Author Topic: how long does it take?  (Read 2762 times)

Offline supersteve2181

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hi everyone
ive finaly had enough of my moobs and want something done about them.i have no option apart from the nhs route as im a skint student.i have quite a severe case,does the nhs automaticaly agree to giving me an op to fix it? if so,how long does the whole process take? im goin on a family holiday in july and it would mean the world to me if i could take my top of on the beach,join in swimming and stuff 8).i am goin to see my gp next week,i went to see him around a year ago and mentioned my gyne to him,,he agreed it was gyne and took blood tests ( to test my liver i think he said). he said back then if it was still botherin me in the future (which it obviously is then to go back and see him and he could arrange an op.
any advice/tips on what i could do to hurry the procces up?

Offline gynegoneforgood

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Well it can be a hit or miss. I myself had a similar situation to you although I live in between fulham and chelsea which have exceptional hospital services and wait times. From GP - Operation I only waited 3months and my operation turned out better then my expectations. Depending ont he precedure they wish to give you or you feel you need (never be afraid to stick in your comments) it usually takes about 30-2hrs depending on any complications. Healing can take as long as a year but general healing will take about 3-5weeks again depends on the precedure and your body. Until you can get an actual operation date everything I say is just on my experience and speculation for your area.  If your in good health, and are an ideal weight it DOES help you get the op faster on NHS. No offense to some of the people who tried the NHS route but they were out of shape and are usually told to "go lose the weight" which only lengthens your wait.

Offline supersteve2181

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after going to see my GP today i now feel pissed off.
after posting my pics on here most said my case was deffo gyne and rated it a 7/10,quite bad!
today i go to see my gp who had a feel and said he thinks its just fat and theres no way the nhs would pay for such an op to fix it,,he said my best bet would be to go private and get lipo,he didnt think i would need excision as he couldnt feel any "tissue".
this is not what i was wanting to hear,my credit rating is not very good so i doubt i will get a loan as im a skint student,lol
if i save i have worked it out that it will take 5 years to raise the money i need.
loan shark here i come,lol

Offline Daniel_uk987

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persistance is the key in most things..
explain to your gp how it is hurting you, that they hurt and it stops u being able to run, swim etc and is generally causing back pains..
I think the NhS are only interested in helping patients like that.

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
please do go back to your doctor and if need be tell him that you considered suicide just to get the baffoon to take you seriously!
if you can get about £1400 together you could go private in Poland
but if i was you and skint id make sure the nhs goive you that op :)
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity


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