Author Topic: Best workout to get a ripped 6-pack  (Read 3327 times)

Offline nothingworse

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What is the best way to get a ripped 6-pack. My stomach is flat and slightly toned but, I need to know the best way to build a six-pack. How long does it take usually? I am hopefully getting my surgery next month so I though having a 6-pack with an improved chest would be awesome. I would settle for a 4-pack but, need some stomach muscles showing. I do heavy resistance sit ups on my weider machine but, am only getting firm but, don't see any stomach muscles. But, I know it takes time. Any other workouts or advice anyone can lend. Also how do you lose fat on your lower back. The back of my hips have the most fat on my body of any place but, still have gyne though. But, what are the best excercises to tone or get rid of back hip fat. I want to tone my entire body up and get back in to total shape or my best shape. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Offline KryptoKnight

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Don't worry TOO much about the excersises that will give you nice looking abs, instead look at removing the fat from your body.  Ab work is seriously like 25% of getting a six pack.  You hafta get your body fat % down far enough so they start to become visible.

Offline xgi

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Abs are made in the kitchen.  Watch your diet.Start with bike kicks and if you have a bench start with legs straight out on your back and pull them up to you. When you can do 100 add a bit of weight to youe legs with some light weights. Just my 2.......m ;D
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Offline KryptoKnight

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Abs are made in the kitchen.  Watch your diet.Start with bike kicks and if you have a bench start with legs straight out on your back and pull them up to you. When you can do 100 add a bit of weight to youe legs with some light weights. Just my 2.......m ;D

Actualyl xgi, you shoudl be treating abs like any other muscle.  Don't go int he 100 rep zone, even doing crunches to 12-18 reps can be good if you do it right.  Adding a weight to your crunches can really bring em out.  But again, diet is more important.

Offline nothingworse

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I have about 17-18% body fat. So mine is a little high. What percent would you reccomend. I am 5'10" weighing 155 pounds. Will losing the fat affect my weight. I was thinking like going back down to 8-12% body fat would be a huge improvement. I think by cutting my bodyfat in half my abs will start to show or I will have at least a supertight toned stomach. Actually it would be better to lower my bodyfat now. I am going in for gyne surgery probably in a month or 2 at latest and will probably give me better results with less bodyfat.


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