Author Topic: well i did it  (Read 5996 times)

Offline Cellar_Door

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I was the same as Krypto.  I regained all sensitivity in each of my nipples within a few months after surgery.  It's generally kind of annoying because when the nerves start "coming back", they tingle a lot of the time and are very sensitive.  It's good to wear the compression vest for about a month and a half or two months after the surgery as well.  That sounds awful, but it will really help in the long run, trust me.  I was very eager to rip my compression vest off, but I wish I would've kept it on longer now.  It will help the results in the long run.

Other than that, take it easy for the first month. 

Good luck!

Really? Interesting. I was planning to take it off after about 10 days but I might reconsider. It's not much hassle really.

How long did you keep yours on for and why do you feel it wasn't enough time? (Did it effect the bruising or what?)
Surgery completed. Mission accomplished!
2/6/09. Dr. Karidis, UK.

Offline KryptoKnight

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Eh my doctor has experimented with compression vests in the past and he noticed there was really no difference when people used them post op and when people did not use them (for extended periods of time)

He still thinks for the first week there should be some compression, but after that it's really not necessary.

Offline Cellar_Door

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Eh my doctor has experimented with compression vests in the past and he noticed there was really no difference when people used them post op and when people did not use them (for extended periods of time)

He still thinks for the first week there should be some compression, but after that it's really not necessary.

What if the experiment failed - and the guys who didn't wear a garment ended up with fucked up chests?

What then!? WHAT THEN!!!! O_O

Offline mrpower33

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Hey guys, seriously, there is no excuse for not wearing the vest.  Look, you've spent thousands of dollars, for f's sake, what is the big deal with wearing the vest.  I wore the Stage 1 for 4 weeks and the Stage 2 for an ADDITIONAL 8 weeks, for a total of 12 weeks.  Geez, if I can do it then everyone can.  You made an investment, you should do everything in your power to maximize that investment.  I am telling you that the vest really does help, it helps with the swelling and it helps with the healing.  If you want to take it off after 2 weeks, then go right ahead, it's your body you can do whatever the f you want.  But why take the risk?  Personally, I would say just suck it up and go over and above the call of duty.  In fact, take that and apply it to the rest of your life and I promise you, you will do things you never thought you could do. 


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LOL the vest cant be that bad surely?

Fair enough you don't want to wear it during the day ... but at night, why not?

Offline thetodd

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People on this forum are obsessed with the bloody compression vest. There is no need to wear it for more than a week!

Its like its treated as a wonderous healing cape that stops the body reacting to evasive surgery. Its their for support for the first week after surgery thats all! People seem to have turned it into a competition on how long they can wear the vest, its pointless!

Pineapple, arnica , massaging

Help heal the scar tissue and swelling, people wearing the vest for 4 weeks etc are just using it as a comfort blanket. Theres nothing wrong with wearing it, but its pointless ! I wore my vest for a week and now ive just been swimming with a perfect chest 4 weeks post op
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline KryptoKnight

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Yup I didn't wear my compression vest too long and I already hit the pool last week, which was a little over 3 weeks after my surgery.

People use the compression vest as a safety blanket more or less, which is fine.  Obviously no one is going to fault you for wearing it for extended periods of time if it makes you feel better.  It is your money after all.

Offline mrpower33

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Honestly, it really depends on your body and the surgery.  I'm 31 and the surgery was definitely a big deal.  People can do whatever they want, but it seems to me you should err on the side of caution.  I don't that's crazy at all.  If you happen to 19 years old then certainly you're going to heal much faster.  4 weeks in I was still sore and there was still some swelling on my left side.  The vest really helps with that.  My point is that people should just be smart about it.  If there is swelling or pain or soreness, keep the thing on, how hard is that? 


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