Author Topic: Booked Surgery for March 1st - A few questions  (Read 2171 times)

Offline Tonytony

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26 Year old ex-fatman here.

Well, like everyone here, I got tired of having man boobs. I used to be overweight and having lost it all I have been left with loose skin on my chest and belly. My man-boobs are both fat and glandular and I have finally got round to doing something about them, as I have hated them for years.

Unfortunately, my surgery is not as straight forwards as I have loose skin also, which has made the op cost just over £6,000. I did talk to NHS but it seems it is a very long and drawn out process without a great chance of receiving the surgery because the NHS is broke.

I have gone with Harley Medical Group, and Dr. Solomos who seemed like a good chap, very straight and direct. He is doing a new type of operation where a donut of skin is removed around the nipple to deal with the excess skin, which is then tightened underneath with gortex stitches which apparently last a lifetime. It’s relatively new territory with Gyne operations but it has the least amount of scarring.

My operation is on the 1st of March. I won’t have anyone around the house to help me and will be taking a taxi home which is a bit scary, but I have around 10 days before I have to return to work.

Thanks to my weight loss, I will have to get an abdominoplasty at some point, but having a normal chest is more important. I am looking forward to actually wearing t-shirts without worrying about a jiggly chest.
I was wondering if I should spend the next month developing my chest muscles a bit more; anyone know if this is a good or bad idea?

Any tips for those who have gone through this operation? Anyone had experience with Dr.Solomos or Harley Medical group?

What are some important questions I should ask to make sure I get everything out of this. I only have one shot and want to make sure I have everything covered.

Thanks :)

Offline thetodd

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Glad for you, haven't personally heard of the doctor so i cant give to much insight on that. It does sound pretty complicated form of surgery, but it does tend to be with skin removal. When you mentioned gore-tex, that interested me because my jackets made of it lol. But yeah ive had a quick read and yeah it seems like its being used in regards to skin tightening, interesting stuff.

I wouldn't bother developing your chest muscles yet, there isnt much point to be honest just eat healthily and do some cardio bit of walking or whatever.

As for work, go to your GP and get a sick note some are a bit arsey about giving out sicknotes but just be persistent and tell them to put "time off due to recovery from surgery". If anyone from HR or your boss asks you what youve had done, just say "id rather not talk about it" they wont ask any further and will assume its something serious, id be surprised if they asked to be honest.

Tell your housemates your having back problems, and your wearing a compression vest to help with the pressure.

Again, i havent had your form of surgery but my first warning would be to expect scarring (maybe permanent) and expect it to be a while before things even out. Ive wrote a few things before about the initial euphoric affect of surgery, but after a few days you can hit a slump when you start to get swelling and your aching this can continue for a while. Take loads of pictures document what the progress is, and think positive.

Best of luck, actually as a side note make sure the doc is supplying you with a pair of compression vests, you may need to buy one yourself if not

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Tonytony

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Thanks for your reply. :)

The surgery has already offered to supply a sick note, so that's taken care of. On this coming week I expect to have to talk to HR as I don't know if my time off counts as sickness or whether or not I will have to use up holiday.

I was thinking I might just say something about a cyst in my abdomen which would explain the extended time off, and the use of a compression vest.

Seeing a scarred, bruised and disfigured chest in the days and weeks after the surgery is one of the things I am most worried about, but I will just need to keep reminding myself that healing will take time and scars will fade.

I suppose I am most worried about blood and drainage, I don't know what it may entail, and how I can cope with it on my own. I have visions of bleeding fluid everywhere and not knowing what to do. Anyway, that's something I can ask the doc.

Offline thetodd

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Depends how you get paid really, if you are paid a salary then most of the time you will get paid sick leave. If this is the case, take it as sick if you dont get paid you may chose to take holidays as sick pay is around £100 a week i think. If you have a sicknote, thats all the proof you need you dont need to justify it.

Drainage isnt that much of a big thing to be honest, it just goes into a pot and thats it wont leak or owt. Any problems a local hospital should sort it.

Offline Tonytony

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Well, the good news there is that my boss just told me that it will be counted as sick leave, which is great news.

Another worry was that I would probably be home alone for a bit directly after my surgery, but it turns out that I will be spending the night at the hospital after my operation.

Anyway, 5 weeks to go!


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