Author Topic: Blood tests  (Read 5189 times)

Offline lightweightbaby

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Hello Everyone

This is my first post, the only thing thats worrying me at the moment is getting the blood tests.

I have my consultation with Karidis on the 13th, will he give me a request for blood test slip that i can then give to the doctors?

I have already contacted my local doctors and said i need a blood test for private surgery and the nurse told me i need to go to the hospital with the blood request form.

I can see my local GP or hospital not being very helpfull  :-\

Any ideas, as i wanna get this done asap!

Offline emanresu

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Hey LWB,

You made the mistake of telling them that you needed the blood tests for private surgery. Now you're gonna have to pay £40, or thereabouts. I made the same mistake lol.

I'm assuming you haven't told your GP's surgery yet?

Offline lightweightbaby

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I called the surgery the other day to try get things moving along quicker, and spoke to the receptionist, she asked if I had a request slip, I said no then she asked what it's for and said I will have to go to the local hospital. I never game my name so as soon as I've seen karsidis on the 13th I'll try again. Can I bypass the GP and just give the request for blood slip straight to the nurse?

Offline MG12

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Hi lightweightbaby, I was worried about that too. What karidis gives you is just a piece of paper with the tests you need to get done on them. I took this to my gp on a Wednesday and he gave the proper NHS blood test form which I took to a clinic the following Monday (had to make an appointment) where they took the blood. Results were back with my gp Thursday and he'd left a note to say I was ok to take a printed copy and once I got that I scanned it at work and sent it over to his office on the Friday.

I don't know if your able to take the paper karidis gives you to a hospital to get it done straight away, from what my gp said I think you have to see your doctor to get the correct form. Don't know if anyone els on here has been able to go straight to a drop in clinic with karidis' piece of paper.

Also, I didn't have to pay a penny even though I explained I was going private.

Hope this helps.

Offline emanresu

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You can simply phone your GP's surgery, speak to the receptionist and book an appointment to see the nurse. You don't even have to say what it's for. Simply turn up with the exact tests you need written down on a piece of paper. If the nurse asks what it's for, make up some plausible story. DON'T mention anything to do with private surgery!

My bad luck was that when I went to get my blood tests done, the nurse was off sick! So I had to see a GP instead and he really probed me for the exact reason why I needed the bloods taken. The GP decided to be a real jerkoff about it and insisted that I pay a £40 fee because it's for private surgery.

Offline PecDec

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My GP was apprehensive about doing the blood tests too.

Rarely go to the doctors so don't have a "family" doctor.

I went to see a doctors years ago about the gyno. They said there's not much that can be done.

Offered no advice so after a long time of research I booked in with Karidis.

Having this in mind I went to my GP for blood tests.

Made an appointment with my GP, went to see him and when I went in there was a fit student doctor there ( she could of left but didn't bother me too much )

I handed my GP Dr. Karidis's letter then explained everything without saying what the surgery was for.

I started then by telling him I came to the doctors years ago ( which is true ) about the problem ( not mentioning what it was for because he already read it on the letter ) but I was told there wasn't much that could be done. With reseach I found I could get it done through the NHS. Which i seriously considered ( which is bullsh*t because it never crossed my mind due to all the negative feedback ) but after lots of research I decided to go private. I then went on the say I know I could of got it free through the NHS but decided private was the better option.

Came at the angle I saved the NHS alot of money by going private.

So I said I've finally got the confidence to get it done and all i need now is the blood tests. At 1st he said well it's kind of naughty if it's private the doctor should of done them for you, especially after I told him the price lol plus he said it was a bit of an over kill on the blood tests. Reckoned I didn't need them all done. After a fair bit of hesitation he said yeah OK and signed it off for me.

Didn't cost me anything and got them all done.

And yes even though the good looking student doctor was there, I was able to sort it all out without actually saying what the surgery was for.

Mission accomplished :)
Surgery with Dr. Karidis - 12th April 2011 - Status: Recovery

Offline ShakerMaker

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I phoned my GP's to ask about the blood tests when I got all the info through from Karidis. The woman I spoke to said that without a proper NHS request form from the surgeon it wouldn't be possible but that didn't sound right so I booked in to see my GP. He already knew about the gyne so I just explained that I'd decided to have private surgery and told him that I needed to get these tests done berforehand and handed him the list. He quickly scanned over them, said 'yep, we can do these for you', printed out the proper form and I was on my way. I took the slip to the hospital the next morning and had the results by the following day.
I think it really depends on your GP and how he/she views the whole situation.

Offline emanresu

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I think it really depends on your GP and how he/she views the whole situation.

Never a truer word spoken. The jerkoff GP I was unlucky enough to see clearly has a problem with the whole concept of private healthcare.

Offline ShakerMaker

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Never a truer word spoken. The jerkoff GP I was unlucky enough to see clearly has a problem with the whole concept of private healthcare.

I know, going by the posts on here I'm pretty lucky to have such a cool GP.

Offline lightweightbaby

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Hi guys, cheers for all your posts been a real help.

I have my consultation on Wednesday then i shall book to see my GP asap and explain the situation and get my blood tests done.

Just a few questions:

1, how soon can i get the op after consultation?
2, can i pay in full on the day?
3,is the updated cost for the surgery still £4300ish?

Thanks again guys

oh and 4, if i cant get bloodtest by GP where else can i get it done? if worst happens can i just pay GP to do them? i cant handle a trip to London just for a blood test!

Offline thetodd

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1. as soon as they can fit you in tends to be 3 weeks, id reccomend getting it done on a saturday personally

2. what in the consultation? yeah if you wanted to you planning to pay with a cheque?

3. Yes

4. Phlebotomist, private blood clinic there are loads of options if you look around
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline lightweightbaby

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i was thinking about booking a couple of days off work and getting it done in the week if he does it then couple of sick days the week after from work.

Can you only pay by cheque? what about debit card ect?

How much does a phlebotomist or private blood clinic cost?

Offline thetodd

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I paid mine on a debit card over the phone, and it got stuck in the ether and it took 7 days to get the money back into my account. So i ended up putting it on a credit card and balancing it at the end of the month. It was a right pain in the arse and i had to get my bank to fax recipts to their finance department it was really stressfull!

If your going to pay with a debit card just check with the bank that there wont be any problems. The problem with having it done in the week that is London is extremly busy on a saturday its much quieter it depends how your travelling i guess but on my surgery my dad drove me up at like 4am on saturday morning. We got a spot right near the hospital for free at 6:30 went in at 7:30 and was out by 5pm and took two hours to get home. Youd never do that in the week!

Prices vary id expect to pay £20-50ish for blood tests

also trains are much more expensive in the week!

Offline emanresu

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1. as soon as they can fit you in tends to be 3 weeks

So much better than the NHS! You'd literally be kept waiting for months, and even then they'd probably only do lipo.

Offline lightweightbaby

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Quick update guys.....

I went to private place for blood today and its cost me £21 so not too bad, so now all i need to do is take the sheet that was in the Karidis pack and give that to the nurse, am i correct? And i don't need the official blood request form?

Soon as this is outa the way it should be plain sailing!!!

Does anyone know of any cheap hotels in the area near karidis? Its either that or stay at my mates in London but i dont want him asking what I'm upto.

Cheers again


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