Author Topic: 2nd follow-up to my Karidis op - looks like revision surgery  (Read 13125 times)

Offline Albion71

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Hello all. Not been on this forum since I booked my operation with Karidis earlier this year, but I found everyone's else reports so useful I promised myself I'd come back and give an account of my operation and recovery. Today is the first day after my operation, and this is the first of several posts I'll put up.

Firstly, a bit of background. I had consultations with the three (seemingly) most reputed surgeons in the UK - Hamed, Levick, Karidis. My account of those consultations - and why I went with Karidis - can be read below:

So, back to yesterday, the big day. Got to the hospital at 7.30, feeling pretty nervous, and was in the operating theatre about 9.45 for the operation. Woke up back in my room at about 11.30. Some soreness in my chest, which disappeared after I was given a painkiller.

I then dozed, while a nurse came in checking blood pressure, etc, at regular intervals. They brought me a sandwich for lunch, and then Karidis's assistant came in about 3pm.

She told me the operation had gone ok, and gave me all the info about post-op care. I need to wear the vest - which isn't as uncomfortable as I thought it might be - for two weeks day and night, and then another two weeks at night only. I have to sleep sitting upright for the first two weeks so the draining can be effective, which is annoying but tolerable. I will return to see Karidis in six weeks time.

And then, after one more check from the nurse, I was free to go. At this stage I was amazed at how well I was feeling. At 5.45pm, I met my girlfriend down in the reception, and felt confident enough to get the tube home.I'd planned to get a taxi originally.

Incidentally, Karidis's staff were all very pleasant and helpful, no complaints at all on that front.

When I got home, I was feeling no side effects from the anaesthetic so had a normal meal, then slept a bit uncomfortably given the upright position.

And today, I feel remarkably fine. There doesn't seem to have been much discharge which presumably is positive? I haven't even felt the need to take any more painkillers. Lifting the arms above the horizontal feels a little tender, but I'm generally avoiding that at present. Popping the Arnica tablets, and feeling quite positive.

The acid test will come later before I shower when I take off the vest and remove the dressings on the wounds (you need to apply waterproof plasters when you have a shower). Then I will get a better idea of my result. I'll return to post a further update later in the week, and possibly some pics.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 07:52:09 AM by Albion71 »

Offline Blue2

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Looks like you got the same great treatment that I did. Congrats on the surgery and I hope your recovery goes well. I found that I felt much the same as you describe immediately post op, but just be a little bit cautious as the days pass and don't be too over enthusiastic with your activities! I found that my chest looked almost perfect when I removed the dressings (which hurt like hell!) only to find that things do get worse as the weeks pass. So don't be alarmed if this happens, it's all part of the healing process and it will then start to get better from there on. I am 2 months and two weeks post op and I am nearly there now, but I still have a good 3 months before I am somewhere near 'finished'.

Please keep us posted with your recovery and if possible, lets see some pics pre and post op.  ;)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline Albion71

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Hi Blue 2. Thanks for your comments, your 'diary' has been very interesting, hoping I'll have the same results as you.

Anyway, on to my progress...

Here are the pics of my chest before surgery (sorry about the large pics):,11004.0.html

And - the squeamish might want to look away now - here are pics of my chest taken this morning.


Left side:

Right side:

So - lot's of bruising, which is generally to be expected after 3/4 days. The redness around the nipples is caused by a pad Karidis put on top of the dressing immediately after surgery. This has also left a slight indentation which should disappear with time. Discharge from the wounds was minimal - just a little bit from the right nipple.

Generally, the bruising and swelling is such that it's not easy to get a good idea of the resut at this stage, but the shape of my chest is clearly dramatically different - in a good way, I should add. The nipples are smaller, one has a bit of a fold in, but based on others' experiences - notably Blue 2 - I'm expecting this to take some time to settle down.

The pain - despite what you might think given the bruising - is pretty minimal. I've not taken any pain killers since the morning after the op. I can move my arms around reasonably freely already.

I decided to wait three days before taking a shower - left me feeling a bit grimy but I wanted to give the wounds plenty of time to heal up before I took the original dressing off. One warning to anyone else who is as hairy as me - you will save yourself a lot of needless pain when removing the dressing by shaving your chest before surgery!

Having the shower itself was a bit awkward as I was paranoid about getting any water near my chest, even though I'd put on the waterproof plasters Karidis supplied me with.

Anyway, got through it, feeling cleaner and generally quite positive about results so far. More pics to follow early next week.

Offline Roversboy

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Lookin good m8, sore but good. I'm booked in with Karidis in July & hoping to go with surgery in October.
Surgery : 25th October 2008
Surgeon : A Karidis
Location: London UK

Offline Albion71

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Thanks, certainly so far so good. Quite surprised at how little soreness there is now, only four days post surgery.

You'll do your research no doubt, but what swung it for me with Karidis was how nobody I could find had given him a bad review. He's pricier than most, but we're talking a big operation here - not something you want to cut corners on.

Offline Albion71

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Some more pics, now 6 days post op. The bruising starting to yellow. Much more flexibility in my arms now.

There's a bit of an indentation around the nipple from where the padding was put on immediately post op. I phoned Chantelle to ask about this and she said it was natural and should settle down in time.

There's also quite a big fold on the right nipple, but it's early days so I'm not worried about that yet.

One other thing I noticed when replacing the dressings on the nipples - the whole area around them is numb. I seem to remember Karidis telling me this was likely, but I can't recall how much feeling he said would come back.


Right side:

Left side:

Offline Blue2

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I got a lot of numbness and nipple creasing in the early stages and the creasing comes and goes even now to some extent. But you can gradually see the improvements happening as time passes.  Remember, it can take a good 6 months to see your final result. I'm just about 3 months now and I am almost there so it seems that the last finishing touches are the slowest part of the recovery. your pics look great though and much the same as how I looked at that stage so you should have no worries. Just try to keep your arms mobile as you will undoubtably start to get stiff and even more sore as time goes on but don't panic about it as it is normal and soon goes.

Offline Albion71

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Ok, 10 days on now. Here are the pics.




A lot of the bruising has gone now, and I can move my arms around pretty comfortably.

The nipples look fine, apart from a fold in the right hand one, which is itself not as bad as a few days ago.

My biggest concern is the bumpiness. There is a bit of an indentation, which seems to be where I had compression pads applied immediately post op, and left on for the first three days. This indentation hasn't really gone away since the pads were removed.

At the moment, you can see clearly where the lipo was done, and then above it, the profile of the chest suddenly curves outwards (presumably because there is still fat under the skin on this bit of the chest). It is worse on the left side, which is where my gyno was most pronounced, and where the nipple fold is.

Having said that, it's early days, and based on the experience of others like Blue2, I'm reasonably confident this will settle down with time, massage, etc.

Offline raiders637

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hey albion, did you have gland incision as well as lipo? great results 2 by the way, i had mine 2 days ago incision only
and im not that sore like yourself!

Offline kingboob

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Are you happy with the result, because that is the main thing!

It does take time to heal up completely, I assume you are taking it easy and wearing a compression vest or at least a fitted top?

There is a visible improvement, you can't really see the lumpiness or crease you are talking about, but they get better in time anyway.  Just remember you are looking a months rather than weeks.

Offline Albion71

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Hi Raiders637, Kingboob, thanks for your comments.

Yes, this was both lipo and excision. Taking things pretty easy, though I'm already feeling pretty mobile, and think it's sensible to keep moving and do a few light stretches to keep the circulation going.

Pretty happy generally. My biggest issue was the gland and that is no longer a problem for me. I will call Karidis if the indent on the left side is still as prominent in a right's time.

Offline Albion71

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Ok, so here's the latest pics.


Left side:

Right side:

Left side close up:

My right side looks great, everything I'd hoped for.

However, my left side has got me worried. As you can see from the close-up, there's quite a deep fold across the nipple. This is caused by the indentation behind and above the nipple, also visible on the close-up pic.

I know these things can take months to settle down, but the indentation has been there since I took the bandages off two weeks ago, and it's pretty noticeable. The nipple crease has appeared and stayed there for the past week.

At the moment, I can't help but fear that Karidis has taken too much out from the right side. If an indent like this is common during the healing process, why is there none on the left side?

Offline Blue2

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Try not to panic mate. I saw massive changes up until just recently where things have really settled down. I got weird shaped nipples, lumpiness, creases, swelling, all on a week by week basis! Just sit tight, I am sure you will see improvements with time. I'm over 3 months post op now and it has taken this long to see the results so you are still at a very early stage.

Offline Albion71

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Thanks for your comments guys, it gives me some comfort.

However, I have to say I'm worried that Karidis has taken too much out on the left side. Since about one week after the op, there's been a noticeable indentation on the left side, and the left nipple has a pretty deep crease in it.

The right side is fine.

Here's my latest pics - 26 days post op.


Right side:

Left side:

Left nipple close up:

Offline Blue2

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Try not to panic mate. The creasing will go but it does take time, I was the same and all is now well.


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