Author Topic: Experts in Sweden  (Read 39418 times)

Offline Bobby_B

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There have been similar threads like this here, but no good answers. But there must be many men with Gyno in Sweden... I know there is, I am one of them. Why is no one sharing their experiences with Swedish clinics. We really need to know if there are any, and if so, where are the good once. There is a huge different in pricing and since Sweden has strict laws on pictures and so on, there are not many pictures to look at. We need real cases that tell us them selves how the operation went... of worst case, to what country did you travel to get it fixed?

Hope there are some helpful swedes or any other country for that matter that know any good clinics for us to check out.

Offline terre

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Agreed, look at my thread if you want. I went to Art Clinic in gothenburg for a consultation and it was promising, I just need to tell my mum and have the damn operation, but having a hard time

Offline Supersonic123

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Tyvärr tror jag att man måste åka till Storbritannien som närmast för att hitta en gynekomastispecialist (exempelvis Levick). Jag har letat i 2 år efter en kompetent kirurg ang. gynekomasti och träffat över 10 stycken men ingen verkar ha jättebra koll på gynekomasti (har alltid kunnat mer än själva kirurgen eftersom den här sidan har hjälpt mig med information!). Tråkigt, men sant. Kanske har man råd att åka till England för att få det fixat en vacker dag, men jobbigt att behöva åka så långt om det blir några problem med operationen och korrigering behövs osv.

Offline Bobby_B

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Supersonic. Which clinics have you visited?

It seems like Lidingökliniken does a lot (compared to others) of gyno operations. According to them they did about a 100 last year, which is way better than another clinic I contacted that hade a branch that had dome 3-5 ;D (which was a well known clinic) And I think the whole company hade done 23 in total. Is there a way to actually check these numbers?

Supersonic, it would be great to hear your thoughts on all the clinics you have visited. Of course everyone should get their own picture of all these clinics, but I thing your thoughts will definitely help us when choosing!

Offline terre

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If you are located near gothenburg maybe you should visit Art Clinic, the PS i met with seemed very professional about gyno, he explained everything good and he said they or he does the surgery weekly. He set the price of 38800 kr for me and I have a mild case, both lipo and gland removal would be done for best result.

Offline Poland2012

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Not to hijack this thread, but have you thought about going to Poland? The whole trip for me came to about 20,000 kr and it's set up to cater to foreigners.

Offline terre

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I wouldn't want to travel to another country to do it, but thats just me. thanks for the tip though appreciated :)

Offline Supersonic123

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Don't want to put the name of the surgeons here but we can take it in PM.

The problem with traveling abroad for surgery is the risk of complications and it's very problematic to travel back and forth just to correct something by the surgeon... But in Sweden we do not have any competent gynecomastiasurgeons I'm afraid. :(

Bobby_B: Lidingökliniken is a joke. Bad surgeons who won't do lipo, they only take out the gland... Therefore the pricing, which is about half of the other clinics in Sweden... The pictures they have of gynecomastia surgeries on their website isn't even theirs!! So I would really think twice before going there.

Offline Bobby_B

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Thanks for the feedback. How do you know it isn't Lidingöklinikens pictures and how do you know that they dont do Lipo? Not that I dont trust you, I totally do, I just would like to confront them with that to see what they say. When I emailed with one of the doctors he guaranteed great results. But then again, as you say, the price is almost to good to be true, so I have been suspicious ever since I found them, even though they have been the best ones to replie my questions.

Yes Supersonic123, please do PM all the info you have been able to collect, that would help a lot.

Terre, do you know what doctor you met at the Art Clinic. I live closer to stockholm, but Gothenburg is totally fine. Much better than going over seas ;)

I still think that a Gyno operation cant be that advanced, we have good surgeons in sweden, someone has to be able to do this good. Like some say, just reading all the info on this forum gives a lot on insight in how a operation should be done. The doctors must have good info to!?!? Or am I wrong, is it that hard to be able to give guarantee of a good result??

Offline terre

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Yes I met with Andri Thorarinsson, I hope it's ok to write that here. I would have my surgery there no doubt, but as I said I need to tell my parents and that's really hard for me for some reason... They charge you 700kr for a consultation, he tells you how the surgery would be done, why they do it that way for best results and gives alot of good information. I didn't ask many questions because I already knew much but it was good to listen and hear that he knew so much.

I haven't searched anything myself in Stockholm, but there must be some good clinics in Stockholm? :P

Offline Supersonic123

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Terre: gäller priset med narkos? Visade kirurgen du träffade bilder på gynooperationer han gjort? Bor också i Göteborg så jag är intresserad av operation här helst.

Offline terre

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Ja, det gäller med narkos, är nästan 100 på att kompressionsväst och värktabletter ingår också, kan inte minnas helt men i princip ingår allt vill jag minnas :P Jag frågade efter bilder men tydligen hade dom inga eller får inte visa dom, det var det ända konstiga tyckte jag. Han sa ju att han utför operationen ofta där :P

Offline Supersonic123

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Fan va trist, vågar inte gå till någon som inte ens kan visa bilder på resultat. Att dom inte "får" stämmer inte, sålänge du har patientens godkännande! Trist att det ska vara så svårt att hitta någon kompetent kirurg för gynekomastioperation. :(

Offline terre

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Mja men jag tror/litar ändå på dom.

Offline Supersonic123

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Mja men jag tror/litar ändå på dom.

Om du bestämmer att göra operationen där så är du grymt schysst om du berättar här vad du tyckte om resultaten. Skulle nog hjälpa många svenskar som tittar in här! :)


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