me and my mother, he also told me how it could get worse in the future, so he said the best option is to get the surgery, that way i would know for sure i will feel better about my self. He also told me about the risks , but other than that i said lets give it a try. He showed before and after photos, the results looked AWESOME I was shocked, it looked like the fantastic results from thee best plastic surgeons in the U.S. . Me and my mother then went to talk to the lady about paying for it, the lady told us it was going to be 4,800, my mom put a down payment down , and we went home to talk to my dad, my dad and my mom said they had the money, so the next day, we went there and paid for it. They scheduled my surgery for the 27th of July. The staff from dr. hubbard`s office, called every other day with information, and asked if i had any questions, they were just the best all around.

Friday Morning (Surgery Day)
I woke up around 6 am, drinking a few sips of water, thats all i could drink until 7 am. My mom came in and said "are u ready" i said yes i am!!!! She is very supportive. i took a long shower , washed my hair, and then i put my sweat pants and my button up shirt on. we left around 10 :20  because they had told us that we needed to be there at 10:40. the whole time i was scared of the I.V.. The great thing is that, Dr. Hubbards Office has its own O.r. Just like a hospital, same equipment, same medicines, and they were approved by some medical thing, they seemed like they had it all going on, i told my self it could`nt get much easier than this. So i went to the place, and the nurse looked at me, and said "lets go on back" my mom came too, the nurse put a bubble wrap thing on me, which she hooked up to a machine, which made it feel very warm and comfy, then she put a warm blanket over me. She then asked me was i scared of needles, and i said yes, so she put some numbing cream on the potential spots where the i.v. was going to be located, then the anastethic came in she was so friendly, she stuck the iv in, and i didnt even feel a thing, my mom was there beside me , and the anastethic, told me she was going to give me something to relax, and it really did make me feel relaxed, then she told she was going to bring me to the o.r.  so i gave my mom a hug and a kiss, and she said " ill see ya when your done"  So the anastethic walked me over to the o.r. and she said, that a lady was going to give me some oxygen, and i said "it feels goo........................." I woke up in recovery, the nurse asked me did i needed to go to the restroom i said yes. all i remember was walking like i didnt even have legs, so she was in the bathroom behind me, and i told the lady, i cant use the bathroom with someone behind me, she laughed and said ok, so i managed to get to the sink and wash my hands, and dry them, she walked me back to the recovery room and sat me down in a chair, she handed me my shirt, i said thing ya know, im all dressed, my mom and dr. hubbard were talking, and then the nurse brought me to the car and then i went to sleep again, and woke up in my bed, with my pj`s on , that night my mom gave me some soup , and then my dad gave me medicine, then my mom drained me then my dad, fed me, then so on and so on..

My mom woke me up around 5 am she had to go to work, she fed me some soup and gave me some medicine, and then i went back to sleep, my dad woke me up around 7 am, he washed me up, and got me dressed, and we went to my post op visit, the doctor took the vest off, and took the bandages off and i looked down and saw my stomach, i said "their gone" then he told me he was not going to take my drains off yet, so he wrapped me back up, and i asked him some questions and he answered them, then i went to burger king and got some breakfast. i went back home, and went back to sleep, and took medicine, i woke up and some family members came over , and gave me get well stuff, it was so nice of them to do that, then when they left i took some meds and went back to sleep

I woke up my mom fed me and gave me some medicine, and now here i am, awaiting for tommorow, hopefully i can get these drains out

So Far
So far so good, im really pleased,not much pain at all i feel fine, so im happy i went with Dr. Hubbard ;D

 ;D If you have any questions, or comments, just feel free to leave them, i promise i will get back to them as soon as possible ;D

I WILL BE POSTING SOME before and after PICS IN A WEEK !!!

Dr. Hubbard`s Gynecomastia Section
I totally recommend him
His staff was very great and friendly
I have never met any people nice as they were!!!

Offline hope2recover

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yea dude u forgot or what  :)


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