Author Topic: help poland surgery 24th april  (Read 6274 times)

Offline april24th2007

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Hello everyone.  I've been reading this forum for over 2 months now.  I have finally registered and got on it.  This is my first post.

First of all, I would really like to thank all of you who have taken time out to write your diaries on here.  Because of you, I fought of my nerves and made an appointment for surgery on 24th April in Poland.

Is anyone else going to be going to Sublice fro Dr. Baranski's clinic around that date?

Since I've made the booking, I'm feeling very nervous.  Can some of you who have gone recently, please let me know a little information.  The clinic has not given me any instructions about pre-surgery. For example, eating, cothing, medicines, vitamins etc. information.

Furthermore, can anyone tell me how many days after the surgery do the bandages come off?  Or do they get changed daily?

Its important for me to know when the stiches come off?  And will the clinic do this?  Basically, I've gotten 5 days (plus 2 weekend days) holiday form my job.  So I was planning to stay in the hotel near the clinic for a few days and have the bandages removed along with stiches.

Does the clinic give you a compression vest?  Is this vest ok or should I buy a specific one myself?

Most importantly, I am not telling my family or friends that i am going to Poland for the gynecomastia operation, so I wanted to know about the healing / recovery process.  I've seen some picture of people who have little selling but lots of bruising.  Coloured bruising which is noticible and looks painful.  So I was hoping someone could tell me how many days till this goes away and chest looks normal.  In case I have to take of my top in front of family. (we have a small swimming pool and i swim at nights when its dark, they'll start wondering why I'm not swimming). 

On a related topic, how long till I can start sports & activity?

2 points I forgot to ask -how long till one can shower after the surgery?

- I arrive a day before the surgery.  Do I meet with the Dr. Is there an interpreter?

I'm sorry there are so many questions.  But I'm so nervous that the surgery is so close and fast approching and the clinic didn't give me any of this info.

Please help if you can.  Thank you in advance.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
Hi mate
yes its scary on your own
luckily i was with my wife and kid and we turned it into a mini holiday :)
have you read my thread on this subject???

you will meet the interpreter and the surgeon before you have the op (its all in my post which i will dig out for you in a min)

dont take anything with asprin in and take extra vitamin C
the bruising is not painful but looks amazingly cool if you want a sympathy trip :D
stiched 12-14 days after the operation and you can get the nurse at your doctors surgery to take the stitches out for you :)

if you use MSN pm me your msn email and ill add you and you can ask me any questions you like :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006

Offline jmxt2

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good luck man just think it will be well worth it in the end!!  i got mine booked for july20th and already scared lol.  one question for ya ummm did they ask you much about ur problem because i pretty much emaild them and they said what date do you want whitout any real questions. It just concerns me that they will book you in like that.

erm and in replie to one of your questions on their site it actualy says u can get the stiches removed back home if you want.

Offline april24th2007

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thank you very much notfedup.

jmx - change your booking form 20th june to around april 24th!  I think I will be less scared if we are together.  The mail this I am worreid about is that in my entire life I've never broken a bone or had a single stich.  So surgery is scary.  I'm worried I may die or not wake up from the anesthesia.

And yes, its funny that they didnt ask anything.  No personal info, no details about the gyne, not even pics to be emailed.  They just told me to be in sublice before 11 am.  They didn't even give me a time table or what to bring what not to bring etc.

Notfed up, is there a safe to keep your money at the clinic? Also, is there a safe in this hotel called the euro kaliski, because the clinic wants me to bring cash (not credit card). 

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
your only in the kaliski for 1 night and Slubice is a nice quite town with a low crime rate.
in the clinic they will take your money before the op so no need to worry about that either.
Dont worry about the anesthetic :)
Please do read through my posts as its something i was concerned about also but really theres no need to worry :)
They do a blood pressure check at the clinic so please try to stay calm as they will not operate if your blood pressure is high.
If your over 35 i reccomend you get an ECG at your doctors.
I had ECG's every couple of days as my wifes a nurse :)
Was good to show dr baranski my ecg's to let him see i was fit and well :)

Offline want2bhappy

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I am also new to this site and just have a question for '24thApril' How much is the surgery in Poland going to cost? I have booked for May 10th, which I am also very nervous about as I am travel on my own.

Offline april24th2007

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Hey wnat to be happy.  It will cost everything inclusive 1900 euros.  Not including the airplane ticket.
change your date to around april 23rd, 24th or 25th.  I'm dead scared man.  Dont want to go alone.

One more quesiton for everyone: are you guys like me and got gyne at puberty?  I did and it never went away.

Offline jmxt2

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go on riyanair website you will get return ticket for around 35/40 quid! also im the same as you, im worried iv never had to go the doctors or hospital ohh appart for them to look at the gyne and for an ingrown toe nail!  just forget about it as best u can. have you not told anyone? i have told my brother so i atleast have one person to talk to and on here is so helpfull. i would have  gone today if i had the money but at the moment i am having to save for uni and the op.

Offline jmxt2

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oohh and in replie to your last question mines due to me being an idiot and taking roids. i have only hade it a year or so and its not that bad but its bad enough that if i wear a t shirt people comment.

Offline want2bhappy

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I booked the surgery around 2 weeks ago and asked for the earliest possible date - which they gave me 10th May.
They are charging me £1450 with a £250 deposit.  Did you have to book through a lady called Patricia? I know that its cheaper than having the work done in this country but I can't help notice that everyone on this forum has paid a lot less than what I am going to!!
Only me and my partner know about me going away which I think is best.
To be honest I know that its not a very painful operation but sometimes I feel like I dont care what pain I go through, what the place in Sublice is like (even though its supposed to be very nice), how much it costs as long as I resolve the problem - Its crazy how a little bit of extra tissue can drag you down so much.
Im nervous of going but also excited to sort it out!!

Offline jmxt2

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yeh your price does seem higer than most . how did they get to that price? Im not having much luck at the moment i got an email for dates told them wich one i wanted and havent heard anything since : (
did you sort it all out by phone?

Offline april24th2007

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Never heard of patricia.  Make sur eyou double check its the same clinic and doctor.

Not phone, just email.  But they haven't relied since then.  Just sent me one email saying to come on the 24th of April before 11 am.

The not knowing is very scary.

Besides the dude who was on roides, do the others have gyne since puberty?

Offline jonny_g

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April, when did you book your surgery- Is there a relatively short waiting list?

Offline want2bhappy

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Patricia is on the actual website for Dr baranski - when you click on 'contact us'.  She is the rep for England apparently.  How did you book your surgery April 24th2007???
Although I had mild gyne going through puberty I must admit I stupidly took anabolic steroids which has just escalated the problem - You live and learn the hard way I guess.
Jonny_g the waiting list was around 5 weeks when I booked mine around 3 weeks ago and I'm booked in for May 10th


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