I'm free from the demon that once was inside of me. Now I can confidently walk down the street, knowing that people wouldn't be staring at me. Like, I could stand outside in my backyard without a shirt on, and it feels great. Now I could go to the beach, take gym, take swimming classes.
2 days after the sugery I went to meet with my doctor and on that same day he took off staples that hold my 2 sides of skin together. And I was just SHOCKED that it healed that fast! Still a lot of swelling, then. I had to wear that pressure wrapped binding--which was pretty tight. I had to take it off 3 times a day for 15 minutes and I would get a huge rush of pressure in my head. It felt like I was dizzy. For the first week and a half I could not move my arms at all because then the chest would hurt. And I got my presure wrapped thing off a week and a half after that. That's 2 months ago now.
I can move my arms freely now. I can feel barely no pain. It still hurts when I accidentally bump myself with something or when my dog's playing with me.
If I had my Dr's card with me I'd give you the address, becuase it was that good. It's called La Fontaine(in Toronto), they have commercials on TV and stuff--they do other things there like hair removal, wrinkles, whatever. They were good. Dr Anderson has a show--he appears in a lot of episodes of Skin Deep on the life network (41, here), so I've seen him on there in about 5 different episodes. He's a cool guy, he's like 75. The thing him and I most talk about when I go there to get my shot (he weighs me--measuring the loss in 2 weeks) and we talk about old cars, cause he's an old guy and has driven them. We both have an interest in antique automobiles (I'm 17 now).
I wrote on this thing last year wondering about prices and being worried about the whole deal. Reading other people's postings and such made me feel, I think, more confident, like this wasn't just me.
Anyways, the last thing I want to say is: don't be scared, you don't feel nothing during the surgery, they completely drug you up, don't worry about the pain after, just think about how you'll look after: you'll be beautiful--