Author Topic: Got my surgery yesterday with Dr Phil Haeck in Seattle  (Read 7870 times)

Offline GLP

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I'm in my early 30s and have been following this forum for almost 2 years now. 
I have had Gynecomastia ever since I was a kid.  Even when I put on some height in my teens, the fat was still there.
After years of being nervous, I decided to take the plunge last year (almost).  I met with Dr Phil Haeck and Dr Gottlieb, and decided to go with Dr Haeck.  Nothing bad about Gottlieb, but I felt I had more of a connection with Dr Phil (chuckle)

Off course, I had been over thinking it so much that I never went through with it then.  I went back to Dr Haeck almost a year later and finally scheduled the surgery.  I had my surgery just yesterday at the Cambrian Medical building in Seattle.

Day 1
7:00 am arrival and checkin. (driven by friend)
7:30 am
Dr Haeck marked my chest and I was in the operating room.
I was under general Anasthesia and though the procedure was done in 90 minutes, I was knocked out till 9:30 am. 
9:30 am
I finally came to, and was bandaged up, and already in my compression vest. 
I spent the rest of the day at home feeling sluggish and in moderate discomfort from soreness and the compression vest.
The pain killers helped, but I had been asked to sleep on my back which is not how I normally sleep so I woke up on and off.

Day 2
The soreness is there but not as much as the previous day.
I'm able to move around, though I'm still keeping my movements controlled.
I went and visited doc earlier and got my first look.
All I can say is WOW!  It was so weird to look down and see a flat chest. 
Based on all of the stories I've read on this site, I know that the post-op experiences can vary.  I feel fortunate, as I have very little swelling and most of it is just over my sternum.  There is some bruising that I expect will turn purple in a week. 

I'll keep this entry updated, and will post some pics soon. 
All in all, a solid experience with Dr Haeck. He knows what he's doing. 

Offline JamesDawson

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Congrats!!!!!! Just take things easy and don't over do it

Offline abdrah

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Not so soon dude. The swelling and corresponding scar tissue will appear in a while. I'm at 2-weeks post-op and having quite a bit of scar tissue and swelling. First few days, flat as a runway. As they like to say it, welcome to the other side!

Offline GLP

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Good to know.  I'll be careful.  I did notice a bit of a divot in my left nipple last night.  But I hear that it takes the chest a while to settle down and you have to just wait it out. 

On another note, I used to work out, but never did much chest exercising to avoid making it look even bigger.  As a result, my chest is really flat compared to my shoulders and arms. It looks comical in the mirror.  I guess I know where to focus when I finally make it back into the gym.

Good luck with your healing abdrah.

Offline GLP

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It's one week now since the surgery, and the swelling over my sternum has reduced considerably.  The bruising is a more pronounced purple/blue but there is a very small amount of it.  The Tape over the stitches is still in place so I still don't know how it looks underneath.

Sleeping on my back is hard, but the sleep aids help considerably.

Offline Upnorth

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How about an update? Hope all went well. I am considering Dr. Haeck also. He seems confident in his abilities. Would like to hear some more feed back on the results. Thanks.

Offline GLP

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Exactly 2 weeks after, I had my second checkup today and the little bandages came off.  All in all, I think everything looks solid.  Most of the swelling is gone and the chest looks very flat.  :-)

The bruising on my sternum is entirely gone.

There was one issue which seems small, on my left nipple, part of the Areola (bottom left corner), was gone and the beginnings of a scab are in its place.  It looks strange but doc said that it would heal in a few weeks and the dark color of the Aerola would return as well. 

Other than that, there is a very small amount of sensitivity and the compression vest itches after a while.

@upnorth: So far Dr Haeck seems to have done a good job, and yeah before the operation he does talk a big game.  :-)
Two weeks later, I'm happy with my selection of surgeon.  Let me know if you have other questions.

Offline omair

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that is the good thing you had a surgery. most of the people around the world afraid of it. so it is the best part of your life you had a surgery and it is a successful one. the more impotent thing is the relation between the doctor and the patient and i think personally that dr Phil is more professional in this field.
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« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 07:43:45 AM by omair »

Offline Gyne123

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I too have part of my aereola missing on my left nipple. Dd this ever heal properly ?  Thanks


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