Author Topic: booked consultation with Dr. Karidis :)  (Read 3412 times)

Offline about2change

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guys finally i have an appointment to see the doc.

7 weeks away! now need to cut down another 15-20kg!

Offline zm

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The appointment is 7 weeks away or the surgery?

Offline ChestMan

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Another 15-20kg! How big are you man? I struggle to lose more than 1kg a mont, even when I'm on a strict diet and exercise regime.

good work on getting your consultation booked.

Offline about2change

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The appointment is 7 weeks away or the surgery?

appointment. Which makes it right after my exams so no worries with other commitments.

Another 15-20kg! How big are you man? I struggle to lose more than 1kg a mont, even when I'm on a strict diet and exercise regime.

good work on getting your consultation booked.

'breastman' I lose weight VERY quickly... On average I've been losing 3kg a week for the past 7/8 weeks. I was obese 2 months ago and now just about fall into the overweight category. If I get rid of another 15-20kg by appointment i'll be within the 'normal' category. And, out of curiosity how strict is your diet?

Offline ChestMan

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about2change, sorry I didn't meant to cause any offence.....I was just surprised at how quickly you can lose weight - good work.

If I am being strict, I cut all carbs except for veggies/salads, up protein to 1.5 - 2g per pound of bodyweight, weight train 4 days a week (mainly compound movements) and do HIT cardio 2-3 days a week. I'll supplement with fish oils, BCAAs, protein shakes, multi-vitamins, gluatmine and Vitamin D. If I do all this, I'll lose about 0.5% bodyfat per week. If I do some low intensity cardio too, I can probably lose more, but I start to burn muscle (which I don't have much of....).  At the moment, I'm not being as strict as I want my diet to be balanced before surgery.

Offline about2change

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about2change, sorry I didn't meant to cause any offence.....I was just surprised at how quickly you can lose weight - good work.

If I am being strict, I cut all carbs except for veggies/salads, up protein to 1.5 - 2g per pound of bodyweight, weight train 4 days a week (mainly compound movements) and do HIT cardio 2-3 days a week. I'll supplement with fish oils, BCAAs, protein shakes, multi-vitamins, gluatmine and Vitamin D. If I do all this, I'll lose about 0.5% bodyfat per week. If I do some low intensity cardio too, I can probably lose more, but I start to burn muscle (which I don't have much of....).  At the moment, I'm not being as strict as I want my diet to be balanced before surgery.

hhaha no offence taken mate.

if you want some advice then i suggest you kick all supplements, protein shakes, multi-vitamins, gluatmine and vitamins from your diet. Keep it natural. eat less (700-800 calories a day) and drink water. that should see you lose 2-3 kg a week.

good luck

Offline zm

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about2change, i can't agree with you more mate.

The science is very simple...simply eat less....

Offline about2change

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well said zm.

Losing weight with all those supplements people use makes it such an expensive experience lol...hardcore running around the park and eating less! losing weight should make life cheaper as you eat less :)

Offline ChestMan

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I think you guys are right - back to basics. I lost a load of weight a few years ago by just running and eating less. I also lost a lot of muscle mass, that why I've been supplementing.  I guess I can always try to pack muscle back once I'm happy with fat levels.

The one supplement I will swear by is Xtend BCAAs. No DOMS.

Offline about2change

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what is "Xtend BCAAs".. sorry I'm really clueless when it comes to these things

Offline zm

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about2 change, they are branched chain amino acids.  In a nutshell, they are taken to help replace nutrients lost during workouts and to build muscles.


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