Author Topic: Best excercises?  (Read 10282 times)

Offline nothingworse

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Sometimes I give up on finding excercises for these problem areas. Dont know what to do? Guys please help I still can't get them they way I want them to look. I have a problem with that pouch on your lower stomach. No matter what ab excercise I do and I diet it doesn't go down or away. I just want the bottom of my stomach to be flat like the top but, I don't know what to do. Its like those women who have pouches on the bottom of their stomachs and have a problem getting them down in size. Also, my love handles and lower back. I don't know how to get rid of some lower flab on my back it is worse on one side but it makes the bottom of my back not flat. The love handles and pouch are the main problems though. Once I have my gyne surgery and can work on these other problems I won't have anymore problems and can feel better and look better. Guys please help I have done so many things but, nothing is working right please help? I was even considering getting a slendertone ab belt to get the pouch off but, its expensive and I know I can do it naturally. Please help?

Offline AngryPuppy

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Hello everybody,

Now, back our buddy's message. Yeah i would like to know too. I would like to know what exercises to do and which not to do.


Offline KryptoKnight

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Cardio my man.  Doing crunches will NOT flatten your stomach.  Diet mixed in with some cardio should help you shed pounds.  You can't spot reduce but if you keep your diet and cardio in tact you can just drop that extra weight taht you are carrying. GL

Offline AngryPuppy

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I had been working for about 5 months and I think my body is pretty good. My gyno is... well... "there", but  Iam trying to convert it into "pecks". ¿Is that possible?. ¿Could expanding the back help to flat the chest? Also, I do I have a heavy cardio session of about 10-15 minutes 4-5 times week. Is this enough?

Still I would like to know which CHEST exercises to do, and which not to do.

PS-This is my real first post, it feel great to talk about this.

Cardio my man.  Doing crunches will NOT flatten your stomach.  Diet mixed in with some cardio should help you shed pounds.  You can't spot reduce but if you keep your diet and cardio in tact you can just drop that extra weight taht you are carrying. GL

Offline xgi

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Also, I do I have a heavy cardio session of about 10-15 minutes 4-5 times week. Is this enough?

Still I would like to know which CHEST exercises to do, and which not to do.

PS-This is my real first post, it feel great to talk about this.

I'd bump your cardio a bit more I do 60 minutes and incline my treadmill up every 10 minutes or so like running up a hill. I also use my eliptical with 5 lb leg weights for 60 minutes as well Keep the speed up to about 3. Gives me a good burn

I worked my pecs up by doing flys with my bench or you can use the floor. If you use the floor keep the weights about a hair from touching. Lay on your back and start out with light weights whatever you can handle 10-15 and bring them over you and back out to the sides I do three sets of ten and hold then for a count of three each one. When you can do them with ease crank up the poundage a bit.

Also try power walking after dinner I do 4 miles every night possible with my dog. Good luck........m
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Offline AngryPuppy

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You must be one of those guys who get into the treadmill and stay there the whole day!!!... hehehe...sorry...just teasing you.

I like my gym sessions to be 90 minutes long (4-5 times a week), of which I use 10-15 minutes for crosstrainer. I am willing to go for 20 minutes. More than that I think it would make my gym session become boring, I am simply not used to stay way to long on a machine.

What you think it is better: treadmill or crosstrainer?


I'd bump your cardio a bit more I do 60 minutes and incline my treadmill up every 10 minutes or so like running up a hill. I also use my eliptical with 5 lb leg weights for 60 minutes as well Keep the speed up to about 3. Gives me a good burn

I worked my pecs up by doing flys with my bench or you can use the floor. If you use the floor keep the weights about a hair from touching. Lay on your back and start out with light weights whatever you can handle 10-15 and bring them over you and back out to the sides I do three sets of ten and hold then for a count of three each one. When you can do them with ease crank up the poundage a bit.

Also try power walking after dinner I do 4 miles every night possible with my dog. Good luck........m

Offline AngryPuppy

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I'd bump your cardio a bit more I do 60 minutes and incline my treadmill up every 10 minutes or so like running up a hill. I also use my eliptical with 5 lb leg weights for 60 minutes as well Keep the speed up to about 3. Gives me a good burn

I worked my pecs up by doing flys with my bench or you can use the floor. If you use the floor keep the weights about a hair from touching. Lay on your back and start out with light weights whatever you can handle 10-15 and bring them over you and back out to the sides I do three sets of ten and hold then for a count of three each one. When you can do them with ease crank up the poundage a bit.

Also try power walking after dinner I do 4 miles every night possible with my dog. Good luck........m

Offline xgi

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Yepper I've been told I'm a cardio freak but really I don't get my heart rate up good till about 20 minutes. I went to the doctor the other day and my heart rate was 49 beats per minute ;D  I get into a zone listening to my classic rock n roll
One time I went for 78 minutes not paying attention :o

Guess it comes from my younger days when I ran cross country. I never tried a cross trainer but I know when my treadmill hits those inclines I get a real good burn. Another thing I do is used a weighted vest with about 35 pounds and walk through my property. Up and down those ridges at a fast walk will get you going.

If you can grab a couple weights and pump them while you're on your crosstrainer or treadmill. You only need about ten pounds in each hand. I promise you you'll get the burn going. Good luck and if you can pick up a subcription to mens health. They always got good workouts in there. I'm  starting a new workout for Abs next week good luck.....m :)

Offline nothingworse

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I wasn't looking to shed extra pounds just slim the areas. Probably a bit of extra body fat. I want to lose 5-7% more body-fat and I think that will do the trick for those areas or at least make them look 50% better. I weigh 155 pounds at 5'10" but my body fat is like 18-20% a little high. I want to get it back down to 12-14%. I've been doing more cardio and diet for the past few days and have noticed a slight improvement and the areas starting to firm up. I know it will take a good 4-6 weeks to get the results but, they are worth the wait. And I definetely can't wait for the gyne surgery. Then at least my body can be normal and I can go swimming again and take my life back. I tried for 7 years to rid it but, nothing worked it is surgery time hopefully in 1 month but, probably 2-3. Eventually the time will come. And then I will never hear a dang boob comment again or another load of bs.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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as many people have started to talk about, i will further emphasize.. this has been posted on several men's health magazines, and arnold schwarzenegger himself admits to this  in his 'encyclopedia on modern bodybuilding' - that 'spot reduction' (reducing fat deposits on one specific part of your body) is impossible.

unlike growing muscles (which you can use spot training to grow a specific muscle) you cannot burn fat in similar fashion. fat is lost systematically from 'all over' your body. hence doing a thousand crunches won't burn the fat from your abs, or doing a hundred consecutive dumbell curls using light weights wont get your arms really toned. sure they will work the muscles and burn calories which will eventually give you toned arms.. but the fat will be lost from all over your body, in a systematic fashion..

particularly, males tend to pack on fat (first) around the hips/flanks, and the abdomen.. and this fat is the last one to go off.

the best way to burn fat is cardio. see, 10-15 minutes is great warmup cardio, however it will not give you optimum results when it comes to fat burning.

you must indulge in a minimum of 30 minutes (the more the better) in cardio in order to see some solid results pertaining to fat burning..

i've burnt my love handles off.. and what i can tell you is that its *tough*.. if you're a meso-endomorph/endomorph like me, then its very difficult to get rid of the love handles. but once they're gone, if you maintain the proper diet, then it shouldn't come back that easily..

as for the diet.. keep it a low fat & carb diet, with heavy protein content. make sure you don't skip breakfast (somethign that i've noticed people do when they try to go on a diet). if you skip breakfast, your whole metabolism is going to be slow for the rest of the day, and your body will try to store as much food as it can as fat..

keep carbs to its absolute minimum during dinner.. and try doing cardio 4-5 times a week.. you should be good.

regarding turning a gyne affected chest into 'pecs'.. got a few words on that too..

i have gyne, and before i knew about it.. i used to think that it was just 'fat'.. and so i started working out.. and as of now, when my nipples are hard (like after a cold shower), my chest looks awesome.. perfect pecs.. but when my nipples become soft & puffy.. then it pretty much destroys the profile.. working out WILL (unless you have a really bad case of gyne) improve the way your chest looks.. however it will not 'eliminate' the gyne.. because you can burn off the chest fat, but you can't do any workout that will eliminate the gland..

surgery is the only known option.

Offline nothingworse

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c3entralp3rk I don't get why people on this forum are pushing medicine to get rid of gyne. I also don't understand those studies that say 36 people that had stubborn pubertal gyne took rebound xt or whatever and saw signifigant reductions/cures. I have tried them all and saw absolutely nothing. You are definetely right in my opinion about surgery being the only options for gland and a little extra stubborn chest fat. I know you can do some serious gyne reduction with diet and excercise most times unless you have a signifacant case. Sometimes it saddens me to see people on this board who have had it for 5-15+ years saying they are going to waste money on the medicine. I can understand for the people with serious hormonal problems but, other than that I wouldn't touch the medicine. I think I wasted almost $200 trying all different kinds of supposed gyne reduction medicines and wish I had that cash back. As for my love handles and waist I don't have much fat left a few more weeks or a little more than a month from now and I should see a serious reduction again and have a very lean body than. Got to drop the bf about 4-5%.  These are tough areas but, even slimming them down and the areas shrinking is enough for me.

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glad to see that you agree nothingworse.. yeah, see, personally when i found out that i had gyne.. i used to look up other remedies to curing this condition.. there were sites that said taking more testosterone would help, or other sites that claimed that eating turmeric would help.. but to tell the truth, if there were oral remedies to gyne, then this forum wouldn't exist!!

i guess everybody secretly hopes that there are alternative remedies to gyne.. however, the sad thing is that it doesn't.. the funny thing is, ever since i found out about gyne - its so easy to spot out other guys who have it.. mainly because having gyne for the last 7 years, it kind of becomes a reflex in spotting others with gyne.. and the thing is, i've noticed its not that uncommon! its a pity that most guys however, don't know about gyne.. i mean, if they taught us about gyne in sex-ed just as they did about all of the other painful stages of puberty, then maybe all those kids wouldn't have poked fun at us during swimming class..

good job on your % bodyfat reduction..  and once again, i emphasize.. don't trust any 'magic pill' - go the natural way.. cardio & a proper, balanced diet is the only way to successful and stable weightloss (stable as in, you lose the flab....permanently).

and for those of you who got a lot of money. you can always consider liposuction to get rid of your love handles, they claim that the love handles will almost *never* grow back.. haha, whether this is true or not.... well i guess you can tell us after you get the surgery eh?

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I know what you mean about the 7 years of having gyne and looking at everyone to see if they have it. I do it as well. I buy and sell antiques, collectibles, and other things to make extra money. I notice most of the guys buying at these auctions have gyne very rarely actually do I see a guy that doesn't. I have had my gyne for almost 8 years now and am getting close to killing it. Surgery took long but, heck I didn't know like you said about gyne. The physically pain from extremely sensitive and throbbing glands sucks and makes them stick out far and makes them extremely uncomftorable in a shirt. I ordered a #993 and the uncomftorablness went from the nipples but, the painful glands no. I am about a week away from hearing back from insurance. Mine is a medical case I went through all the steps and have my doctors diagnosis. But, the problem is the HMO I have under my parents plan sucks and covering this even though it is 99.99% medical is so hard. To top that off they were supposed to get back to me 2 times over 2 3 week periods and nothing was heard. We settled that over a bi*ching match over the phone and now hopefully the 3rd time the claim is sent in it will be approved and surgery will be in a month or so. I don't want to appeal because in my case it shouldn't be necessary. That will make more hassels for me and my parents. I lost my job because of my hindered work because of chest pains. All I did at my old job was load 80-120 pound bags all day. And have been doing antiques and side jobs to make money. This bs with the chest sucks it is as well emotional. But, I am hoping for the best. Can't lift weights anymore or just no chest lifting it sucks. I now have almost all gland it used to be worse and mixed and my glands are bad. You know what was funny when I put the compression vest on I still had the sensitive pain but, my chest felt semi-normal for the first time in almost 8 years. I just would kill for that semi-normal feeling all the time. As I am working on getting that bs out of the way I am also lowering my body fat a few more percents to optimise all body results and finally be free once this is all over. All I can do now is wait, work, and do what I can and this will soon be over. It has also affected relations with girls. Haven't had too many girl-friends and am afraid of what she may think of my chest. It has kinda hindered my sex life. The taunting from my a**hole friends earlier on was bad too. Once its over maybe I can put most of that behind me. Start dating fully again, get a decent job, have fun, and work for success in life. I just think to tell you the truth gyne hinders success. I swear if insurance comes through by next month I will be jumping off the walls and just that fact will bost my confidence up. The change I know will most likely be priceless. Were you able to get the surgery or not? Haven't really been keeping up with the posts lately. I can relate more to a person like you. You understand now after going through this crap for a while what it really is as well as I. Gyne is not a game if you want an answer find it, persue it, and get it done as fast as possible and enjoy the rest of your life. The price you pay for surgery is nothing compared to how you will feel about great results for the rest of your life and how far in addition those results can take you. Sorry for the long post and I need to start using paragraphs but, I just now am thinking about it most likely being over within 2-3 months from now. I always wondered when it would end and now I am at the final step ready to leap to the no-gyne side and it will be one heck of a giant leap. But, I will never forget the help and support I recieve from people like you. I may have and others may as well have never gotten to the final solution which is usually surgery.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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hey man. hope your insurance matters go through properly this time..

i plan to get my surgery in vancouver.. i'm arriving in 2 weeks, so i'll call up the PS i have contacted by email, and set up a consultation date.. then probably get surgery done ASAP..

sorry to hear about your physical pains.. yours sounds like a perfectly viable medical case, and it should be covered by your insurance policy..

i would like to increase awareness on gyno.. i'm not sure how, or when, or even where.. but i would like to increase information on gyno world wide.. i have seen too many gyne victims doing bench presses at the gym, and it kills me to walk up to them and tell them its not going to help them too much..

Offline nothingworse

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Ya I also see those guys with gyne doing bench presses and just don't have the heart to tell them about it. And wouldn't want to start any trouble with anyone I really didn't know. My doctor said I was done growing. My testes, hormones, blood levels-all normal. My lumps felt weird to my doctor and best guess is I have sensitive and painful nodules. Or just highly sensitive and painful breasts. The physical pains were bad when I was riding in the truck today to help my dad load stuff. This crap sucks. I mean you eventually forget what that area feels like normally. Hope you get your surgery asap and your surgeon obtains you the best possible results.  You are right about expanding the gyne info. I swear there should be much more info out there. So many guys I bet would like to know. To this day, I have seen so many guys with gyne but, never went up and had the heart to tell them. And I do see guys checking their chests and crap so I no some and probably most of them are concerned. I remember coming home everyday and thinking for hours before I found this board what the heck is this? It killed me inside as it has many others. I always thought to myself one day I would wake up and the pain and the breasts would be gone. I remember and I am not joking I woke up one morning with breasts and cried to myself the whole day. And when that day happened and many others when friends and even some girls teased and taunted me it killed the rest of me. My mom and dad told me because I broke down one day that they were taunted by their weight in school a lot. I said mine is different I tried to make them go away but, no matter what I did they wouldn't and to top that off I experienced physical pain from them. Most people at some point in their life have a slight or large weight problem but, is usually able to take care of that. Gyne on the other hand usually can not be. Well tomorrow my dad is going to call the doctors office and see what insurance said or to see if they didn't come through again. Sick of this. You know I saw my doctor 4 times in 3 years about chest pains and he knew after coming in 4 times and everything about my hormones etc. being normal their was a medical problem. It is no joke or a lie. My mom and dad both knew something was wrong. I should have told them earlier but, I didn't know what to tell them. I am asking my insurance company to help me take my life back fully. It would be the greatest gift to rid the pain and feel normal. Too priceless for words. I never hit them for a claim before and just need real help this once and am praying to god that all goes well. Everything has been negative so far besides making advancements towards surgery and I am now looking for a positive ending. Sorry again for the long post but, no one even could fatham how long I have been waiting for surgery day. So have many others. I have literall no fat in my chest most likely like my surgeon consulatation surgeon said 99% gland. Mine is not some cosmetic fat removal procedure. The only thing that would improve by riding the gland is the pain would be gone and the uncomftorableness and also the chest area wouldn't always be swollen and it would firm up and feel normal. Normal is all I am asking for. Hope all goes well with you as well. Hopefully you get a great surgeon who does a great job and you can enjoy the rest of your life in much more hapiness. I wish you the best of luck with everything and your healing process after surgery. Good luck my man and this board needs more informative people like you. Basically people who know what is correctly going on.


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