Author Topic: Surgery (incl. donut lift) with Dr. Cruise  (Read 6451 times)

Offline jsd

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Let me begin by saying that this forum has been immensely helpful when researching gynecomastia. It's a great resource and I hope that I can contribute by adding my own little surgery experience.

After consulting with several doctors I finally made my decision to go with Dr. Cruise. He seemed extremely knowledgeable about the procedure, had gotten a lot of good reviews and his before and after pictures were great. He suggested that for best results an excision of some extra skin would be necessary to reduce sagging down the road. This is the one part that actually scared me, as I have heard a lot of negative commentary regarding donut lifts on this board, but nonetheless I went for it.

Some stats: 29 y/o, 205lbs, pretty active when it comes to sport.

Note: Added a space after the http for the images. Forum would not let me post otherwise.
(Before Pic) http ://]

I am about an hour away from Newport Beach, so I booked a hotel for one night after the surgery, so I could go to the post OP. Also I was told that I would be able to drive myself home the next day, which worked out just fine.

Day of surgery

The operation itself was under local anasthesia. I was on 3 Xanax, but the pricks did hurt a bit. The surgery itself was pretty much a breeze though. No pain, just a feeling that someone was rummaging around down there. I even held a nice convo during some parts of the OP. Definitely been though worse times at a dentist. After the surgery was I was able to see the results it was amazing to see a flat chest. I was quickly wrapped in a compression bandage and sent on my merry way. Took a cab back to the hotel, had some dinner, and pretty much took it easy.

I took one Xanax before bedtime and was able to fall asleep quite well. A bigger problem was sleeping at incline. If anything hurt in the morning it was my back. OUCH!

 Day 1 Post OP

Had some breakfast at the hotel buffet and then made my way over to see Dr. Cruise. He undid my bandage and I was amazed at how little bruising I had. No real swelling, just an overall really nicely contoured chest. Still no pain. Never took a Vicodin (and it turned out that I would not need any throughout the course of my recovery).
My drive back home went pretty smoothly, although if I had a manual I am sure it would have been very challenging. If you want to drive yourself the day after surgery, make sure you got an automatic.

Day 2 Post OP

So my second night went fairly well. I woke up a couple of times, once again because I could not find a decent sleeping position. I hope I do not have to sleep at an angle for too much longer.
After my shower I squeezed into my underarmor vest (no bandages underneath), and put the compression vest on top. Now I am all set for the day. Tip: Move slowly when doing all this. I made a jerky movement and was rewarded with a pins and needle sensation in my nipple. Ouch...

(Day 2 Post OP pic) http ://

Day 4 Post OP

So day 4 of my recovery. First day back to work as well. Obviously I have a desk job or I don't think it would be possible. I was also able to drive my stick shift car to work today.
But yeah,  all smooth sailing. Still no pain, just the occasional pinching sensation. I was told it's the nerves growing back. Whatever it is, the pain only lasts for 5 seconds and then subsides.
I took some more pics of my chest this morning. Looks really good, no bruising as far as I can tell, and no bad swelling either. Like I mentioned earlier, my biggest issue is actually my back. I am hoping that I can reduce my incline sleeping position tonight by a few degrees. That may actually help.
Well, looks like it is all downhill from now on. I hope those scars will heal well. That is my remaining final concern.

(Day 4 Post OP pic) http ://

Day 9 Post OP

My chest is feeling better every day. I think as far as pain is concerend, this surgery has to be one of the easiert there is. As long as one takes it easy and avoids jerky movements everything is 100% tolerable. So for anyone considering this, and being worried about pain: DON'T. The OP under local anastesia as well as the recovery are very bearable.

The vest I have to wear is slighty annoying, but I am getting used to it more and more. Sleeping elevated although difficult at the beginning has also become second nature. It is always amazing to see how adaptable the human body actually is. I think tonight I'll try sleeping at a lower incline, maybe 20 degrees. My concern is actually not so much the swelling, as I have never really had any to begin with, but the fact that I may roll over unintentionally and pop a stich or something. I think maintaining a slight incline would combat this nicely.

A big problem for me is the fact that I can't work out. If you are an active person, being sedetary all day is really the biggest torture. I can't wait until I can start some activities. Biking, light running before I start to hit the gym or play some basketball. Maybe another week until I can commence with the easy activities.

I have also posted a pic of what my chest looks like on day 9, just in case anyone is interested. Funny though, day 2 looks just like day 9. Externally I have barely showed any signs of bruising, swelling, unevenness. Or maybe my untrained eye simply can't tell.

(Day 9 Post OP pic) http ://

I will post more updates as they become available. At this point my only concern is really the scarring, but I am hoping that with good scar care and once the hair grows back that it will be hard to see. In any event harder to see than the gyne that was blatantly obvious.

Offline junyea

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Awesome!!!! I live in LA, and I think you just helped me make my choice!!!!!

Offline jsd

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Awesome!!!! I live in LA, and I think you just helped me make my choice!!!!!

Cool! Glad my writeup was of use to you :)

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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great. do you mind telling how much the cost was. you can send me a private email if you wish.

Offline jsd

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Here is a little update:
So it's been exactly a month and this seems like a great milestone to provide a little update on how things are going. I have also attached some current pics for those who are interested.

My healing has been going very well. I notice little improvments in my range of motion, and overall comfort. The fact that I do not constantly have to wear that stage one compression vest also helps a lot. Although I do wear it every night and at work, but when I engage in more social activites I will usually just wear an underarmor shirt, which works out just fine.

I have also started to work out again. Doing about 15 min biking, 15 min elliptical, 15 min stairmaster per day. It is really hard to stay in shape after surgery when one is limited like this. I have also started with some ab exercises. I have never finished a workout feeling any discomfort in my chest from bouncing around to much, so I am guessing it is fine. I will hold off with actually jogging, basketball for at least another month. I think basketball would be especially challenging because it involves quick arm movement (reaching), and I definitely do not have full range of motion.

I have also noticed the buildup of some scar tissue right underneith the incisions. I am not sure what the right time is to start massaging this. Is one month post op too soon? I really wanna avoid getting lumps of scar tissue that will deform my nipple.

Also, I have not begun any scar treatment either. The scabbing on the incisions has all but fallen off, so I am thinking that I should be applying scarless pretty soon?

Well, I guess that is all there is to report for now. I will keep you all posted. :)

PICS taken July 1st (space in the URL again, so remove when pasting into browser).
http ://
http ://

Offline julio

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Very nice,congrats. How long u wore compression vest?

Offline jsd

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Very nice,congrats. How long u wore compression vest?
Primary compression vest 100% if time for 3 weeks, then started going for a few hours a day with just the secondary one. Still wearing the primary one for sleeping and non social activities (work).

Offline gynblahhh

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Congrats on your results.

I looked at your pre-op photo.... and I'm not sure why you needed a donut lift......... it didn't look bad at all with regards to sagging skin (at least in the picture).... just curious did you consult other doctors and what did they say?

Offline julio

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Thanks jsd,
I hve been wearing for last week,its really annoying n uncomfortable. Still 3 more weeks to go darn:(

Offline jsd

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Congrats on your results.

I looked at your pre-op photo.... and I'm not sure why you needed a donut lift......... it didn't look bad at all with regards to sagging skin (at least in the picture).... just curious did you consult other doctors and what did they say?

Thanks man.
Well it had to do with skin laxity. It may not be apparent from the photo, but at age 29 and having gyne for 17 or so years, the skin would have a tough time to recoil. Dr. Cruise said that I would have "good results" with a regular excision, but the best result (especially looking forward 10 years) would be to go ahead and get the donut lift. If the scarring does not turn out too bad, I think I will be extremely happy with the final result.
Trust me, I was very much on the fence with the decision, but as far as the results are concerned I am happy that I made that choice.
And yes, I have consulted other doctors. Their approaches ranged from using lipo only (which just did not seem right at all), to doing the regular excision. No other doctor flat out recommended a donut lift however.

Offline jsd

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Thanks jsd,
I hve been wearing for last week,its really annoying n uncomfortable. Still 3 more weeks to go darn:(

Hang in there!! First week is the toughest.

Offline jsd

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Hi everyone,

it's been two months post op so I thought I'd drop by to update on the progress.
The recovery since my last update a month ago can best be described as a roller coaster ride.
From the one month milestone until just about a week ago, everything was just going great (apart from a more noticeable amount of scar tissue buildup under the nipple). I've been following the doctor's orders, i.e. no vigorous movement or exercise that involves the chest or shoulders, changing the surgical tape around my nipples every three days and of course continued use of the secondary compression shirt. I even still put on the primary binder at night, simple because it does not bother me and I figure that it probably won't do any harm.
So about a week ago, i noticed that my nipple was feeling rather sore. Upon removing the surigcal tape I noticed what could best be described as a small hold on the edge of my areola, about the size of a grain of rice. It looked like I had popped a stitch.
Turns out that this is quite common. it is caused by the body's inability to dissolve the internal sutures. Some people will have this issue and others wont. I guess I am one of the unlucky ones who will have it. Google spitting stitches and the stuff that one can find does not sound to pleasant. In any even Dr. Cruise assured me that the results would still be fantastic and that it would be nothing to worry about. The care instructions that I am following now are:
Placing a bandaid on the wound, then use the same regimen with the surgical tape to surround the nipple. Do this 2 times a day.

Attached are some pics for those interested in what this looks like. (spaces after the http)
http ://
http ://
http ://

Offline northern_sailor

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Hey mate got too say nice results! massive difference than the before pics! Any more updates? how have you found the scarring?


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