Author Topic: Got the job done!  (Read 2779 times)

Offline Redfox

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Hi all

After two years viewing this board and three consultations with different surgeons I eventually got the job done last week with Dr. Karidis in London. I'm from N Ireland and it was a case of flying over the day before then returning home the day after the op.

Overall, things went well. Arrived at the hospital around 6:50am and was out by 4:30pm. I was looked after with good care by both the ward staff and people belonging to Dr. Karidis. Since the op (just under a week ago) Dr. Karidis and his staff have also been on the phone checking how I'm progressing. At present I'm on arnica tablets, eating well (pineapple is good.. apparently?) and getting plenty of water into me.

I removed the compression vest at the weekend and so far am very happy with the result. There's some swelling and bruising as expected. My arm movement was tight to start with but that's improving everyday. The chest is also quite numb and I don't have much feeling to be honest - but this will improve with massage and manipulation of the area I'm told. The entry incision points are very small (under each arm and under each nipple) and appear to be healing well.

I've included some pics below showing my chest pre- and post-op. I had a good helping of gland and tissue to give me 'boob overhang' and this appears to have been very well removed by Dr. Karidis. A big concern for me was excess skin after the op but I can’t see much evidence of this; it appears to have contracted quite well. My left side was bigger and more was extracted from this area. I'm waiting on the report to see exactly what amount was taken from each side.

I went into this with the mindset that any improvement is good and so far I’m very pleased with what I see. It’ll be several months before I have the ‘final version’ and I’m hoping once the swelling etc goes my chest will look as normal as the next guy. My only regret is not getting this sorted earlier – the times I couldn’t wear a certain item of clothing, show my chest on holiday, always participated in sport covered up etc…. aaaggghhh.... what an idiot!

Anyhow, those days are over……. have a look and see what you reckon??

Pre-op, view of left side showing plenty of boob overhang, unshaven chest -

Pre-op, view showing right breast, unshaven chest -

Pre-op, view showing left breast, unshaven chest -

Pre-op, frontal view, shaven chest -

Pre-op, side view showing left breast, shaven chest -

Pre-op, side view showing right breast, shaven chest -

6 days post-op, frontal view -

6 days post-op, view showing left breast -

6 days post-op, view showing right breast -

Offline linkin

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Wow the results look great mate, even at this early stage! Well done for getting it sorted!

Offline Blue2

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You are on your way now mate! Looks great!! Remember to take it easy and give it time. Early signs are good though. Very pleased for you.  ;)
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK


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Must be chuffed! Definitely flat/normal now! :)

Offline PaulSW

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Looks great from all angles nice job done
Surgery DEC 07 Dr Benito
Revision March 09 Dr Benito
Injection for scar tissue March 2011 Dr Levick

Pictures -

Offline Redfox

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Cheers for the positive comments - much appreciated!! Makes a change from someone saying "hey, you've got a right set of boobs there"... ha ha!

So far, I'm really happy with the outcome. I can't believe how he got the chest so flat, there must be at least an inch horizontal reduction in each breast as the overhang has gone. Pre-op I could feel hard lumps of gland (about the size of jelly beans) and he's clearly got these out.

I'm still quite tender but everyday it gets better. There's a slight indent in the left breast but nothing major. It's very early days, there's still a lot of swelling and bruising to go away and it'll be the best part of six months before I see the final outcome.

I should have got this sorted earlier. A girlfriend of mine first mentioned it (in a funny way) about 8 years ago or so, and I've had other comments since. Not to mention the 'bounce' I had while running or doing sports etc... In all, I'm really glad there was a surgeon who could help me and I got off my ass to get it sorted!

Will keep my progress updated on here.

Regards to all.....


Offline Albion71

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Well done Red Fox. Looking good. The brusing's not as bad as mine was either.

I'm still a bit disappointed with my progress (4 weeks post op), but you're looking in great shape.

Offline bigbiffa

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what was the cost of this redfox?

Offline Blue2

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£4100 with Karidis. Well that's what I paid anyway and I am pretty much redfox paid the same.  ::) Not cheap but worth every penny.  ;)

Offline Redfox

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Blue2 is right, with Dr. Karidis you're looking at £4118 - the hospital charge is £1440 and the surgeon is £2678. There is a requirement for blood tests prior to surgery, these will cost a further £118. I got my GP to do these for free and I passed the results onto Dr. Karidis.

It's not cheap, but if the surgeon pays UK income tax (40%) he's giving about a £1000 to HM Treasury, plus NI contributions and running overheads after that? He still does very well for around 45 mins work however! I read somewhere these guys can get easily take home £1000 per hour... nice work if you can get it!

I was adamant to have the op done in the UK, it was just a case of who with? Mr Levick in Birmingham was around the £4000 mark also (with no compression vests thrown in!). I was quoted around £2500 in Belfast but would have ended up with 50mm horizontal scars either side of each nipple (and the surgeon had done less than ten gyne type ops). Some guys on this site have gone to Poland, Spain etc but that wasn't for me.

After seeing three surgeons my gut feeling was to go with Dr. Karidis, and I'm well pleased with the result so far! He didn't come across as being 'cavalier' nor did he give me any BS or sales pitch. I felt he was truthful, knowledgeable and confident. His technique of going in under each armpit and under each nipple for full access made logical sense to me and I was told he'd done over 550 of these ops.

To be honest, I've put the cost to the back of my mind - just looking forward to having a normal chest, no longer being self conscious, being able to take my top off, not worring if my boobs show through an item of clothing etc.

I totally agree with Blue2, 'worth every penny'!

Offline bigbiffa

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thanks guys. Got an appointment next week with a local plastic surgeon from up north where i live, it costs £120  for consultation and from what i have read on this web site he prob isnt even a specialist in this field. On this forum most people rate karidis, bentio and levrick top guys to see?

Offline Blue2

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Who's the surgeon from up north mate? £120 for a consultation with a non gyne experienced surgeon seems a bit hopeless to me to be honest. Do you have any idea what price the surgery is? I would get yourself on the train down to London and see either Karidis or Benito. Karidis charges £70 for the consultation and Benito is free I think. Both of these surgeons have done hundreds of gyne ops and so are well oiled in the field.

Offline Redfox

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I agree, paying £120 doesn't seem right - especially if the surgeon hasn't been discussed on this site and there's no evidence of his/her work?

Mr Levick in Birmingham is around £100 (I paid this in July 06) and Dr. Karidis in London is £75 (I paid this in Feb 08).


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