Author Topic: Surgery With Dr. Elliott Jacobs... a very good result...  (Read 5381 times)

Offline Couldntbebetter

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I write this in mid October, seven months following my surgery with Dr. Jacobs.  I live in the NY metro area and consulted with a number of physicians before making my choice.  As most of you who read this forum are aware, we are blessed with a number of fine surgeons in this part of the US who specialize in gyno removal.

After a review of this and other forums, I narrowed my search to the two most highly recommended surgeons and arranged consultations with both of them.  Both doctors were very professional, have tons of experience in this area, have very good reputations and couldn’t have been more professional.

Both doctors performed the standard examinations and diagnosed me with moderate to severe gyno – obviously this was no surprise to me!   While I have a terminal degree in my field, I was a dedicated athlete during my undergraduate years and after.  I spent 15 or so years, being constantly in shape and taking whatever supplements were necessary to excel at my sport.  Accordingly, I had all the usual side effects of someone with my past.

To make my choice, I reviewed my research as well as notes I took following the office visits.  The deciding factors for me included trust in the individual as well as the quality of the facilities where the operation was to be performed (I recommend asking to see the room in which the procedures are performed, this will be enlightening).  There are numerous horror stories about in-office procedures that go massively wrong and I didn’t want to be one of those people.

I chose on Dr Jacobs (reputation and research aside) in part because he seemed very switched on and engaged and he, in the past had suffered from gyno too.  He had all the right answers and seemed comfortable in dealing with my somewhat advanced situation.  I also chose him because his facility was modern, first rate, very clean and was proximate to major medical facilities should there be a problem.

I was provided with a comprehensive set of materials describing what to expect, how the healing process should go and what I would need to do (and be responsible for in order to get the best possible result).   The day of the surgery, I arrived at the appointed hour, was prepped and remember nothing about the procedure.  I woke up in his recovery room in my compression shirt and tiredness aside, felt fine.

I had 300cc’s and 350cc’s removed from my right and left pectorals respectively.

The healing process is so individually specific, I don’t think it makes sense to dwell, as so many others have, on what happened when, how long this or that took, etc.  I will say that the pain following the procedure is more moderate than mild (he describes it as the day after doing 300 push-ups).  Well I do 300 push-ups frequently and never felt like that the next day!  That said, its completely manageable with the meds they offer and by day two, I was taking regular Tylenol to manage the pain.  In a very nice touch, the doctor’s office sent me a couple of quarts of home made chicken soup – since I didn’t feel like eating much and wasn’t up to walking around, this made the first day home quite easy.

The post-operative procedures recommended by Dr. Jacobs include wearing a compression vest for two weeks and compression garment for 4 weeks.  This was really the worst part of the entire experience because the whole thing itches and rubs and hurts – not to mention the ridiculous excuses one needs to make at work for wearing this stuff.  

My follow-up appointment was roughly 2 weeks following the surgery and I felt fine.  I still had some bruising on the left side but both pecs looked very good and the shape approximated that of a bodybuilder rather than the hermaphroditic excuse for a chest I had only a couple weeks back.  

I began working out again at the 4th week following surgery and needed lots of stretching and light reps to get back into things.  I was on the beach by week 8 and other than some very minor discoloration from the bruising, looked perfectly normal.  By 12 weeks I was back to normal in all respects.

It’s been seven months now since the surgery and there are no noticeable signs of the procedure other than two perfectly (re)formed pectorals.

I should say that prior to the procedure I would never take my shirt off in public, couldn’t swim when guest were around and was embarrassed when changing or wearing a tight shirt.  Suffice it to say, when I was younger, I was someone who was hugely proud of my physique and I was relegated to hiding it.

That stuff is all in my past now; I have a fantastic result and I’m back in great shape.  Thank you Dr. Jacobs!!  For those of you considering this surgery, do your self a favor don’t wait, get it done (I wasted 3 years of time considering whether or not to pull the trigger).  One other thing, don’t be cheap and regret your choice.  Do it right the first time and don’t become a cautionary tale.

I hope some of you find this helpful.

Thanks again Dr. Jacobs….

« Last Edit: October 11, 2009, 11:04:54 PM by Couldntbebetter »

Offline mizuno

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Good news and good luck.
Do you have any before and after pics ?

Offline Couldntbebetter

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I do, but I'm not comfortable sharing them in such an open forum.  Suffice it to say the result was extraordinary.


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