Author Topic: Military coverage  (Read 12424 times)

Offline Jim8638

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Hi guys, I'm posting this because I'm kicking myself for waiting until I was 40 to have this done, but also, for you military guys out there, TRICARE covered all of it. All I had to pay was $99 for my compression garment because the surgeon I used didn't have them at the facility and I wanted one right away.  I finally got up the guts to go see my Flight Surgeon and she, (yeah, she; nice huh?) wrote me a consult for a Plastic Surgeon.  Her impression was that it would not be covered, but it was no problem.  The PS just did an exam and three weeks later I was done.  Man, what an immense damn relief. Just do it. Just get it done. Pain? No problem. Can't work out for 4 or 5 weeks? It's worth it to not have the chest issue. It's worth it. I never had to even take the pain meds.  I'm six weeks post op and I'm back to doing full workouts. Yeah, I lost some fitness, but man, it's SO worth it.  I'm in Mobile, AL and I was worried about not being able to pick my doctor, but it turned out fine. I just did my research and asked a lot of questions. I'll see if I can dig up any pre-photos if that helps.  Military guys let me know if you need any more gouge. -Jim

Offline militaryman

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Did you have lip and excision done? I only had lipo done and I'm only 4 weeks post op and already my chest is nearly back to the way it was. Right when it was done my chest was flatter than ever. Idk if it is fluid that I need to get drained or what but any info you can fill me in with will help especially that you are in the military (thank god to tricare).

Offline Jim8638

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I had both, but more excision than liposuction. I had very little swelling, but fairly extensive bruising. No pain though. I was back at work in three days and light duty for 30.  that's really all I got on that except that my tricare consult came with 4 follow-up visits, so maybe your doc can give you some more info. Good luck!

Offline moath1

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How did you go about determing the funding eligibility? Did you need to submit some sort of justification, or did your Flight Surgeon simple take a look and from there decide to go forward? You said your FS was under the impression you wouldn't get it covered, but you ended up getting covered anyways. What happened in between those events to get you covered ? Hope this makes sense, but I know nothing about the process!?
 I'm in a similar situation, so I'm curious about the process of determining eligibilty for services..

Also, how does it look so far? Pleased with the results?

Offline Jim8638

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Hey Moath. I just requested a meeting with the Flight Surgeon and told her that I wanted to pursue plastic surgery for my chest. I described the psychological issues, and apparently that wasn't going to completely cover it because most of the military plastic surgeons are doing war injury repairs. I told her that I had tenderness, and some soreness but not actual pain, answered a lot of questions, etc, etc, and eventually she wrote me a consult to go to the Air Force plastic surgeon at Keesler AFB. That surgeon read the consult but declined the operation, so my FS wrote a civilian consult for a local PS.  I was not able to select the local PS. I went to him and he did like a 5 minute exam and said that he'd write the case up and submit it to TRICARE. I don't know what he wrote, but three weeks later it was approved and I had the operation.  My PS was really NOT a friendly guy with great bedside manners, and I had a lot of reservations going in, but I figured it was covered by the insurance and if I wasn't satisfied I could pursue other options.  Turns out he did a GREAT job; it made a world of difference.  He took out 5 grams of glandular tissue and did liposuction to clean up. I'm just mad I waited so long. Oh, and another thing; you can get a second opionion under the consult process, but then it gets resubmitted to TRICARE. I figured I better let it alone and just get it done. In case you're in the south, My doctor was Dr. Curtis Harris in Mobile, AL.  He did a great job. I never took pain meds, went back to work three days later, very little bruising. Felt about as sore as a hard workout.  Let me know if you have more questions; I know it's hard to talk about in the military!  -Jim

Offline Jim8638

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Hey Chris, man, I know EXACTLY how you feel. I put up with this my whole life too, and NEVER said a word to ANYONE about it until now. I went to the Flight Surgeon and she wrote the consult and the civilian doctor actually wrote up the request that went to TRICARE. I'm not really sure what was in it; maybe I should ask for a copy, since several military guys have asked about this. I had it done in Mobile, AL and my doctor said he'd done several military guys recently, so he must know how to write it up for TRICARE. You're right that you have to have permission to have it done, even with your own money, so I'd find a doctor that you know and like before you ask, because once the process starts it'll be in your medical record. The other thing is, my doctor said that right now the psychological aspect is really not enough to get the surgery approved, so you need to thoroughly describe ALL physical pain, discomfort etc. I know it's a big deal to us, but sometimes you really have to convince people who don't understand how difficult this is to live with. Also, you're 19? Freakin do it man. Don't wait! I hate that I waited! Go find out if you can get a civilian consult and just see what they say. Also, pre and post op stuff is NOTHING.  It's so minor I can't even tell you how minor. Compared to living with the condition it's less than nothing. Seriously.  Please let me know if you have more questions. I'll be glad to help however I can.  -Jim

Offline toolhead

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Ah man, I have always wanted to join the military but been too embarrassed due to my gynecomastia. Now I find out that if I was in the military I would have the coverage to remove it! Haha, that's vicious.

Oh well, I am glad you got your shit taken care of man!

Offline Dpw

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I'm using tricare myself right now, no problems so far

Offline jaja

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How severe was your case of gyne? I'm currently in the military atm and thinking about having the surgery done on on of our 3 day breaks..although in my career field I wear a bulletproof vest (like 20ish lbs) during work...still thinking about just doing it though..don't really want to talk to my flight chief/supervisor about it though because it's embarassing...

Offline Pooz

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How severe was your case of gyne? I'm currently in the military atm and thinking about having the surgery done on on of our 3 day breaks..although in my career field I wear a bulletproof vest (like 20ish lbs) during work...still thinking about just doing it though..don't really want to talk to my flight chief/supervisor about it though because it's embarassing...
I'm doing mine when I go on leave. Not telling anyone haha.

Offline GQguy

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I'm working with my flight surgeon now. I'm about an hour away from Mobile. Do you think it's possible to send me the name of your doc/plastic surgeon? I'd feel in much better hands dealing with a pro that specializes in this sort of thing as opposed to a general surgeon.

Offline stonejode

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I just got mine done Thursday in California. Tricare originally sent me to a general surgeon but I was able to get changed to a plastic surgeon. 3 days later and I am so freaken happy, I can't believe I waited this long. The Dr.'s were quick with the referrals and completely undestanding. It's made my 13 years in the military completely worth everything.


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