Author Topic: What a liberating feeling!!!  (Read 6791 times)

Offline Antino

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I'm a 57 year old man originally from Mexico. Ever since I was 12 or 13 I suffered from gynecomastia. To me this was devastating because not only were my breasts large, but one was visibly larger than the other. People definitely noticed my problem; kids at school made fun of me; and even my sisters pointed out the fact that I grew breasts. I figured that something had to be done. When I mentioned it to my mother, at age 18, she refused to see it as a problem, so I had to deal with it on my own.

At age 24, a catholic priest to whom I spoke about my condition, wrongly advised me to go see a doctor friend of his. That doctor diagnosed me with gynecomastia but said that a friend of his could perform the operation to correct my problem. Thus, a doctor who wasn't even a plastic surgeon cut across each side extirpating parts of fat and breast tissue right below my nipples. I was left with long scars, one side visibly caved with a crater, and still one side larger than the other. After that operation I was embarrassed not only about having enlarged breasts but also about the scars on top.

Here in New York City I was introduced to Dr. Elliot Jacobs who told me that the operation done in Mexico was not fully performed because much unwanted fat was left there, and he added that he could operate on me and even correct the deformed side. The moment he said to me that he could fix the cratered side I felt excited about having the operation properly done. He also told me that he could have the two sides to match each other. I never thought it could be possible to be corrected that way.

Three weeks ago I underwent surgery with Dr. Jacobs. There is still some swelling, but I already see a beautiful chest. The cratered side is no longer deformed and the two sides match each other beautifully. Ever since the operation, as I look at myself in the mirror every morning, I like my chest more and more. There are no words to express the liberating feeling. For the first time in my life I don't walk around feeling that I need to hide from people's eyes.

It shows that Dr. Jacobs has plenty of experience about gynecomastia operations; my chest looks so good and natural; he had plenty of good advice to give as he guided me through the process; the top of the line operating room and the doctors and nurses gave me much confidence. Above all, the results say it all.

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Congrats on your revision surgery and good results with Dr Jacobs.  If it was up to me, I would make it illegal for general surgeons to perform gyne surgeries, lol!

Do you mind sharing some pictures?

Good luck,

Offline Zenxer

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Congrats on getting your surgery done and the great result! Pics would be nice to see, I hope you can upload some.
My surgery was done on Oct 20th, 2014 by Dr. J. Craig Fielding in Toronto, Ontario.

Offline Antino

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Thank you both, I will try to post some pictures by mid December, after my vacation. I hope I know how to do it.


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