Author Topic: Best excercises?  (Read 10148 times)

Offline nothingworse

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Now that you mention getting more info out. My parents wrote a book on antiques not saying that has anything to do with anything. But, my mom is a fairly decent writer and has done one book on antiques that sold a few thousand copies. I am always thinking about doing something about gyne. Writing something small about gyne with gathered info from the boards and doctors wouldn't be a bad idea. But, Dr. Bermant is already doing that I see. I would just basically like to put a little something together. Like for example a mini-book called something all men should know. And talk about gyne and let everyone know it is something that shouldn't make them consider and a man as weird or just not right. Basically we need more info in the open world about gyne. Pretty much no one knows besides doctors, board members, past victims, and people who dispise it but, don't know what it is. We need not thousands but millions of People to become informed. Maybe that fact alone would lower taunting and bs that many people go through because of this each day. I would also add a small chapter about what a gyne victim like me/you or someone else goes through each and everyday. The differences of gyne. And so on. If you have any ideas let me know maybe you or I could put something together or possibly help each other put something together. Let me know.

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I haven't heard back from insurance again. I got a question for ya. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have Aetna insurance which is a pain in the a** insurance company. But, I do have a medical case of gyne. It is killing me inside and the pain is bad. Someone on hear answered one of my posts and said I don't have it bad well how would that person feel with this pain. On a scale of 1-10 daily it is usually an 8 like someone would feel post op day 1 right after surgery. I have a serious problem with my gyne. It is one of those forms that would turn into cancer. It has been causing me major problems with living a good life. My question is do you think they will approve it? I need some opinions because mine is bad. It may not be a severe case but, it is a case with some nasty glandular gyne. I am really scared I don't want to appeal because of how slow they are. This pain sucks and sometimes I seriously don't want to get up in the morning. Not because of depression but, of the physical pain. I try to look not in pain most of the day but, my parents know I am hurting. This crap is bad. It is not cancer but, feels like something wrong is going on. I want this to end and enjoy the rest of my life and stop this bs daily routine. It has been too long. Emotional and physical. Just need some input man because I am having problems. Hears the thing though let me fill you in on some info. The insurance can't get back to me saying it is for a cosmetic reason because it is not. The only corner they could back into is saying it has to be a masectomy or in other words removal of womens cancerous breast tissue which doesn't make any sense. Do you think they will pull this lie? Or will they approve it or the other option. I need to know. I am so scared right now. My parents and other people couldn't fatham how one decision could end the suffering. Let me know man. You have been a lot of help already. Thanks

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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hey man..
i've heard insurance companies can be a painful source to deal with..

personally.. i think your case is a totally valid medical case.. and i really don't think that you would need a mastectomy. one of the symptoms of gynecomastia are sore breasts, and i think the removal of glandular tissue pretty much follows the same procedure as removal of glandular tissue in non-painful glandular cases..

see, in Ontario and BC, the government sponsored medical insurance pays for the excision of the glandular tissue - that is because gynecomastia (the formation of the actual gland) IS a medical condition.. whether it be painful or not..

its the liposuction that is not covered.. mainly because lipo is looked at as a purely cosmetic surgery treatment that is not necessary.. however, the thing is.. if you just get your gland removed, the fat that has been surrounding your gland (if not removed) could form 'craters' in your chest.. so the lipo is basically performed for better controuing..

given that you're not such a serious (phenotypically speaking) case.. yet you do have a pretty serious case when it comes to the physical pain felt, i don't think a mastectomy should be performed.. i've seen some pictures of mastectomies, and its crazy. the guys have gotten scars across their chest.. i think a mastectomy should be performed only if the gyne case is pretty damn severe..

i mean, if you look at dr.bermant's pages.. he's got pics of guys with gyne that has gone pretty bad, and even they didn't get a mastectomy performed.. so yeah.. i don't think your agency should offer you a mastectomy.. and if they do, you should seriously go and talk to the people in person.. refer them to this site even..

i know this is probably not a preferred option.. but have you considered getting the surgery done privately? as in without the intervention of the  insurance company?

i know its really expensive, but i think it would be worth it in the long run.. unfortunately, gyne is so out of the picture in our modern society.. people don't understand the need for it to be taken seriously.. usually guys with breasts are joked around with and teased, and people never seem to understand what the hell goes on inside the guy's mind..

i would suggest you check out canada.. cosmetic surgery procedures are very good there,and its much cheaper than the US too.. i would say you're looking at anywhere from $3,000-$5,000 CAD (Vancouver/Toronto).

you can check this out:

or google, Fairview Plastic Surgery (in Vancouver).. i've heard good reviews from these two surgeons and they perform gyne surgery for the price range abovementioned.. now the trip to and fro might be a problem.. but i think its worth it..

another thing you could do.. if you're getting this done privately, is try thailand..

i have great faith in thai cosmetic surgeons, as sketchy as it may sound in north america.... haha. but seriously. asia is booming in the cosmetic surgery industry.. and i've been to bangkok many times and i've seen what the thai surgeons can do.. try looking up "Bumrungrad Hospital" which is located in bangkok.. consultations can be made online, you basically have to send them pictures/photos.. then you can basically book surgery date.. fly down to bangkok.. the surgery (gland removal + lipo) will cost something like $1,500 US and the flight would be another $800-$1200 still cheaper than getting surgery done in the US.. and you get to see a new country. heh. thailand is beautiful, very nice for relaxing post-surgery..

don't worry man. the options never end.. just wait for a little more time, you've made it this far.. its just a little more to go.. hopefully your insurance company won't be a jackass and will finance your surgery.. yours is a completely legitimate medical case and it SHOULD be covered..

but yeah.
hope this helps..

best of luck.

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Thanks so much for the reply man. Well I called Heather again today at the docs office. And she wasn't there again. We have let this go to long. If we call tomorrow and they have a problem such as the claim isn't back or theres no answer. We are taking real action. My parents are fed up with it. I am too it never ever takes that long. No one I knew ever had to wait that long for just the first claim response. It is always 2-4 weeks maximum. I am hoping they approve it. The thing is my parents don't want to finance my surgery. They are like why should we pay when we have insurance? They don't have a clue this condition is so tough to get answers with. I am not angry but, seriously some days I am ready to snap or go off the deep end. I know to be patient. But, right now the last thing I need is more waiting for stuff that should have been done a month ago and a denial claim from insurance. They don't understand my case is one of the few that have a rare medical problem. I like Canadas health plans even though they pay a lot for premiums they sure as heck get their moneys worth. You know if insurance got back to me and said I would have to pay even like $1000 of the surgery I wouldn't mind. My doctor understood what I was going through because I told him many times about my chest being an issue. You know Aetna paid for my dads sleep machine, moms thyroid surgery, and so many others for them. But, I am asking for one thing from them I need their help to stop the pain. You know what I was going to do instead of appealing there is another option. Not one people usually take but, I can make an exception. I will call their utilization board and bi*ch. I am not playing around with this anymore. I had a problem with acne and almost killed myself because my doctors wouldn't help me even though they could have so easily. I had to wait 5 years and it scarred my face partially. I don't want another scar from gyne or possibly it to turn into cancer the ways things are going right now. I don't get it Aetna considers Masectomys a cosmetic procedure still. Man, I am not always saving but, my grandma is there for me and if insurance doesn't come through and plays me I am going to her. You are right why wait forever get a good surgeon pay and beat it. My glands are what hurt and are so sensitive that if they even brush against a shirt or my nipples they hurt like a bit*h. I can lift up my arms but, if I stretch to far to the side because my glands are on the side as well they hurt so bad. It limits my daily activites partially. I just wan't to move on gyne has caused me too much emotional and physical pain. Your right about showing them this sight. If I could I would teach Aetna a lesson. I told my parents that if they appeal they are wasting their time. They will be slow the time wasted will amount to a lot of money as well. Why pay them if they want to screw me over. My moms thyroid was removed and guess what medical gyne or bad tissue is just as bad as a dang thyroid. They just don't get it. Myself and my mom are shooting for a date. That is the middle of October if I don't have surgery by then there is a problem. We started this whole thing in June and were shooting for Late August since I had a known medical problem. Sorry for how long these posts are but, I just want to know insurances long overdue answer. I am just dying for a yes or no. Hopefully, yes. It is a pain to appeal and go through addtional paperwork and time. In my case it shouldn't be necessary and to me it isn't worth it. I am getting a hold of them directly then and getting an effing answer. When it comes to gyne I don't want any crap anymore. Too much has it played and ruined part of my life. My friends, girlfriends, work, school, etc. I can never forgive some of the things said that could make a person kill themselves because of it. I am not saying my case is the worst thing to happen and my parents ask me why I talk about it a lot. I said do you want this for a while you can have my painful breasts all day. It has partially ruined my sleep patterns, hurt my grades, I wanted to join powerlifting so bad this year but, things didn't work out. No more nothing now all I do is take care of daily tasks do what I can and wait for the burden to finally be ended. Sorry again for all the wording. I hope things as well go great for you. And am again sorry to hear this has been in your life for 7 years affecting you. It sucks and people that don't have a problem with gyne couldn't fatham what a gyne guy goes through on a daily basis. Gyne has just damaged everything. You were probably taunted or made fun of at one point as well. The way I was taunted earlier on made my life a living nightmare. The pain later associated with it damaged my job and life performance. Now with that #993 I ordered I feel okay but, the pain is still bad as heck but, it eased my body a bit and I feel 10% better. My mom told me when I get this taken care of what will be wrong next. I told my mom you won't ever understand this is the only thing that has been on my mind for almost 8 years. There is nothing that can do as much damage as what this has already done. I don't want to waste my last year of high school with painful gyne. I want to go to parties and live life again. I can't grasp all this yet until I can get through this final phase. Its tough and I am holding on but, this mess should be over soon because I am going to fight to my last ounce of breath for this. Nothing will stop me from getting it because it is what I have always wanted and always needed. Good luck to you and I will let you know how tomorrow goes. Should have an answer if not it is time to smash and bash and let them all have it. I want the answer and tomorrow is the last day I am not joking anymore.

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C3ntralP3rk we called the doc today and nothing was heard. So then my mom called Aetna while at work and had a 40 minute chat with a ultilization manager. They just sent it back to the doc and they said they need more info. Apparently here is what happened the Docs secretary made a mistake and didn't include all the info and the doc was also a bit vague. But, it seems they don't have a problem with my case. They just need to know a bit more. I am the best candidate for surgery. No drugs/alcohol, 99% grown, hormone and blood levels and testes good, 150 pounds at 5'10 lost 15 pounds before I saw the doctor. I am completely good in surgery pending. So, we will finalize talking to the secretary next week and if they can call them and word one final next letter good then the surgery will most likely be approved. I am willing to wait but, hope they do a good job this time. Things are looking okay now but, I am hoping everything goes well. So, if done well the second time I can have surgery by late September early October and thats fine with me. Hope all goes well with you as well. This was at least a decent update and hopefully it leads to the solution.


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