Author Topic: advice needed  (Read 2871 times)

Offline harry123

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well I have the money for the operation to be done privately but not sure whether to get it done by a local surgeon  or go to levick or kadris which are a couple of hours drive im thinking its worth the effort as these too are so highly recommended and they would have most people going to them, but as I have no car my dad will be taking me but he says to get it done locally as there will not be much difference so that’s why iv posted this to get some feedback on what people think, would be very grateful.


Offline 15ineedhelp

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I think it will make a diffrence...
 if he leaves too much gland in there then you need to have another operation.
Some people on this site have had 3 maybe even 4 operations becuase of the wrong doctor..
Some doctors will take too much gland off which will be really bad..Your chest will go inwards!!!

So if you have the money go to one of the best doctors around.....

Offline harry123

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yeha thats what i said to my dad but he said he it wont make a diffrence but i think its becuase he dont wont to drive really far..but i will break him down lol ... anyway thanks for your help :)

Offline man-chest-r

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it depends on who your local surgeon is and what experience they have had. You need to go for someone experienced, but if that person is available near you then it is helpful, because there may be check ups etc. But hey good luck.


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