Author Topic: No more boobs, new progressive photos, Peru $ 800.  (Read 9820 times)

Offline BigLouJr

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Here it goes.

Arrived on a monday and did some blood work. The following day the surgery was performed under local anesthesia. No pain during the surgery which I was awake and observed, I still did not have any pain after it. I was able and still able to walk and move my arms. Liposuction was done and I think it created the most trauma on my left side. 95% of the glands were removed by excision which I saw a flatter chest after the surgery. The areolas reduced in size after the surgery, after the swelling comes down they will be me even smaller, according to the surgeon. The stitches were done internal and external, which the external were done in a way to reduced its appearance after they heal.

Experienced some internal bleeding after trying to put my compression vest by myself on which was very tight; word of wisdom, do not use any force after the surgery. Anyways, went back to the surgeon two hours later and he removed all of the internal blood and left a drain for a day. Now most wait at least 15 days for the bruising and swelling to go away. For the most part, I did not and still do no feel any pain. And of utmost important, I do not see, feel any glands. No more antenna nipples and boops. I feel happy and great.

To those of you that are students on a limited budget like myself, I strongly recommend you doing it abroad; especially if you speak spanish. Everything was cheap in Peru. You could eat a nice meal for about $2 USD. Hotel was about $20 USD a day and it includes breakfast. Taxi cab to the hotel from the airport was $2.50 USD. The surgery was $800 including anesthesia, post surgery medicine and all of the cost from the follow up visits. Doctor even called at my hotel room daily while I was there. Hotel was accross the street from his office and surgery clinic. Airplane ride roundtrip was $630 and $50 in airport fees in total. Everything was under $1500.

Left Side before & 2 days after surgery, major swelling on this side. Third Photo is 7 days after the surgery and with the stitches removed. Fourth photo is 11 days after the surgery, still swelling on this side but decreasing daily. It could take up to a month.

Right Side before & 2 days after surgery, minor swelling on this side. Third Photo is 7 days after the surgery and with the stitches removed. Fourth photo is 11 days after the surgery

Frontal photo pre and 2 days post-op. Third Photo is 7 days after the surgery and with the stitches removed. Fourth photo is 11 days after the surgery

The removed glands were huge.

Still have swelling on my left side but it has come down a lot. It ussually takes up to a month or two. However, my areolas reduced in size right after the surgery and see how small they got just on the 7th day. That is because finally all of my glands were removed. I have a big chest due to years of working out but I am very happy to be able to wear a shirt without puffy nipples and huge breasts. Even the previous scars were fixed and is hard to even see the one on my left side which had the worst pre-OP scars. :) Very happy with the results, can't wait for the summer. Cancun, here I go.

Surgery in Peru $ 800
Dr. Mario C. Portillo

« Last Edit: September 22, 2007, 04:00:37 PM by BigLouJr »

Offline Don Won I

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You look like you lost weight in all of the third pics. How did you do that post-op?

Offline BigLouJr

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I have not lost any weight, I'm still 189lbs. Probably a little swollen in the chest area due to all of the inflamation. I took the pre-op photos the same day of the surgery, in the hotel room and half an hour before the OP.

Offline BigLouJr

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Thanks. I am still swollen but according to the doctor, it should go away within a month or two. I am telling you, I am very happy with the results. Right after the surgery, my areolas looked great and I felt good. As it is, I could wear a shirt without the compression garment and look good. It proves that 95% of the glands need to be remove. This was my fourth and last surgery, and I learned one thing, almost all of the glands need to get remove to achieve the best results.

I think Peru is the flea market of medical procedures because the price of $800 USD is really a bargain. If you are on a limited budget, do not hesitate to go roundtrip to Cusco, Peru. The total, including meals, hotels, medicine, surgery and taxi fees came out to alomost $ 1600 USD. Can a US Doctor beat that, right.

Surgery in Peru $ 800, 9/11/07
Dr. Mario C. Portillo

Offline Gcp

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amazing dude. the 11 days pics really show how much your ex boobs shrunk. I wonder how many people will go to the same doctor that did your surgery. I hope he doesn't decide to raise the price or anything =].

Offline BigLouJr

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Probably not. The average salary is $ 100 USD a month so $ 800 is a lot of money for them. i know that he is about to open a new facility with 24 hour care for his patients.

Offline G-Man99

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Does he and his staff speak english because I don't speak spanish?

Offline BigLouJr

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Contract a translator for like $5. You must know or have someone who knows spanish. But for $800, I'll russian.

Offline Gcp

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hey on your next set of photos can you do like a 3/4 diagonal view of your chest? I find that shows the gynecomastia (if any) the best.

Offline BigLouJr

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Sure but don't have any glands. Just inflammation.

Offline headheldhigh01

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interesting this was cusco instead of lima.  did he talk about how many gyne ops he had done before or how many a year? 

the other story i heard was taxis are 2.50, but if they see you're a gringo, the tell you the rate suddenly goes up to 10 or 15 instead  >:(

if i was in cusco, i'd acclimate and go hike the inca trail first, then come back  ;D 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline want2go2beach

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Offline Bigdom

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When i had my surgery abroad, i had the operation Wednesday, flew home Friday.  No problems at all.

Offline Copespo

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WOW thats some insane bruising....
Lose 10 (kg) by August... Achieved
Lose 5 (kg) by Mid-September.....Achieved
Gain 20 (lb) in Muscle by December.......Achieved, Gained 24lb in Muscle
Gynecomastia Consultation October 17, 08......Complete

Surgery Completed January 8th, 2009 with Dr. Elliot Jacobs in NYC!

Offline MSJ108

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