Author Topic: Gutted  (Read 3892 times)

Offline chad1721

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This week 2 people have made comments to me about my chest, i was beggining to think that only i could notice it but last Sunday a guy said "nips to me" and tried to give me a nipple twister and yesterday another guy in the gym said " you have the same problem as me with weight on your chest" I am booking my consultation for surgery but won't be able to get it done till the end of July as i have to save up for it! I feel gutted that other people are starting to notice it!

Offline kingboob

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other guys noticing the shape of your chest and commenting on it......   they are probably gay and fancy you.... don't worry about it,   just because  these two noticed it doesn't mean that everyone is, probably most people don't even give you a second glance.

Offline wantridofgyno17

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Have you considered the body shaping vests? I use one and it does give more confidence, makes my chest appear from masculine and less like gyno.. Ive got the underworks one (it looks like any other cotton vest, no one would realize otherwise!) May help tide you over til your surgery.

Offline Sharky

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At 51 I think I have had all the comments from men and women - relatives, friends, strangers and even a Doctor who asked if I had had breast enlargement. A cheap throw away comment by them has left me close to tears and angry so many times. I believe that it is nothing personal - jokes need to have a but for the humour and once it is said I don't think it will cross everyone's minds much in the future. A plus side is that it has always made me more aware of others faults - no one is perfect and I don't add the peoples misery by being cruel. I don't doubt you are the same. I agree with Kingboob - not everyone is aware or interested in your shape however much you feel like that it the case. The end of July is just over 2 months away - hang on in there.

Offline dtc78

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I considered myself to have pretty bad gyno, proper breasts like. Yet when id strip off once in a while at the gym my mates wud say nothing, not batter an eyelid?! This confused me, even girls ive been with have never mentioned it, now i know they may be been polite but im sure id have heard thru the grapevine if it was a noticeable problem. Now some reading this are probs thinking 'i bet he didnt have bad gyno', as i myself have seen guys chests on here and thought 'god i wish my chest looks like that instead of what i have'!! And thats just the point, a lot of it is in our heads cos it manifests over a period of time and churns us up into paranoid wrecks. I recently had a large amount of fat and gland removed by Dr. Karidis so i know i did have a problem and it wasnt in my head, however i dont think people see it as half as bad as we might think it is. Flippant comments made by some people can devastate, but u gotta just think that those saying it usually have their own insecurities that probs cant be cured through surgery.

The minds a powerful and sometimes destructive thing. Like me, i had my op 3 weeks ago, chests swollen but a lot better than it was and it will only get better yet now im stressing about my stomach and how flabby it is! How ridiculous is that, ive spent all my life feeling held back by the gyno, now ive sorted that i still feel held back by something else?!

Offline thetodd

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Chad i had a quick browse through your old posts, could only see one pic but to me ... its a pretty minor case. Im very pro surgery by all accounts but i think for the cash its going to cost you and the time off work and considering your a personal trainer im wondering how you would work around that.

I hear lads say nips and give nipple twisters to lads without gyne, just knee him in the balls next time (assuming it isnt a client though ;)). And as for the comment about weight on their chest some lads chest stick out some dont i think its partly set by how big of a frame you have.

but a fit personal trainer lad like yourself covering up, its a shame. Maybe you could post some decent pics up side on and front on at a symetrical angle. If you really want to persue surgery kardis is your man but just consider it takes ages to heal up fully and karidis breezes past this in the consulation, take it from me and other lads on here. Takes months not weeks!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline chad1721

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Cheers for all the support guys, I think i may have made something out of nothing, I think the guy was just giving me a nipple twister, he didn't realise how sore they are!

As for my job Todd, I don't work as a personal trainer anymore, I work with young offenders, socially excluded and expelled kids, homless people and people living in supported housing, I get them involved with football, gym and other activites to help motivate and use as a platform to engagement in education, employment and indipendant living. I don't have to participate in all activities so I can make my job less practical for 6 weeks after surgery. It is my own training that will suffer most as I wont be able to use the gym for a while!

I will try and post some better photo's, it has got worse since that photo was taken. The problem is I don't have internet at home and can't upload photo's at work as I log on through a terminal server, that photo i posted was already save to my network from a couple of years ago.


Offline kingboob

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Hi, from that picture I have just seen it looks like you were very fit and had a great looking chest IMO.........  if it has got worse over the last couple of years could it just be that you have put a few lbs on, or gained a bit of muscle at the gym?

Seriously, too many people on this site and other cosmetic surgery sites will push the surgery option very hard........  it is almost like they want to encourage everyone to have surgery so they can feel less guilty or umm self indulgent about having stuff done themselves......................................  As Todd says some surgeons will even skip over the healing process (which can be up to a year with some methods) and potential risks & complications........ if you have a minor problem now and have surgery but get an iffy result then it could make you feel worse than before, and often times with scar tissue and whatever it is not possible for even the most skilled surgeon to revise the situation to 100% perfection.

These are all things worth thinking about before having any surgery.   I think in some ways it is easier for guys with huge boobs to make the choice - for us almost any amount of risk or scarring is acceptable just so that we can fit in T-shirts etc.



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Cheers for all the support guys, I think i may have made something out of nothing, I think the guy was just giving me a nipple twister, he didn't realise how sore they are!

As for my job Todd, I don't work as a personal trainer anymore, I work with young offenders, socially excluded and expelled kids, homless people and people living in supported housing, I get them involved with football, gym and other activites to help motivate and use as a platform to engagement in education, employment and indipendant living. I don't have to participate in all activities so I can make my job less practical for 6 weeks after surgery. It is my own training that will suffer most as I wont be able to use the gym for a while!

I will try and post some better photo's, it has got worse since that photo was taken. The problem is I don't have internet at home and can't upload photo's at work as I log on through a terminal server, that photo i posted was already save to my network from a couple of years ago.

Tenderness and breast growth are possible Symptoms of Gynecomastia gland hormonal stimulation that should be stabilized before considering surgery. Surgery does not stop breast growth. Such issues are often best evaluated by a competent Endocrinologist.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline chad1721

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i saw an endocrinologist about a year and a half ago, he assured me that all levels were normal

Offline kingboob

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i saw an endocrinologist about a year and a half ago, he assured me that all levels were normal

An endocrinologist (a professor too), did tests for me an assured me they were normal back in 2006....... later on a more competent doctor reviewed the results and decided they were NOT normal.

Normal is  not a result when it comes to hormones........... ideally you want all the test results (in figures) and the reference ranges............ for instance you could a level of 10.0 with the reference range of 10.0 to 40.0,   Sure you would fall in with 'normal'  but the results could be interpreted differently depending on age, medical history and other symptoms.............................   especially as with something like Testosterone levels should generally be towards the higher and of normal in a young man and towards the lower end in an old man, so a young man with a lowish level could test normal but combined with other info a good doctor may pick up a problem.

« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 11:28:40 AM by kingboob »

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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I think you look fine.

Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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Here is a pic, like i said it is difficult to see as i am cold, nipples usually look puffy.

There is a thin muscle just under the areola that will Flatten Puffy Nipples When Stimulated. Evaluation of pictures taken in a cold room make little sense when the problem is not being shown. That is why I evolved this Standard Photographs for Gynecomastia. Note the section about cold rooms. Follow the printed instructions to better document the problem. We use the same principle in our office and keep our exam and photo documentation rooms at a standard warm temperature to provide consistency from patient to patient and before and after surgery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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