Author Topic: can i keep this a secret??  (Read 2445 times)

Offline dtc78

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hi all,im another newbie so please be gentle and i apologies now if i sound like everybody else!! Thing is having had gyne since puberty,now 31,i decided last year to do something about it. I wasted a fortune trying 'smartlipo' which did nothing whatsoever to my chest. That kinda depressed me as i had built up my hopes that post op id be a new man! I managed to keep the whole thing a secret somehow,from both my family and my gfriend. Is it weird that nothing has ever been mentioned between me and my gfriend about my gyne,i know its def there but she doesnt seem bothered?! Anyway i have now made my mind up im going to have surgery. A few weeks ago i decided to make some appointments for consultations. This was before id found this site! I booked with the Harley,Surgicare and The Hospital group. However since reading this site i have cancelled these apts as i want to go with Karidis,thats even before i have met the guy! Only problem is ive no idea at this stage where im going to get the money from for this op but i really dont care,the benefits to getting rid of these 'bad boys' far outweigh any small debt i might gather! I have stupidly agreed to run the Paris marathon next april so my plan is this...arrange a consultation the Karidis around feb time next year with a view to booking the op for a week after my run. My thinking is i cant do anything soon cos it will affect my training plus by the time the run has come round i will be a bit more trim which apparantly is better for the op?

Anyway will stop ranting now,just wanted to ask if there were any guys on here who have had the op who saw it neccesary not to tell their closest family and friends? Im so embarrased about all this that the thought of telling my gfriend freaks me out. Im going to have to think of a pretty good excuse not to see her for a few weeks post op arent i?? I remember last yr when i had to wear that vest post smartlipo op i somehow managed to blag it and get away with it,i know this op is a lot more severe tho?!!

Im really excited about getting this done and part of me wants to do it now tho i know i cant!!

Also thank you to everyone who has posted on here,finding this website really has made a huge difference to my life!

Offline crazygyne

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I kept it a secret from evrybody, i allways used to wear 2 t-shirts so it was less noticable. then i went with karidis on aug 19 last year and now i have a compleatly flat chest, as i type this im sitting in my room without a top on, something i would'nt of dreamed of doing before the op, the resukts are fantastic even i can bearly notice the incision marks , nobody else has noticed them either so it was well worth the money. Like u said it is a lot of money and i had to save for about 7 months but now the money has gone im still feeling compensated knowing i have a flat chest. just to let u know i had puffy nips, supposedly quite difficult to get good results but Karidis seems to have a great sucess rate at it. Any question mail me , i'll try to answer any concerns u have.

Offline freefromG

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 Im new to this site as well, as in only posted here in the last week but had been an observer for a while.
Anyway 5 days ago i had gyno excision surgery and so far the only person who has ever known was my bro, who agreed to pick me up after the surgery. My main concern about the surgery was exactly the same as yours. I actually had met a girl a couple of months b4 i had even committed to it, well i had to way up what was more important, gettin this crap done with and looking like the 'player type' (because if i cant tell my parents im not tellin someone i have not known for long) or not go ahead with it and regretting not havin the guts to live the way i want.
well i made my decision obviously but if you have been with this girl for some time you should try to bring up the subject with her, im sure she would be super supportive). It will help to have someone that can pick u up, do a few shops for you etc.
you seem like a healthy and fit bloke doing the marathon and all so i totally understand how much of a damper gyne is when you look after yourself and still find it impossible to take off your shirt in public (used to do aquathons- it was shirt of and straight into the water lol)

As for keepin it from my parents, lucky for me they went on hols for a bit, giving me 3 weeks to recover in peace, the only prob being having to wear collared or well concealing shirts to cover the vest for another 3 after that.
As for the surgery itself, the pain was mild really, just uncomfortable, but if they give you some decent painkillers (endone - which is more like taking 3 shots of spirits) you will be able to sleep pretty well for the first few days. i even drove today (despite wht my PS said, as others had been able to drive about the same time and even sooner!) drive like an old dude but thats cool so long as i get there lol.
you should be running about again in 4-5 weeks at the worst.

Good luck mate, i have to say that i was in the same mind as you about 18 months ago, im glad i have taken the risk thus far, even though i dont know the final outcome i would personally prefer to have given success a chance than to have never known.  ;D

Offline dtc78

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Thanks guys,its so good to be able to talk to somebody about this! :) Ive told 2 of my closest mates of my intentions and theyre really cool about it,both have offered to pick me up post op. The thought of mentioning it to my gfriend still freaks me out but im gonna see how that goes nearer the time.

I was just reading a few more posts and was wondering would it make a huge difference if i went with levick instead of karidis? I mean im pretty sure ill probs end up going with karidis but im thinking purely logistical as im coming from manc and obviously levick is in birmingham.

Offline wannabemassive

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Hi dtc78.

If you have not got the money why not go on the NHS?



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