Author Topic: dr wolfe london  (Read 2511 times)

Offline postiey

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not sure if this is in the right board just had a consultaion today, well not with the surgeon but more with like a nurse or assistant. pretty sure i have read on this board that someone went with dr wolfe. just wandaring if anyone has had surgery with him? i only have a small case and was told by him that it was fat but feeling very confused cause another surgeon told me something else. any how would appreciate some feedback from anyone who has been with dr wolfe  in london cheers

Offline Merangue

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Generally it's better to stay away from surgeons who only want to deal with the fat (liposuction). Keep looking for a PS (I searched wolfe on this forum and didn't see any recomendations) and see what the general consensus is to your case. Post some pics when you get a chance too, it'll give us a better idea of your condition.

Offline postiey

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yes thats what i thought havent heard nothing about him really! and felt more like a sales speech, but was really cheap combined to gland removal and to be honest sounded fantastic so am tempted to take a gamble. he apparently is only one of a few qualified in a new technique non invasive. ill try and ger some pics up! i think the most depressin thing is u dont know who to believe. I personally feel quite angry that dr etc say this is a cosmetic procedure where as cosmetic is like asking for pecs. we are just askin to be normal how can they say this is cosmetic beats me. i asked him for photos and he said they do so many different types of procedures wouldnt be possible wich i found off putting. trust me there is know way im going to do it with out seein photos. so the search goes on - thanks for the reply

Offline kingboob

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What exactly is this new technique he is offering?

Many guys have had lipo only and been extremely disappointed;  Lipo only does NOT seem to be able to break up the harder gland type tissues which cause the gyne.

That is why all the good / experienced surgeons are using either an incision around the areola to remove the gland or a cut in the armpit using a special tool which breaks up the gland before sucking it out.

Also, proper surgeons have consults with patients (although it usually costs from £80 to £150), 'nurse consultants' or 'assistants'  are simply sales people reading to you from a brochure........ you want to meet the guy cutting you open before you go ahead........... and they should always be able to show off examples of their work with before & after photos -   keep in mind that any photos you are shown will be of the BEST outcomes, so if the results don't look great then run a mile!

How cheap was the price and what guarantee does that provide if it doesn't go well and you have to go back for seconds?

Offline postiey

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well it was ultra sonic lazer lipo and said u dont even need to be put to sleep, just loclal anaestetic as the incisions are so small the fat or gland then gets lazerd then removed. i have read alot of posts and yes you are right alot of people have been disapointed by liposuction but they think this is  a new lazer a different new technique. i know im sceptical to and really dont like the idea of no pics and wont be goin throught with it without them. um sorry the cost was around two thousand, another thing theyre incisions were goin to be below the nipple has anyone seen or heard of this before? also her job was to see if i was suitable for this type of surgery where as she said i was fine, so she said mine is fat wether that is a sales pitch i dunno. send me ur thoughts cheers

Offline thetodd

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If you didnt have a consult with the surgeon himself, then it was a waste of time! Her job to see if you were suitable ... im sure everyone who walks through the door is suitable in her eyes.

Laser lipo is a very new thing, and the big players like Levick/Karidis arent using it so i wouldn't want to be a guinea pig to be honest. 2grand may sound tempting but i mean this is your body its not a car if anything goes wrong then your going to be scared for life.

a LOCAL for this type of surgery worries me. Trust me you dont want to be up unless its totally necessary id have reccuring nightmares if i was up for my gyne surgery. Its so nerve racking when you go in its unbelievable. If you were having a tooth out yeah a local would be fine but having gland removed sheeeesh!

Have you got a website for the guy, if theres no before and after pics! forget it!

Although its tottally unrelated to your surgery, have a read through this

This guy could be the next big thing in gyne surgery, but i wouldn't want to take the risk seriously!

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline postiey

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thanks for the reply and i know exactly what u mean, its not worth risking and i have seen alot of kardis work and he seems brilliant at what he does. if i had all the money now i would definetly go with kardis but unfortunately will have to wait i think. But i hate the fact that all the main cosmetic groups u have a consultation with a nurse or like a sales person, been to two now once on my own once with a family member.the consultation was on the same day as the opreation as well wich i didnt like, so basically u would have no time to think about it, the nurse was so confident about the results. the good points were how confident the nurse was for results saying all the right things, and they had a payment plan so interest fee wich is always a plus. what a nightmare this thing trully is but totally agree with u its not like buying a car and seein those pics! just makes me think it is so important to do research. thanks again

Offline kingboob

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I would save up to be honest.....  or get a loan and get it done by someone more experienced....... there would be nothing worse than spending 2k and then having to pay another 4k to get the job done properly.

Also having it done under local (probably the main reason the price is so low as well) doesn't sound like great fun and from what I have read laser lipo doesn't have many advantages over normal lipo - I would not be convinced they can get rid of the 'gland' tissue people are normally concerned about.

Offline postiey

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thanks for the advice all of u! think ill try and get my finance sorted then look into it with more experienced surgeon in this field. ill keep u posted. ive been to about three of these consultations now atleast i feel less nervous every time now tho.atleast they have all said i have gyno wich i was wondering at first wether it was all in my head. wish i had found this site years ago im sure i would have sorted it by now.


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