Author Topic: i like routine in my diet...  (Read 3128 times)

Offline Mikel

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is it healthy to plan your daily requirement of nutriants so your eating the same foods every day?

like oatmeal with a banana every breakfest ect..

i dont like complicated diets i would rather make a daily template of what to eat and how much and just eat the stuff. any help would very helpfull thanks.

Offline KryptoKnight

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Of course that's fine.  It's what most people do anyways.  As long as it isn't crap food it'll be great for you.  I eat routine maybe 85% percent of my day, everyday.  Only when I go out to do something might my routine be jumbled up, but it doesn't bother be.   Do you have any goals with your diet or is it just fat loss?

Offline fl3a

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i do that, it made dieting much easier for me... like for example on monday i might have oatmeal for breakfast, grilled chicken breast and spinach salad for lunch, and then some grilled salmon for dinner. i know i should be splitting up what i eat into 5 meals but with my schedule that can be a pain in the ass.

Offline fl3a

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oh i also missed one thing from you post, you said same foods every day? try to throw some variation in there, same foods over and over can be unhealthy... also take a multivitamin just to make sure you get all the stuff you need

Offline Mikel

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the current goal is to shead the fat. then i will start with the weight lifting. im doing some light lifting now along with shitloads of cardio. but i dont wanna try to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

in the last week ive cut down from having a 1/2 a pack of cigs a day to like 1-2 if any at all. starting eating what i think is correctly ( dont have any specific diet planned atm ), i just cut out coke/pepsi and preprocessed foods. just eating alot of chicken/ lean beef (im a butcher) ect. drinking alot of water.

before i get any further involved in this routine i wanna make sure my diet is spot on. but not complex at all.

21 yr, 5-11, 160-170 lbs. was the same weight and hight in highschool when i quit soccer i just had more muscle and less fat.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2005, 12:32:17 PM by Mikel »

Offline KryptoKnight

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I see nothing wrong with trying to build muscle and lose weight as long as you are not depleting yourself of calories and running too much.  Why not try to get two things done at once?  Don't do *too* much cardio and make sure you are eating enough.  At your height and weight you should be eating AROUND 2500 cals.  It isn't accurate at all and you can be eating more or less but that's a good range.  I dunno if you have ever heard of HIIT cardio.  Here's a link to it and it is shown to be optimal for fat burning.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2005, 09:02:13 AM by KryptoKnight »


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