Author Topic: Surgery in Bangalore: Dr. Naveen Rao (Grade 3)  (Read 3653 times)

Offline Dev35

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A little about me: I am 35 years old. I have a super sedentary lifestyle. I don’t smoke and I drink often. I have been aware of my man boobs condition for a long time. Most of my life so far, I have been very embarrassed about it. In the last 5-6 years however, I have travelled a lot and with every trip my frustration with this condition just increased! Last year we visited Jordan amongst many other countries and I did not go for the legendary floating session in the dead sea. All because of my moobs and what my friends would say about it. After sitting like a loser at the beaches of Greece, Zanzibar, Lebanon, Jordan, Benin and so many other places…I decided enough is enough.

Online Research: After a lot of research online and being on communities like this I was sure I need a gynecomastia surgery done. I am from North India and I live outside India, I have been clear that I need to fly in to India for this surgery. I did my research and shortlisted two doctors in Bangalore : Dr. Anatheswar (Manipal) and Dr. Naveen Rao (Apollo). I was clear that I would land in Bangalore in Dec 2018 for my annual holidays and go straight to these two doctors.

December 2018: I land in Bangalore on 8th December 2017. The next day (9th Dec 2017) I called both the doctors, I have taken the numbers from internet. I first tried Dr. Anatheswar but he wasn’t available. I then called Dr. Naveen Rao and he was available, so I immediately took the appointment and went from one end of Bangalore to the another to meet him at Apollo Hospital, Bannerghatta Road.

Pre-Surgery: Meeting Dr Naveen Rao was pretty awesome. He explained every thing about the surgery in detail. He also told me I am Grade 3 which is like the most serious kind of Gynecomastia. Dr. Naveen Rao didn’t push the surgery at all. In fact, he gave me a couple of days to think and decide if I really want the surgery. In my mind, I was extremely clear that I do want to get it off my chest but he insisted I think more about it, consult the family and then let him know my decision. He also told me that he will only do the surgery if all my test reports come normal.

I was always clear that I want to get the surgery done. So on 10th December, the very next day I sent him Email confirmation.  I was waiting for him to reply and let me know which tests I need to get done. I did research online and I figured the tests myself. So on 11th December morning I went to Medall Diagnostic Centre to get my tests done. I did CBC, PT/APTT, BLOOD UREA/SR CREATININE/SR ELECTROLYTES and FBS tests done. The same day Dr. Naveen Rao replied in the evening and sent a list of tests to be done. I had done most of them already, but I needed to do one more: ECG. I quickly got it done and sent all reports to doctor. The very same evening Doctor confirmed that reports are normal and we can do the surgery on 14th December. I immediately confirmed for Thursday the 14th Dec. The next day I received Email from Gayathri, who works in Dr. Naveen Rao’s team regarding payment for ‘OT Booking’. It was INR 5000 which I paid online and it was all set for the 14th December now. I was asked to not eat and drink anything after my dinner on the 13th December, which I followed. I was very anxious in the night and it wasn’t easy to sleep.

The Day of Surgery (14th Dec): I was asked to reach the hospital at 5.30 AM. This was really early, so I woke up at 3.30 AM and left home at 4 AM. There was no traffic so we (My wife and I) reached very early. We were asked to wait and pretty much the entire hospital was asleep. We waited and around 5.20 we were asked to make payment (INR 70K) and then proceed to the general ward which I think had four beds. Once I reach there, I was asked to change into the gown and then they shaved my chest with great detail. I was impressed with the professionalism of the staff at this point. Everyone knew what to do and they did it well except the guy who came to shave. After a while I was taken to a state of the art operation theatre where I met Dr. Naveen Rao and the Anaesthetists. Dr. Rao took pictures of my chest and made some markings with a blue marker. The Anaesthetists looked like a very experienced lady and she was full of warmth and care. After the Anaesthesia I fell asleep instantly and the operation happened.

I woke up in the afternoon and I immediately looked at that flat chest with bandages. The Anaesthetists immediately came and asked me how was I feeling. I was extremely thirsty and she agreed I can be given very little water with a dropper (or something similar). It felt good, there was excitement and I was imagining myself topless in the dead-sea already. They showed me the fat that has been removed and I asked my wife to take pictures of it, specifically for this post. After a while I was transferred to the general room, where I first arrived in the morning.

The Doctor came to meet me in an hour or so and he told me everything went well. He asked me to visit again on 16th Dec and till then I should be careful while lying down and getting up on the bed. He told me I will be discharged in the evening if I don’t throw up (after eating), I can walk and if I pass urine. I had some food and coconut water at around 4.30 PM and felt good. I wasn’t able to eat a lot but I was fine. Towards 7 PM, I ate another meal at the hospital and then I also passed urine. I was declared fit to go home, after my wife paid the remaining hospital bill of course :) 

First week after Surgery: I want this to be focus here in this post. A lot of people have written in great detail about the pre-surgery phase. There needs to be more awareness about post-surgery too in my opinion. A lot of people take Gynecomastia surgery very lightly! At the end of the day it is a surgery and should be taken seriously.

I met Dr. Naveen Rao after two days of surgery and in this meeting he told me a lot about post surgery care. My wife took some notes and it looks like this:
Relax body
• Whenever taking bath - use aloevera cream on full breast and massage from centre to armpit. Avoid the cut for 10 days. Rub Till the cream disappears. For 2 months. Not hot water bath.
• After the shower use gauze strip and then put on garment
• Pressure garment use continuously till next Saturday. And maybe once in a while only remove for 30 mins
• Day time compulsory after 10 days for 6 months
• If the cut leaks put more gauze piece.
• If absorption doesn't happen for a week the contact doctor
• Use banyan under garment if too much discomfort is there
• Visit doctor on Saturday
• Don't gain weight at all

I don’t know about you, but this is serious stuff! You can’t do a lot of things. I was a bit overwhelmed with the pressure garment and the initial pain below the underarms. The pressure garment is an absolute must and you need to wear it for good results. It also helps prevent formation of seroma, which is again very crucial. After this meeting with Doctor, pressure garment became an integral part of my life. I bought two of them at INR 3500 each. I also bought the Aloe Vera gel that doctor advised for the massage.

After we went home, I realised I constantly need help. To put on a vest, to put on pressure garment, to lift something heavy, to push open a heavy door, getting up from the bed etc. etc. May be my case is a little different because I was ‘Grade 3’ but I was a bit overwhelmed with all of this. Not used to taking help like this. I understand that Doctor did not hide anything from me, but I wish there was a printed hand-out given to every patient when he comes for first consultation which tell these things. My decision for surgery would have still been the same but I would have better prepared for post surgery care. A similar hand-out should be also provided for post surgery care when pressure garment is put on. This will be super helpful I think and would put things in black and white.

I will soon upload pictures. Thanks for reading.
Also, will keep adding more text.

Offline forgedahead

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Six months sounds like a really long time to wear a pressure garment.  I wasn't Grade 3, but I stopped wearing mine after 2.5 weeks.  That was two weeks ago.  Everything is fine so far.
I haven't heard of any other docs on this board recommending pressure garments for as long as Dr. Rao.

Offline Dev35

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Six months sounds like a really long time to wear a pressure garment.  I wasn't Grade 3, but I stopped wearing mine after 2.5 weeks.  That was two weeks ago.  Everything is fine so far.
I haven't heard of any other docs on this board recommending pressure garments for as long as Dr. Rao.

Thanks for your response. 
Did you also consider Dr. Rao for your surgery?

Offline forgedahead

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No.  I live in the US, so I went to a doctor in Mexico instead.  Much closer and basically the same price.

Six months sounds like a really long time to wear a pressure garment.  I wasn't Grade 3, but I stopped wearing mine after 2.5 weeks.  That was two weeks ago.  Everything is fine so far.
I haven't heard of any other docs on this board recommending pressure garments for as long as Dr. Rao.

Thanks for your response.
Did you also consider Dr. Rao for your surgery?

Offline Dev35

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A couple of pictures of my before surgery condition...

Offline Dev35

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Exactly after a month, it looks like this:

Offline forgedahead

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That's an outstanding result.  Quite an improvement.  You must be very happy.

Exactly after a month, it looks like this:

Offline bigbreasts

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Great results brother!!  Trust that it has turned out even better now that 8 months have passed.

I want to get the surgery done this year and I'm a bit inclined towards Dr. Rao as there seem to be a lot of positive feedback on his work and credentials and I'm truly impressed with his professionalism after reading your post.  Could you help me with his contact info - phone and email.  I'm currently based out of India, do you think it's possible to fix an appointment before travelling?  And also, I want to avoid letting anyone know about the surgery not just for the obvious reason but I'm afraid it will be taken as if its a serious medical condition no matter any explanation I give.  Will it be much of a concern to get the surgery done without anyone to accompany me?



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