Author Topic: Surgery Date Moved Up  (Read 3780 times)

Offline Argo

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I'm relatively a new-comer to this board but it has aided me tremendously in clarifying my sitation and to learn more about our "condition."  I had always thought that I was deformed and hid my chest as much as possible.  Yeah, yeah; you've all been there so I won't elaborate further.

To cut to the chase, I had my pre-op appointment yesterday afternoon for bloodwork, pictures, and to pay for the operation.  I was originally scheduled to have it done on February 11, but while I was at the PS's office I learned that they'd had a cancellation for this Friday and asked if I could switch my dates.  No harm in asking.  The scheduling coordinator told me that she'd have to check with the doctor and would let me know.  Well, I just got the call and I can kiss my gynecomastia goodbye day after tomorrow!

So now I'll have to switch into a higher gear and get moving.  Now, as much as I hate to do so, I'll need to take some "before" pictures for comparison and rearrange my ride there and back.

Boys, wish me luck!


Offline California Man

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WOW, Argo(!)  thats exciting.  Now you'll be 2 weeks ahead of me.  Goodluck with everything this wknd - be sure and let us know how it goes...

Offline Argo

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Okay, I'm sitting here waiting for my ride to the plastic surgeon's office.  Next time you hear from me, I'll have rid myself of these annoying protruberances that have caused me so much embarrassment.


Offline Argo

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They're gone!  I'm all wrapped up in an ace bandage with a piece of foam and bandages underneath it, but I sneaked a peek this morning and I'm flat as a board!!!  Interestingly enough, turns out that my problem was only pseudo-gynecomastia and there was no gland or fibrous tissue to remove.  I'm supposed  to wait until tomorrow to take a shower, but I'm so stiff and sore I won't be around anyone I need to impress anyway.  My chest doesn't feel too bad, but I had lipo done on my abdomen, hip rolls, and pubic area and all three places are swollen.

Anyone out there familiar with how the tumescent fluid / fat removed ratio works?


« Last Edit: January 29, 2005, 10:33:24 AM by Argo »

Offline Argo

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Had my two weeks post-op appt today and everything's going pretty smoothly.  Hard tissue came faster than I expected but is about 90% gone on the right side.  Left side developed more hard tissue than the right, but it's dissipating too.

This is the second time I've seen my PS since the surgery; the first time was four days after the procedure and he didn't have time to talk much as there was an emergency in the office (not medical though; the construction crew across the street had accidentally knocked out power to the entire block and my PS's office was running on emergency lights.)  Today he was able to spend a little more time with me.  Turns out I did have some gland after all, but he said he used what the called the "vegetable peeler" on me.  Apparently it's a cannula with an in-line blade on it and he scraped the gland off my chest wall in pieces and just sucked it out through the lipo wound.  I guess that's a good thing, he didn't have to go in through my nipples . . . speaking of which, they're wonderfully small these days.  I guess it was gland that was making them so big and protruberant.

Anyway, I can start working out again and go back to see him in a month.  Good luck to all you men planning on having the procedure.  Had I known earlier that there was anything that could be done about my condition, I woudn't have waited this long!



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